The Solving Of the Deputy Murder

Today kind of sucked. Check that. Today didn't kind of sucked it actually sucked. First off I don't mean to come across as complainy lately it's just there has been a lot going on. Today kept with that motif. I thought that Hudson the Cat was doing better yesterday, and personality wise it was. Unfortunately he didn't go to the bathroom for close to 48 hours and that's a problem. He looked very bloated and after attempts nothing was coming out. I guess this is a serious condition for male cats who have been neutered. Any way I was at work so Shea had to take him back to the vet. The doctor there told us his bladder was really full and unless he had surgery he wasn't going to make it. The surgery involves a cleaning of the urinary section and a reversing of the tubes and stuff to try and prevent it from happening again. Basically Hudson will become a eunuch. Of course we agreed to do the surgery. The whole situation was pretty serious and shortly after Shea left the vet they operated on him. I spoke to the doctor shortly after the surgery (lots of risks trying to put kitties under for surgery) and they said it had went well and that they cleared the blockage. Hudson was in the process of waking up and has to stay there until Tuesday. There is still a chance that this could happen again but it's like a five percent chance. So now Hudson has to be monitored until Tuesday to see if he's going to recover... So yeah that was my day in a nutshell. It's been pretty awful. I'm pretty tired and stressed. Looking forward to seeing my friend on Tuesday though.

Outside of all that there was a song of the day, and it was perfect for the Fourth of July weekend. Actually any time that Bob Marley plays it's perfect. Some people think that his music sounds best during the summer, but I'm one of those people who believe that it sounds good all year round. I can put a Bob Marley record or track on any time of year and feel at peace. For me it has this very relaxing nature to it. I just feel at peace when listening, at peace and happy. It's tough listening to Bob Marley and not feeling happy. I defiantly could have used some Marley this afternoon.

When I was younger (junior high young) I used to believe that I Shot the Sheriff was an Eric Clapton song. It was the only version I had heard. Of course I got older and became smarter in the ways of music and learned that it's actually a Bob Marley song. Is there anything better then self education in music?

Until recently I had a only one problem with this song. I could never figure out who shot the deputy. It comes across as a glaring omission. We learn that Bob Marley (or maybe it's the character of the song haha) kills the sheriff because he's a prick. I don't think anyone could really blame him for taking that guy out, right? Sheriff Brown seems like he's had it coming for awhile. There isn't a lot of information given on the deputy but I'm willing to assume that he was a pretty good guy. So why did he end up dead? Let's break it down.

When I was working at the movie theater I posed the question concerning the mysterious death of the deputy and found the answer that had been alluding me for years. My friend West explained that the sheriff and the deputy came to confront the character of the song. What followed was a gun fight ("there was a fire fight"). We know for a fact (through self admission) that the character kills the deputy, but between those lines we're able to learn that as the sheriff gets shot and dies he gets off one last shot. Unfortunately because he's been hit he's unable to aim that shot and accidentally kills the deputy. Sadly for our character who is going to believe that he only killed the sheriff? Both murders fall on him because there are no witnesses. So to recap. Character kills sheriff, as sheriff is dying he fires one last round and accidentally kills the deputy. This totally blew my mind (pun only slightly intended).

Hoping to have a more uplifting post tomorrow. Things have to become less stressful eventually. I'll keep you guys updated on the status of one Mr. Hudson the Cat. Here's for a better day tomorrow.

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