"I Found A Place Inside A Sound"

So why is it that Bono is the only person cool enough to actually get away with wearing sunglasses/goggles inside? Is it because he's Irish? Or maybe it's because his band has become like a modern day Beatles? It's really kind of irritating to me because when I was a senior in high school I tried wearing a pair of blue sunglasses inside (mostly in the hall and in study halls, I was never that guy in classrooms) and I got ripped for it. It was kind of upsetting actually because I just wanted to be like John Lennon. This should have been the first sign (of many) that I was not Bono (I later tried yellow sunglasses when I went to college and those were met with a little more respect, but alas the only color sunglasses I wear now is traditional. Getting older sucks.)

As you have probably figured out by now todays' song is brought to you by U2, owners of the free world. I mean can these guys do anything wrong? Well maybe not wrong but that last album, No Line On the Horizon, wasn't the greatest, it just didn't have any real singles on it. It was  filled with a bunch of pretty good songs that made a pretty good album. It is from that pretty good album where today's song comes from.

I saw U2 a couple of years ago during the start of their 360 Tour, and this is the song they opened their set with. When I first heard the album I thought it was okay. Not necessarily the best album but there was some good stuff on their. When they opened with Breathe I realised that this song is actually better then I first thought. No one is going to mistake this song as a vocal master piece, and that's okay it doesn't need to be. Listen to the lyrics though. They're a lot of fun (if you can get past the depressing nature of them). Take for example this line

"My pulse is fine but I'm running down the road like loose electricity as the band in my head is playing a striptease... "

It's just a fun selection of words. It's definitely the line of the song that sticks out the most to me.

Since I crossed U2 off my concert bucket list (now Paul McCartney remains and maybe Elton John) I have put Breathe on random rotations in my Want To Hear It Now playlist. Wait? What's that? I haven't mentioned my Want To Hear It Now playlist? Well allow me to explain. My Want To Hear It Now list is a collection of thirty of my favorite songs at the moment. It used to be fifty songs but that proved to be too many. The songs I wanted to hear were buried underneath songs I sort of wanted to hear. I tripped the list down to thirty and things have been better. It's a like a double album, of my current favorite songs. It's aces. Even though Breathe has been on and off the playlist I'm still not fully in love with it. It's a good song but not my favorite U2 yet I still get these urges to hear it. Explain that one to me.

I kind of hold U2 in higher standards. No Line On the Horizon was okay for me but also a bit disappointing. I wish they had stuck with the album they recorded with Rick Rubin (producing genius, and if you have any doubts check out the last five Johnny Cash albums). For some reason Bono's ego and Rubin's genius didn't mesh well I suppose. Maybe one day those song will see the light of day, I bet they're amazing. Well there's hope for their next album as it's being produced with Danger Mouse and that could be a really cool experience.

(Random Thought: How awesome were The Clash?! That is all.)

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