I Kissed A Girl... and I thought It Was Pretty Rad Too

Exhausted. That without a shadow of a doubt had to be the word of the day. Especially this morning. I belt someone had hung me on a clothes line and just went at me with a wooden stick. Sleeping on the floor was even worse last night because I had to be up wicked early for work (I find that I use the word "wicked" more when I write then when I speak. It's my inner Bostonian.) and I woke up at 4:30, 5:15, 5:40, 6:00, and finally at 6:10 to get ready and clear out any of the remaining crap out of the apartment. If I'm excited about anything today it's sleeping in a cushion like surface. Bed or couch I don't care! Just please be soft.

As of today Shea and I are no longer living in apartment C-5. It's a bittersweet day. The apartment had kind of run it's course and we're looking for our first house together, which is incredibly exciting. We saw the apartment kind of as a money pit and have since vacated. Despite how terrible the packing process was I still got choked up leaving this morning. Tremendous memories of that place will be had (this sentence is weird not sure if I like it, but I'm going to keep it because I like this little note). It was our first place together, we got engaged there, it was our home. Tons of little things that are super important to me but probably means nothing to you guys (Bear and Girl Olympics I and II). With that in mind I am super stoked about finding a house and making it our own. As one chapter ends a new one begins.

On top of the end of moving Hudson the Cat seemed to be doing better today. He was responsive and moving around so that was a plus. A huge part of the suck of yesterday was the fact that I was worried about my furry little friend. He has such an out going personality and I didn't care to see him the way he was yesterday. Luckily though he seems to be on the road to recovery.

This morning I was too tired to listen to anything other then sports radio. Mike and Mike was interesting enough to keep me away and quite enough to rest my mind. It was one of those rides where a specific volume needed to be reached in order to keep me from driving my car off a pier (for the record my route to work is pier free for those interested...now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure if that's a true statement). I wanted nothing to do with music until I was ready, and this was seen with how long it took me to put the music on at work (usually it's one of the first things I do).

As the day went on I got my third, fourth, and fifth winds and was able to truck on through. An unplanned nap at lunch helped just a tad. I was trying to read A Storm of Swords but my eyes kept saying "you crazy". I gave in to my eyes. Embarrassing though I drooled a bit and I'm worried that I might have been snoring. Eeeeep not sure if anyone heard though. If they did no mention was made to me (of course if they didn't witness it they just read about it so I suppose my cover is blown).

When I got in my car I was ready for my ipod. I had it all mapped out. I was going to listen to the song of the day and then put on some Zac Brown Band (so disappointed that it took me so long to find this group...sick) and drive myself to job number dos (that's Spanish for two). I didn't even wait until I got on a long stretch of road before I hit shuffle. I was at my second or third traffic light I hit the button and waited to see what was going to happen.

I started laughing almost instantly. Actually the fact that it played still has me laughing. First off I make no regrets about having this song on my ipod. I Kissed A Girl was/is a fun song to listen to, and who amongst us doesn't have a guilty pleasure bone for Katy Perry? As a matter of fact at my sister's wedding my brother in-law, Tim, told me during Fireworks that Katy Perry is his new guilty pleasure. It used to be Mariah Carey but not it's her (sorry to out like that Tim but I fear it was relevant to the post). She writes catchy music people!

Here is the great thing about Katy Perry... I Kissed A Girl should have been another Thong Song or Baby Got Back. It's a gimmick to get people to buy the record, and that's okay. Usually these types of songs result in brief careers and lots of mentioning on VH1. The great thing about Katy Perry is she was able to make a whole career off of this song. She has pushed out hit after hit after hit since I Kissed A Girl was released, to the point where it's kind of an after thought. There's a bit of nostalgia when you hear it but she's totally on to bigger and better pop things. I think I read the other day that she's close to breaking Michael Jackson's pop Billboard record. Michael F'n Jackson. That's a pretty big deal people.

I can not tell you with a straight face that this is my only Katy Perry song or the only version of I Kissed A Girl I have. I downloaded the Unplugged version she did because the itunes sample made it sound like she made a lounge version out of it, when truth be told the first verse is the on lounge part and then it switches back to the regular sound. Disappointing because the first half of that version is pretty cool.

I also can't deny the fact that just because it isn't on my ipod doesn't mean I don't like it. Here a A Year of Shuffling Confession... I like Katy Perry songs. They're catchy, have the same basic structure, and don't piss me off like other pop music. I've made my peace with it, maybe if you're ragging on me for liking it, it might be time for you to start being honest with yourselves. Release those guilty pleasure skeletons from your closets. If you can't be honest with yourself who can you be honest with Shufflers? Who?

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