Where My American Idol Obsession Began

I do believe that I have broached the subject of American Idol at least once or twice here at A Year Of Shuffling. The guilty pleasure I can't get rid of. I know I spent a good deal talking about this season and maybe touching on a little bit on other season I've watched. Well folks, today allows me to tell you where it all started. Actually it's more of a who started it all. David Cook.

I never really paid attention to American Idol for the first, ummmmm, was it six seasons? I'm going to go with six yes. It just didn't interest me. As a matter of fact I thought it was everything that was wrong with the music business. A group of people who are given a record deal because they're able to beat other people on a reality show. Where's the struggle? Where's the hard work? How come these people get rewarded with record contracts while awesome local bands are stuck being awesome local bands and never are given the opportunity that is handed to these kids?! It really bothered me to the point where I would constantly knock the show. Yes I've proclaimed my love for the music of Kelly Clarkson but that was years later when I discovered how amazing Since You've Been Gone was. It was really non Idol related.

When Shea and I started dating I learned that she was really into American Idol. I believe I kind of loosely touched on my dislike of the show but you never want to trash something you know some one you care about likes. That's just mean. As it happens Shea watched a great deal of football with me our first year together (same year the New York Giants won the Super Bowl), actually Shea continues to watch a great deal of football with me and even informs me of team signings before I find them out. My wife is awesome. But this is all besides the point. As I was saying Shea watched a great deal of football with me our first year together, and as a trade off I agreed to give American Idol a try. I thought I would go into looking to make fun of it, and being really bitter about those on the TV butchering classic songs in hopes of making their very own crappy record. Well I'm not ashamed to admit I was wrong. I was wrong because of one person... David Cook.

I quickly became obsessed with the awesomeness that is David Cook. I was downloading his cover songs off of itunes and playing them in heavy, heavy rotation. As a matter of fact to this day (this is a big admission for me too people) there are three David Cook songs in my 25 Most Played Songs and two of them come from his time on American Idol. His cover of Always Be My Baby is probably the single best thing that has ever been performed on American Idol (that's one), and his cover of Billie Jean (in the vain of Chris Cornell) is actually better than Cornell's (oh my god I actually said that out loud. I'm sorry people it's true).

After experiencing David Cook there was no turning back for me. I was hooked on American Idol and it is one of my favorite things to watch with Shea. As you can tell from previous posts I get really into it, and god forbid if one of my favorites gets voted off. Nothing pisses me off more. Now granted some of the seasons following David Cook's win haven't been as good (actually this years was probably the best season since) it doesn't matter. I can't wait to watch it. It's even more fun when you have specific singers to hate on (looking at you Adam Lambert and you're cover of Ring of Fire).

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Cult of Personality- Living Colour
2. Taking On the World Today- O.A.R.
3. All My Life- Foo Fighters
4. Better Off- Foo Fighters
5. Do the Evolution- Pearl Jam

I'd Rather Talk About My History of Rap Playlist

If there was ever a time where I wasn't feeling the song of the day today is that day. I don't know how to explain it. Shea and I are up in Pennsylvania again for the weekend and it just seems that Harry Chapin is just missing it's target audience today. I feel bad because I happen to like this song, and I do love Harry Chapin but I'm just not feeling it today dawg. I guess things like that are to be expected right? I do have over nine thousand songs on here, it was only a matter of time before a song came on that I really didn't care about. Wait that sounds harsh. I do care about the song... I just don't care about it today. So I'd rather write about the playlist that I'm currently working on.

I don't know how many of you guys have seen Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake do they're History of Rap bit but it's incredible. Four minutes of condensed rap awesomeness with Fallon and Timberlake killing it. Here check it out

So this got me thinking... I need a History of Rap playlist on my ipod. I actually don't know how I haven't done this yet. It seems academic. Making this playlist also works really well in my favor because I do have a lot of cheesy good rap songs floating around with no home. With this playlist I can throw them all together into a happy home filled of rap awesome. The playlist is currently sitting at twenty-five tracks and I'm pretty pumped. Allow me to share with you what I've got... I'm very open for suggestions.

