100th Post But 99th Song...Say What?

Today is our first milestone fellow Shufflers. Today is the 100th post of A Year Of Shuffling. I just want that to sit in for a second. 100th. It seems like yesterday I was sitting in my chair at my apartment watching the Foo Fighters documentary, Back and Forth, drining beers, and typing out our jump start on this journey through my ipod. A number of things have changed since then. For starters my chair is in storage, I haven't watched the Foo Fighters documentary in awhile (although I keep meaning to pick it up on DVD), I'm currently not drinking a beer. I know, whoa.

So this is our first milestone in a two day radius. Tomorrow will be our 100th song which is pretty exciting. I'm hoping for something epic but I've got something planned for tomorrow's write up so I don't want to spoil it. I can't believe within these 100 posts the page currently has over 1500 hits, a handful of followers, been read internationally (I know right?), and has kept me writing every day. On top of that I've redsicovered some songs that have been lying dormant on my ipod for awhile. Yeah it's been a good 100 days.

So with this milestone almost in the books I think it's time to turn our attention to the song of the day, in case you've forgotten that there is a purpose to my ramblings. I guess you haven't forgotten since you keep coming back to the site.

There was a hot minute where I was a pretty big Smashing Pumpkins, it was during the minute where they owned the music world. In between the time Siamese Dreams and once Infinite Sadness had exhausted itself. Yeah for that time period Smashing Pumpkins were the shit. I remember I had my Mom pick up Infinite Sadness for me the day it came out at Sam Goodey's. Yeah remember that place? Over priced music at it's best. Kind of like FYE for you youngins.

My love with Smashing Pumpkins was pretty much with the singles and a handful of songs off of Sadness. It was a long album and there were a couple of songs that stood out that weren't released as singles. As I grew up I stopped listening to them. I couldn't handle Billy Corgan's voice any more. There is only so much of it one can take and I think I did my time during junior high. It just kind of grates on one's lobes after an extended period of time. Plus the band shattered in on itself and it just wasn't fun listening to them anymore. Side note I had a girlfriend in college (yes the same one who loved Counting Crows) who used to play Adore frequently. I was around it a lot so I kind of grew to like it. Since breaking up with her and leaving college I haven't heard that album once. I don't think I do either (insert shiver here).

Drown is a good Smashing Pumpkins song but for the life of me I can't remember it. It's no Today or 1979 but it's still a good song. The version I have comes off the Greatest Hits album which puzzles me because if the song was good enough to make the Greatest Hits album wouldn't I remember it? Oh well I don't plan on losing sleep over this.

The band sounds tight here and Corgan's vocals aren't too annoying. It's a good song that really doesn't blow your mind, although I do enjoy when the distoration kicks in and Corgan raises his voice a bit. Unlike U2's Miami, Smashing Pumpkins makes good use with the time of the song and knows when to kick it into gear so the song isn't lost upon it's listeners (look kids I made a connection).

Tomorrow is our 100th song, be pumped Shufflers. It's a celebration bitches (well at least acknowledgment that we've made it pretty far in the journey).

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