Where My American Idol Obsession Began

I do believe that I have broached the subject of American Idol at least once or twice here at A Year Of Shuffling. The guilty pleasure I can't get rid of. I know I spent a good deal talking about this season and maybe touching on a little bit on other season I've watched. Well folks, today allows me to tell you where it all started. Actually it's more of a who started it all. David Cook.

I never really paid attention to American Idol for the first, ummmmm, was it six seasons? I'm going to go with six yes. It just didn't interest me. As a matter of fact I thought it was everything that was wrong with the music business. A group of people who are given a record deal because they're able to beat other people on a reality show. Where's the struggle? Where's the hard work? How come these people get rewarded with record contracts while awesome local bands are stuck being awesome local bands and never are given the opportunity that is handed to these kids?! It really bothered me to the point where I would constantly knock the show. Yes I've proclaimed my love for the music of Kelly Clarkson but that was years later when I discovered how amazing Since You've Been Gone was. It was really non Idol related.

When Shea and I started dating I learned that she was really into American Idol. I believe I kind of loosely touched on my dislike of the show but you never want to trash something you know some one you care about likes. That's just mean. As it happens Shea watched a great deal of football with me our first year together (same year the New York Giants won the Super Bowl), actually Shea continues to watch a great deal of football with me and even informs me of team signings before I find them out. My wife is awesome. But this is all besides the point. As I was saying Shea watched a great deal of football with me our first year together, and as a trade off I agreed to give American Idol a try. I thought I would go into looking to make fun of it, and being really bitter about those on the TV butchering classic songs in hopes of making their very own crappy record. Well I'm not ashamed to admit I was wrong. I was wrong because of one person... David Cook.

I quickly became obsessed with the awesomeness that is David Cook. I was downloading his cover songs off of itunes and playing them in heavy, heavy rotation. As a matter of fact to this day (this is a big admission for me too people) there are three David Cook songs in my 25 Most Played Songs and two of them come from his time on American Idol. His cover of Always Be My Baby is probably the single best thing that has ever been performed on American Idol (that's one), and his cover of Billie Jean (in the vain of Chris Cornell) is actually better than Cornell's (oh my god I actually said that out loud. I'm sorry people it's true).

After experiencing David Cook there was no turning back for me. I was hooked on American Idol and it is one of my favorite things to watch with Shea. As you can tell from previous posts I get really into it, and god forbid if one of my favorites gets voted off. Nothing pisses me off more. Now granted some of the seasons following David Cook's win haven't been as good (actually this years was probably the best season since) it doesn't matter. I can't wait to watch it. It's even more fun when you have specific singers to hate on (looking at you Adam Lambert and you're cover of Ring of Fire).

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Cult of Personality- Living Colour
2. Taking On the World Today- O.A.R.
3. All My Life- Foo Fighters
4. Better Off- Foo Fighters
5. Do the Evolution- Pearl Jam

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