1. Can't No Body Hold Me Down- Puff Daddy and Mase
2. Just A Friend- Biz Markie
3. Juicey- Biggie
4. Nothing But A G Thang- Dre and Snoop
5. Insane In the Brain- Cypress Hill
6. Jump Around- House of Pain
7. Jump- Kris Kross
8. We Trying To Stay Alive- Wyclef
9. Empire State of Mind- Jay-Z
10. Baby Got Back- Sir Mix-A-Lot
11. Paul Revere- Beastie Boys
12. It's Tricky- Run DMC
13. Rappers Delight- Sugarhill Gang
14. My Name Is- Eminem
15. Don't Believe the Hype- Public Enemy
16. Ms. Jackson- Outkasts
17. Gold Digger- Kayne West
18. Let Me Clear My Throat- DJ Kool
19. Here Comes the Hotstepper- Ini Kamoze
20. Scenario- A Tribed Call Quest
21. Wu-Tang Ain't Nothing To Fuck With- Wu-Tang
22. Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice
23. California Love- 2pac and Dre
24. Zealots- Fugees
25. Fresh Prince Of Bel Air- Will Smith

I'm sure this list my aggravate my hip-hop purists but I can't help it. It's so freakin' fun to listen to. Be my guest Shufflers and steal this for your own ipod. Lower your windows, recline your car seat, put some dark shades on, and just bump it. Good times to follow.

(Side Note: My apologies to Harry Chapin and my blatant ignoring of his song today.)

Accidental Rock Concert In My Car

One of my all time favorite things in life has to be the unplanned rock out session in your car. You know the moments I'm talking about. You throw the ipod on so you have something on while you're driving. You may not be looking for anything specific but you just want it there. The next thing you know the volume is full blast and you're singing at the top of your lungs. Yes, you just fell victim to the unintentional rock out session. This morning I found myself being found guilty of such an act.

I had to open at work this morning so it means up I'm even earlier than usual. That's fine I really don't mind. I get myself an Arizona Iced Tea at 7-11 and away I go. I've really enjoyed this week from a football stand point because every morning there is something new to be reported. So a.m. radio has been a great deal of fun. Lately I've been finding the opportunities to put my ipod on a little tougher. There's so much news pouring in I don't want to miss it, and the afternoon is even worse because I've been working all day and I'm sure I've missed some stuff. So I have to time between the commericals. That kind of got thrown out the window this morning.

I've been listening to Licensed To Ill on heavy rotation as of late. I've always said if I could only take five albums with me on a deserted island that Licensed To Ill would defiantly make that top five. Without a doubt it's one of my all time favorite albums, and to me it just sounds best in the summer time. If there was a book about making an awesome debut album 101 this would be at the top of the list. It should be the inspiration to any one trying to make their first album. The bar gets set high here. Listening to that has spawned off a lot of Beastie Boys listening in general for me (I think I have any where between five and six Beasties songs on the Want To Hear It Now playlist), so when Shadrach started playing this morning there was very little keeping me from transforming into the worlds greatest rapper. I don't know about anyone else but when I'm in the car and a rap song is on... I said god damn! I kill it. It's especially fun with a Beastie Boys song because I get to play different roles. Best. Time. Ever.

One of my favorite things about the Beastie Boys is the one liners in their songs. Each verse tends to have one and they're quick but they always make me chuckle. Today it was the "I've got money like Charles Dickens" lyric. For some reason I think that's the funniest thing ever, and even went so far to make it my Facebook status. Unfortunately no one else really saw the humor in it. I boo all of you by the way because that shit is gold.

Shadrach, Shake Your Rump, and Hey Ladies kind of plays as a trilogy of songs for me. They all have that same energy and my that same under tones in the beat. I don't know but I've always associated these three songs together. Maybe it's because they're all on Paul's Boutique (that does seem like the very obvious answer doesn't it?). It doesn't matter because I can't listen to one without the other. So after my ipod was done with it's awesome shuffling (live versions of Low Light and Leaving Here by Pearl Jam followed) I quickly switched over to my Beasties playlist to continue with my rock fest. Success was had by all. Even some of the cars passing me on the highway seemed to be getting into it. Well... they were at least noticing me get into it, and I think that's all that really matters in the grand scheme of things. Because in my car... it's all about me.

Christmas in July

There is something seriously disconcerting about Christmas music playing outside of the December window. It seems unnatural and mutant like. Once O Holy Night started playing my first instinct was to laugh... then I started to think how many crazy people in the world are currently listening to Christmas music because their nuts? I don't know if I could trust or friend a person who does such crazy things.

