Accidental Rock Concert In My Car

One of my all time favorite things in life has to be the unplanned rock out session in your car. You know the moments I'm talking about. You throw the ipod on so you have something on while you're driving. You may not be looking for anything specific but you just want it there. The next thing you know the volume is full blast and you're singing at the top of your lungs. Yes, you just fell victim to the unintentional rock out session. This morning I found myself being found guilty of such an act.

I had to open at work this morning so it means up I'm even earlier than usual. That's fine I really don't mind. I get myself an Arizona Iced Tea at 7-11 and away I go. I've really enjoyed this week from a football stand point because every morning there is something new to be reported. So a.m. radio has been a great deal of fun. Lately I've been finding the opportunities to put my ipod on a little tougher. There's so much news pouring in I don't want to miss it, and the afternoon is even worse because I've been working all day and I'm sure I've missed some stuff. So I have to time between the commericals. That kind of got thrown out the window this morning.

I've been listening to Licensed To Ill on heavy rotation as of late. I've always said if I could only take five albums with me on a deserted island that Licensed To Ill would defiantly make that top five. Without a doubt it's one of my all time favorite albums, and to me it just sounds best in the summer time. If there was a book about making an awesome debut album 101 this would be at the top of the list. It should be the inspiration to any one trying to make their first album. The bar gets set high here. Listening to that has spawned off a lot of Beastie Boys listening in general for me (I think I have any where between five and six Beasties songs on the Want To Hear It Now playlist), so when Shadrach started playing this morning there was very little keeping me from transforming into the worlds greatest rapper. I don't know about anyone else but when I'm in the car and a rap song is on... I said god damn! I kill it. It's especially fun with a Beastie Boys song because I get to play different roles. Best. Time. Ever.

One of my favorite things about the Beastie Boys is the one liners in their songs. Each verse tends to have one and they're quick but they always make me chuckle. Today it was the "I've got money like Charles Dickens" lyric. For some reason I think that's the funniest thing ever, and even went so far to make it my Facebook status. Unfortunately no one else really saw the humor in it. I boo all of you by the way because that shit is gold.

Shadrach, Shake Your Rump, and Hey Ladies kind of plays as a trilogy of songs for me. They all have that same energy and my that same under tones in the beat. I don't know but I've always associated these three songs together. Maybe it's because they're all on Paul's Boutique (that does seem like the very obvious answer doesn't it?). It doesn't matter because I can't listen to one without the other. So after my ipod was done with it's awesome shuffling (live versions of Low Light and Leaving Here by Pearl Jam followed) I quickly switched over to my Beasties playlist to continue with my rock fest. Success was had by all. Even some of the cars passing me on the highway seemed to be getting into it. Well... they were at least noticing me get into it, and I think that's all that really matters in the grand scheme of things. Because in my car... it's all about me.

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