Hello Goodbye Hello Goodbye

Finally a better day. Things seem to be calming down after the trauma that was yesterday and the stress that has been the last couple of weeks (maybe months?). First off the vet called with good news about Hudson. He's peeing on his own and seems to be recovering nicely. We still can't see him until Tuesday, they have to monitor him, but he's doing well. The doctor said he's been aggressive which I thought was weird because he tends to be a pretty calm animal. He swats and hisses at them when they open the door to his quarters and that made me smile. He doesn't care for these people because every time he sees them they cause some sort of discomfort. If I were him I'd be aggressive too. Give 'em hell Hudson!

After the good news phone call Shea and I had appointments to see some homes. We headed out and while we were waiting for our realtor friend to arrive I had Shea hit shuffle. It was a pleasant transaction.

My first thought was it was Penny Lane and I thought that was pretty fitting. Searching for homes and our song of the day had to do with a street, I thought it was a good sign. I even attempted to say as much until I realised that it was actually Hello Goodbye, but I was too late and Shea asked why the song was a good sign. This lead to me explaining that I thought it was Penny Lane and a few minutes of feeling dumb. I blame the mistake on being tired.

The Magical Mystery Tour is close to being my favorite Beatles album. I only say close because there are times where Abbey Road takes my number one spot, but it's usually between the two. It's such a trippy record and really starts to branch into how deep the bands actually sound could go. I love the departure from all the lovey dovey songs and into some darker lyrics and heavier rock like sounds. Don't get me wrong the lovey dovey stuff is a lot of fun too, but when I think of the Beatles I think of the second half their career first.

Hello Goodbye is a cheerful sounding little song that's fun to sing and brightens up the day. It's position in the album is perfect. It was good thinking on the part of the Beatles putting this track after I Am the Walrus. It kind of helps wash it down for those who don't see the absolute genius and awesomeness in it. I could see Walrus being a turn off to those fans who only want to hear the lovey dovey stuff. Hello Goodbye helps to balance out the light and dark tones of the Magical Mystery Tour. For every song that kind of plays on the fringes of darkness (Fool On the Hill, I Am the Walrus, Blue Jay Way) there's a handful of songs to pick the mood back up (Hello Goodbye, Penny Lane, All You Need Is Love).

Hello Goodbye is not a lyrical masterpiece but the beauty of it is it doesn't need to be. Sometimes the simplest songs sound the best. It's got a catchy tune and easy to sing to lyrics. The simplicity of it pulls you in. The Beatles were amazing at giving you a catchy song that would get a lot of radio time that would pull you into the deeper material. Just look at the White Album. You have the simple catchy songs that suck you in and then you find you're listening to Happiness Is A Warm Gun and loving it... there will never be another band like the Beatles.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Spacebound- Eminem (are you kidding me with this song?! It's incredible)
2. Toes- Zac Brown Band
3. Whiskeys Gone- Zac Brown Band
4. El Paso- Taking Back Sunday
5. Won't Back Down- Eminem fting Pink

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