A month a go I chose to listen to Elvis's Blue Christmas because I was in a Elvis mood and I was just curious to what it would be like to listen to a Christmas song out of season. It was enjoyable but out of place. This was different though. Christmas music is important but maybe it should be removed from the ipod until Christmas season. Things to think about.

Remaining Faithful

I'm going to start off with a Random Music Note. Whoa... how unconventional I know. What would could possibly cause me to start off with a Random Music Note and not conclude? Is it the possibility of today's song being bad? Spoiler alert it's not. Could it be I've stumbled upon some cool music news that I simply must share with you the public? Spoiler Alert it's not. Could it be I couldn't think of an opening and this was the best transition I could come up with? Spoiler Alert... yes that's exactly it.

With O.A.R.'s new album coming out next Tuesday I've been listening to the band that was a bit more lately. A lot of their older stuff mixed in with their new single/song, Taking On the World Today. I went to http://www.oarsa.org/ to check out what some of the recent set lists had been and stumble upon a version of the band doing a cover of Adele's Rolling In the Deep. It was done on a satellite radio show here in New York. I was instantly intrigued and downloaded it. I have to say I like it. Does it hold the power and intensity that the original has? No but it's a fun little rendition. Instead of back up singers there's a small horn section and the band has given the song a kind of up beat, ska/reggae esq vibe. I was pleasantly surprised. Here's hoping that the band continues it's road to redemption with me because if King sucks I don't know if I'll be able to forgive them. So far they're one for two with a nice little bonus track on the side. We'll know more on Tuesday I suppose.

Now to the heart of the matter. I'm starting to develop a cold. Again no this has nothing to do with our song today but when I hit shuffle this morning I had no symptoms of a cold and when I left job number dos (that's Spanish for two) I could feel it in my head. What up wit dat? Makes no sense how the immune system works. On top of that summer colds are the worst. Your body temperature is all thrown off with the cold and it's freakin' hot. They're is no happy medium. Times like that I just want to spend the day soaking in the shower. Did I stumble upon some cure for the common cold? No but I like taking soaks when I get sick.... just feels nice.

I feel like I'm getting a little to personal here. I'm sure you really don't care about "soaks" or summer colds, and I'm not even sure if you care about O.A.R.'s cover of Rolling In the Deep. Although you should because it's pretty good. So in good in fact I think I'm going to include it. It's my site I can do what I please.

A lot of rambling tonight. Must be the cold. This mornings song also comes from the first Pearl Jam show I ever went to. It's funny with all the Pearl Jam songs I have on my ipod that the last two have come from the same show, which also coincidentally happens to be the first show theirs I ever went to. Weird right?  (Note this isn't the version I have on my ipod but still good)

The playing of Faithful helped to further prove the mental power that my ipod and I share. Yesterday Pearl Jam released the trailer for their up coming documentary, and like any good fan of course I watched it multiple times. It looks incredible and I can't wait for this thing to come out (along with a book and soundtrack.... saaaaaaaaaay what?). Needless to say this put me in the Pearl Jam mood. My ipod recognized this and provided me with a song to satisfy my needs.

Faithful would probably make my top 25 Pearl Jam songs. It comes off of Yield (depending on the day either Yield or No Code are my favorite Pearl Jam albums) but I prefer the live version. It's one of those songs that feels good with a crowd. For me personally it's the end of the song.

We never listen
Voice inside so drowned out
Drowned you are, you are, you are ev-er-ything
And everything is you
Me you, you me, it's all related
What's a boy to do?
Just be darling and I will be too
Faithful to you
For me it's the "Just be a darling and I will be too" line that really gets me (at my core people I'm a hopeless romantic). It's just sung so tenderly and I love how the music kind of drops out and gets rather soft.

The live version is especially better because of the use of the word "fuck". I know how childish right? No. I just love the line "the man upstairs is used to all of this fucking noise I'm through with screaming". The imagery is awesome. The frustration of unanswered prayers because all the other prayers are drowning them out and He is used to blocking things out. It's just a really cool image to paint, and the inclusion of the word "fuck" here helps to punctuate that frustration.

