Garble Garble Song Garble Garble

Garble garble garble (I'm not a big Depeche Mode fan) garble garble garble garble (As a matter of fact I never got into the whole mope rock thing and that includes the Cure) garble garble garble garble garble (this is one of like five Depeche Mode songs that I like... yes Personal Jesus is one of them) garble garble garble garble garble (I like the sound of the song better then the singing) garble garble garble garble garble garble garble (this song does not excite me at all it's very "blegh") garble garble garble (the title of this song makes me think of Lord of the Rings and Gollum. Although I'm convinced Gollum wouldn't use this as a theme song) garble garble garble (shut up Depeche Mode I'm going to listen to some Social D and rock out)

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