Look Kids You Can Hate Fred Durst Too

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot more Eminem than usual. I haven’t really listened to him as of late so it’s been fun re-discovering a lot of his music. Actually I think it was the discovery of the awesomeness of Space Bound that set this whole thing off. It seems that the focus off of the Recovery album was Love the Way You Lie, and don’t get me wrong that song is excellent. The hook is incredible and Eminem sounds so focused and just kills it. For me though (“for me dawg…”) Space Bound might be the best track off the album. Eminem raps with such emotion and he raps on fire. Not to mention the hook grabs a hold of you and is a great punctuation to each verse. I can’t stop listening to it lately (although I sometimes confuse the hook with the hook from I Need A Doctor). As a matter of fact I’m listening to it as I type this.

Outside of Space Bound I just picked up the Bad Meets Evil album and while it’s a straight hip hop album and I don’t see a lot of singles coming off it this might be the most fierce I’ve ever heard Eminem. Oh. My. God. His delivery and his flow on this album is ridiculous. I haven’t heard him this hungry since the Eminem Show.

So with all that being said I was quite pumped to hear Girls this morning when I hit shuffle. Not only was it an Eminem song (technically it’s a D12 song but I digress), but it’s also one of my favorite Eminem songs. When I was a senior in college I really got into the whole Shady/Aftermath beef thing. I was buying mix tapes and reading all the stuff on the interwebs to get all the info. If I’m going to get involved into something I’d like to have as much info on it as possible. Although the beef with Ja Rule wasn’t really fair. There was no way Ja Rule stood a chance in this fight. Just wasn’t on par with either 50 or Eminem here so it wasn’t much of a battle. Yet I dug it completely. Who cares about Ja Rule? Shred him up good.

So when I discovered Girls as the bonus track off of D12’s first album I got pretty pumped. Eminem’s battle with Whitey Ford was kind of a one sided affair too. It was one guy who was clearly much more talented to the other and used it to bury him in a bunch of tracks (one of my favorites being Eminem’s version of 2Pac’s Hit ‘Em Up). But it also led to this beef with Fred Durst and DJ Lethal. To my knowledge this is the only song where Eminem goes after them full force, but after listening to it I don’t think there’s much else that needs to be said.

Limp Bizkit is a guilty pleasure but I can’t stand Fred Durst. The dude is such a phony. So I thoroughly enjoyed the lyrical slaps that Eminem hands out to him here. It’s just a big “shut the hell up Fred Durst” and there is no way for him to come back from it. Again it’s almost like the bigger fish picking on the smaller, weaker one but in this case who cares? Fred Durst is a douche, there I said it. And it was long over due someone knocking him down a peg or two…or three.

The best line in this song is “You fuckin sissy, up on stage, screamin how people hate you/They don't hate you/They just think you're corny since Christina played you”. Check and make. Also I like the line where he mentions doing the song with Method Man begging to be accepted into the rap universe. It just makes him look so pathetic and fake.

There’s not much to be said about this song because the lyrics are so clear. I don’t know what you call it, but I do take pleasure in the shredding of Fred Durst. It makes it seem like there is some sort of justice in the world. At least someone else agrees with me. Also this song makes a point of telling people not to piss off Eminem. He just keeps rollin, rollin, rollin (yes pun plug).

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