Ummm I Can Explain This

So things have been going pretty well with this project. There has been a pretty good collection of songs to talk about and nothing overwhelmingly embarrassing. Well today the list of good songs took a hit as soon as I heard the opening of Trust? I knew I was going to be in trouble. To make matters worse it's not the only Limp Bizkit song on my ipod (there's quite a few more).

First off let me start off by saying I hate Fred Durst. He's a phony and a want to be rapper. What the hell is Fred Durst so angry about?! Every song he writes has some kind of anger issues but when you hear him in interviews he's talking about love and peace and blah blah blah. Talk about sending out some seriously mixed signals. Idiot.

Remember when rock/rap was really in for a minute in the late '90's? It didn't last very long but for a minute it was really popular (as a matter of fact the next song on my ipod this morning was Freak On A Leash by Korn weird, my ipod is super smart). First off I was never a huge Limp Bizkit fan but I do hold them in a special place in my heart. Their cover of Faith would actually make my list of 100 favorite songs of all time, and not because it's a good cover. It reminds me of growing up. We used to get in my buddy Tim's red bronco and go driving around stealing real estate signs and putting them on other peoples lawns (a damn fine time by the way) listening to Faith over and over again the whole time singing at the top of our lungs. As a matter of fact if these car rides had a playlist it would have been Faith, Soul To Squeeze by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and Tainted Love. We listened to those three songs constantly (hitting the roof for that little extra bass), that and maybe Regulators by Warren G. if we were feeling gangster.

Even though Faith reminds me of some really great times it's no excuse for having as much Limp Bizkit on my ipod as I do. For starters have you listened to the lyrics to this song? My god they are so trite. It's like basic rhyme structure, I'm pretty sure this is the type of stuff they teach kids in day care so they can make word associations (and I know because I used to teach day care). Fred Durst wants nothing more then to be considered a real rapper (he even tries to use Method Man as a prop later on this album... it's a failure) but he's such an ass that it's hard for people to get past it. He's so cheese, I don't think anyone ever really took him seriously and that can be seen by the long lasting career of Limp Bizkit (hahaha)

Any way I used to listen to Limp Bizkit before basketball games and track meets but once I got to college the love affair kind of died out. I'm glad for it to be honest with you. It's such fake anger propaganda. It's like "dude you don't have to be so angry all the time, and you're a douche". Just look at the shit they started at the last Woodstock. Talk about totally missing the point and theme of that festival (although in their defense they weren't the only ones... but I do recall them insisting that people break stuff. Pun intended)

Any way if you hate Fred Durst like I do then please listen to Eminem's song Girls. It's ruthless and I don't think Fred Durst ever really recovered from that. Or from doing this.

Selling Out/Pissing Off Entire Fan Base On Live TV 101

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