Faithful works as both a soft and hard (that's what she said?) Pearl Jam song. It blends both styles in smoothly and allows a fickle Pearl Jam fan to come off satisfied. You have the soft verses and then the more agressive chorus with some distortion and heavy guitar chords. What more could you possibly want from a Pearl Jam song?

Possible the Worst Song of the Journey

If nothing else I have tried my hardest to be honest with you guys here. I feel that the entire intergrity of the project depends on me being honest about the songs that call my ipod home. Once I start to hide that honesty over embarassment or some other silly reason then I might as well stop shuffling. This morning I was a bit suprised when this came on...

Now I have never denied that I am a lover of cheesy music. I love guilty pleasure songs...hey they make the world go round don't they? While I love guilty pleasure songs I need to make something very clear... I hate Nickleback. I can't stand them! It's the same song over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. These guys haven't written anything original in quite some time. They kind of remind me of Creed. A band that puts out a bunch of pop singles that are garbage but sell really well. It makes no sense. Maybe it's the simplistic crappiness of it that draws people in. Or maybe it's the fact that they're Candian.

Acutally a side confession there is one Nickleback song I chose to download...Figured You Out. I actually kind of like that song. It's not good but I sort of like it (I feel that this confession helps to further prove my cause of not knowing how the hell this song made it on my ipod).

This song sucks. How the hell did it make it on my ipod?! Seriously. I never downloaded nor would I give out money for this. I think the song is supposed to be a social commentary on what it's like to be in a rock band. This is where it puzzles me because Nickleback is not a rock band. Soundgarden is a rock band. Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers are a rock band. Nickleback is a pop band with guitars. These guys wouldn't know the first thing about being rock stars. Just because they party in a hotel once in awhile or maybe even get drunk while on tour doesn't make them rock stars. For some reason thinking of Nickleback portraying the rock star life is kind of joke to me. It's like saying it makes sense for Greedo to shoot first. There's nothing more appealing then a band who doesn't deserve the fame they have talking as if being a rock star is the worst occupation ever. Shut up Nickleback... Go Away!!!

Seriously who put this on my ipod?! I hate you...

Garble Garble Song Garble Garble

Garble garble garble (I'm not a big Depeche Mode fan) garble garble garble garble (As a matter of fact I never got into the whole mope rock thing and that includes the Cure) garble garble garble garble garble (this is one of like five Depeche Mode songs that I like... yes Personal Jesus is one of them) garble garble garble garble garble (I like the sound of the song better then the singing) garble garble garble garble garble garble garble (this song does not excite me at all it's very "blegh") garble garble garble (the title of this song makes me think of Lord of the Rings and Gollum. Although I'm convinced Gollum wouldn't use this as a theme song) garble garble garble (shut up Depeche Mode I'm going to listen to some Social D and rock out)

Two For One Deal

Yesterday was a busy day and I didn't have time to write a post. Of course I hit shuffle to find the song of the day but never had a chance to sit in front of a computer and type something up. I had to work until like two and then my sister in-law was having her 30th birthday party so it was straight there for some good time shenanigans (who would have thought quoting Lord of the Rings frequently out of context would be so much fun?). So now I have the "daunting" task of writing two posts today. Instead of separating it though I thought I would try and make one uber post covering both songs. This isn't something I plan on doing a lot but it helps for today.

Here's my problem with Watch Me. By no means is this a bad song. Jay-Z has a steady flow throughout the coure of the entire song and the chorus is catchy. My problem stems from the fact that it's labeled as a Jay-Z and Dr. Dre collaboration, and I feel a little ripped off to be honest. Yes Jay-Z is rapping over a Dre beat which is pretty awesome, but Dre is also listed as rapping on the track. This is where it seems a little misguided. When you have two heavy weights like Dr. Dre and Jay-Z on one track I want to hear them sharing verses, feeding off each other. That's an ideal pairng to me. What I don't want is what happens in the Watch Me, which is Jay-Z raps the entire song and Dre takes care of the hook. Now it could be me but when you have some one with the name and the star power like Dr. Dre wouldn't you want him doing more than the hook? Seems like such a missed opportunity here.

I get that the real collaboration here is the flow of Jay-Z and Dre's beat here, I just feel there could have been so much more here. I'm not looking for Guilty Conscience or anything but these two should have been shredding it up together. Rap collaborations are funny because you either get songs where the two rappers just feed off each other and it kills or you get a song where there is so much promise and then you hear the track and it's "what was the big deal here?". There's no happy medium.

