Feelin' Home

Writing yesterdays post made me real nostalgic. It started a movie trailer of college memories in my head that lasted pretty much all day, and then I mixed in some beers and I found myself really missing those days. We were at my sisters place for her birthday yesterday and Shea and I were running the beer pong table, and before I knew it I had a pretty good drink on. With a bunch of beers in me I decided that I needed to talk to my buddy Tom ASAP (Tom of Scotty's Boat fame). I had no idea how late it was but was lucky enough to get Tom on the phone. Not going to lie despite my drunken dumbness I had a blast talking with Tom. It also looks like we might be getting together in September to see a show. I find everything about that phone call a success.

So it was with all that nostalgia in my head and a hangover that I turned my ipod over to Shea for the shuffling. It was one of those I have a hangover and really can't handle anything to hard right now. Please just give me something that's not going to make my head explode. It started off with a bit of comedy (one Mr. Denis Leary for those interested) so we skipped to the second track in hopes of finding our song. I think the song actually found me today.

This isn't the version of I Feel Home that played on my ipod today but it's close enough for government work. The version that played through the speakers of Shea's car today comes from a show I went to in Philly with my friend Kristie. It was the first time I had really seen O.A.R. perform an actual show. Yes I had seen them at a festival, but the crappy part about that is it's only like an eight to ten song set and then it's the next band. This was their show. Full set list and all.

The two of us ditched work that day (it was a Friday I think) in order to make the drive down there. Twas a good time, and an even better show. This was during the height of my O.A.R. tape trading days so we listened to a lot of O.A.R. on the way down. On the way back up there was less music and more conversation concerning things like if you were a fruit what fruit would you be (I chose a pineapple I believe). In between the road trip and the show it ended up being a pretty awesome day.

The cool thing about I Feel Home is how spot on it is. The lyrics perfectly peg the feeling of being home with friends and family. I can't help but listen to this song and instantly feel nostalgic for everything. Today it wasn't so much college but our now old apartment. Digesting the song and quietly singing it in my head throughout the day just had me thinking about our apartment and got me a little weepy (this also could be contributed to my hangover). This song just hits a chord in me.

If I was speaking honestly (and why wouldn't I?) this would probably be in my top three O.A.R. songs. I tend to be drawn more to songs that have real emotion in them, and I Feel Home has that raw emotion that I love hearing in bands. For me it's just hearing the band connect with what's being played. Their is a rawness there that almost can't be recreated. The song is being sung through their soul. That's the stuff that I live for. I don't think there was a better song for today then I Feel Home. It fit my mood perfectly.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Knee Deep- Zac Brown Band w/ Jimmy Buffett
2. Devil's Dance Floor- Flogging Molly
3. One Shot- O.A.R.
4. Reach For the Sky- Social Distortion
5. Bar-ba-sol- David Cook

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