(Side Note: I just downloaded a new O.A.R. song, Taking On the World Today, and it's the first O.A.R. song I've really liked in quite some time... maybe there is hope for this next album after all. Hmmmmm)

The opening of this song made me think it was a Red Hot Chilli Peppers song. The groove just sounded like something they would produce. Once the song starts to kick into gear it becomes clearer and clearer that it's not a RHCP song. I actually don't remember this song all too well. As a matter of fact I don't listen to this record all too often. I wouldn't say it's my least favorite Kings of Leon record (that would be their latest release), but it also would be ranked as my favorite. So it's one of those albums by a band you like that gets medium play time. That album where you just take the songs you like off of it and throw them into a playlist.

What I do like about this album, Because Of the Times, is the band gets a little more aggressive sounding. The distortion gets cranked up and there's a bit more screaming here. I just found it to be harder than the other albums and it makes me want to re-think the album as a whole and go back and listen to it. Going to make it one of the goals for the week.

I also hear a bit of the Pixies in My Party which would make sense because Kings of Leon have been known to cover the Pixies from time to time at their shows. There's not a lot of lyrical substance here (I'm pretty sure he wants us to know that it's his party... crying optional I suppose), but the song does rock. That's good enough for me. Sometimes you just need to turn on that song or album that just shit kicks. I'm not looking for lyrics right here but I am looking for heavy guitars, distortion, and loudness. I love those moods.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Cadillac Pussy- Kid Rock (also has now become an awesome mixed drink)
2. Untitled- Eminem (dear God this song is ridiculous)
3. Rhinestone Eyes- Gorillaz
4. New Style- Beastie Boys
5. Bar- Zac Brown Band
I'm not sure where you're reading this from but here on Long Island it's freakin' hot. I mean hot hot. Best way to explain it is as soon as you step outside it's like someone throws a hot, wet, dog fur blanket on you (I apologize to those of you who read this on my Facebook status. Yes it's a repeated joke but I thought it was worth the repeat). It's so hot that you can't even think and the very notion of stepping outside is enough to make you want to jump in a tube of ice. You know one of those ones that athletes use to cool down after games? I always wondered about those. Wouldn't you think that the water would be so cold that it would throw the body into shock maybe even killing a person? I don't know it just looks so cold. Yes cold enough to possibly kill.

I did things a little differently today. I was very interested in Mike and Mike this morning because I want to know when we're going to have football. I'm tired of hearing when people think we're going to have a season, I would much rather hear everything has been signed and approved and that the season is a go. On top of that I can finally get things ready to start my fantasy football league. So with that in mind I didn't take my ipod out until after work. It was a different feeling and I'm not sure if it's one I'll be repeating. I just really like hearing the song in the morning. It gives me all day to digest it and come up with clever things to say for your eyes.

Today's song comes from Mars Volta and it's "eh". I probably don't need this whole album on my ipod maybe just a track or two, but it boils down to the fact that I hoard music. I don't know if I've ever listened to this album from start to finish, I'm sure I have but that's the kind of impression it left on me.

Here's my problem with Mars Volta... some of their songs just go on too long. Right when it hits the point where you've enjoyed the song and would like to listen to it again, maybe, it keeps going. That's the worst. Let the song end on the high note. Please don't drag it out and beat in public. I hate dragged out songs. Don't get me wrong I love long songs when it fits the song, but songs that get drawn out just grate on my nerves. Is today's song one of them? No. Did I forget about it two minutes after it ended though? Yeah I think I did. Was looking for more today especially with the heat. Ice Ice Baby would have been ideal or maybe Hot Hot Hot. Why isn't my ipod more aware of weather conditions? Something I'm going to have to work on.

Pistol of Fire

Today was a long day and to be honest I don't have a lot of energy to be writing a long post. I'm currently watching the season finale of LOST season 4 and trying really hard to muster up the energy to write a post for you guys. I feel like today kicked my ass pretty good. It was weird too because I had a late start to work and you would think with less hours to work I wouldn't feel so beat up. Wrong. That's not important though. All that's important is getting this post done and this finale (Sayid is now breaking Hurley out of the mental home..."check mate Mr. Eko")

Aha Shake Heartbreak is my favorite Kings of Leon album. I'm aware that some would argue that Only By the Night is and it's a tough argument considering the success that Night had and the number of awesome tracks on it (come on Revelry is freaking incredible). Aha Shake is such a dirty, gritty, absolutely fun album to listen to from start to finish. There isn't one song on this album I don't like, and I love how there really are no "singles" here. It's just a bunch of shit kicking songs comprising of thirty five minutes of musical goodness.

The difference between Aha Shake and Only By the Night in my opinion is the band sounds like they're having more fun playing and jamming on Shake. It's got this backwoods driving back roads feel to it, the lyrics are catchy and quick. The songs aren't drawn out here. It's three to four minutes in your face and then on to the next track.  What I like about Pistol of Fire is there isn't a lot of lyrics here. It's a lot of repeating the same lyrics but it doesn't matter because it's catchy and fun to sing along with. Especially if it's summer time, you have sunglasses on, and the windows done. Yeah that's what it's all about.

I would say that Aha Shake is a tremendous summer album. Yes it's a great album to listen to all year but it really shines in the summer. I feel the same way about Licensed to Ill by the Beastie Boys. This is one of my all time favorite albums and sounds good all year, but man does Ill just live for summer time playing. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to compare Shake and Ill because it can't be done (Licensed To Ill is iconic and lets be honest leagues better), but if you're looking for a solid summer record to throw on look no further.

Our 100th Song

Traffic was flowing smoothly. It was cool enough this morning crack the car window instead of using the AC the whole way. This would change half way through the ride but I didn't care. Mike and Mike were on their second commercial break of the morning. Well it wasn't their actual second commerical break but it was the second commerical break I heard. I grabbed my ipod and turned it on, my hands damp with anticipation. Milestone day. 100th song day. This was going to be sweet.

So many possibilities are running through my head. It could be A Day In the Life or maybe Dazed and Confused, hell, Jump Around would be pretty sweet too. Then on the flip side a bit of sweat covers my brow. What if it's something far more sinister. Something that could shake the very foundation of A Year of Shuffling. I couldn't imagine getting to the 100th song and having it be the Thong Song. Just doesn't do the moment justice.

With all this running through my head I hit shuffle. Almost on accident. Was I ready for it? It was too late to second guess myself. I turned the volume up and waited...

I took a minute to digest it. This. Is. Pretty. Good. Yes I can get on board with Billy Joel for our 100th song. It comes from the twelve shows he played at Madison Square Garden, and I was at the first one. There's even a chance that I was at this show. I can't back it up but if you turn it up and listen to it real carefully you might be able to hear me sing or yell at some point. Shhhhhhhh There I am.

As I'm listening the memories of how much I love this song are flooding in. Yes this version Billy Joel is a lot older and can't hit the notes like he used to, but that doesn't matter. A Billy Joel concert isn't about his vocal power. It's bout singing his songs as loud as you can while he plays the piano. Duh he's the Piano Man.

I saw O.A.R. at Jones Beach one year (I can't remember which) and they did this as a special cover for Long Island.They said they learned it specifically for that show. I thought that was pretty cool. Years later they would perform it in Colorado and I was like "what up wit dat? Colorado don't know nuttin' bout fishing". For the record I never talk like that... well not seriously.

I sing along early in the morning which is a rarity. Usually as I drive I just listen there has to be something really good on to get me to actually open my mouth and allow singing to fall out of it. I think I got caught up in the occasion. My high school mascot was/is a Bayman so I would always get excited when I heard this song when I was younger. It was like Billy Joel was singing directly to me. He wasn't but it was still cool.

A hundred songs in and I think our mile stone song was better then our first song (shhhhh don't tell Obie Trice that or he might shoot me). A Long Island singer for a Long Island listener. Yeah pretty sweet. One hundred in tomorrow we trek towards two hundred. Should be interesting.

100th Post But 99th Song...Say What?

Today is our first milestone fellow Shufflers. Today is the 100th post of A Year Of Shuffling. I just want that to sit in for a second. 100th. It seems like yesterday I was sitting in my chair at my apartment watching the Foo Fighters documentary, Back and Forth, drining beers, and typing out our jump start on this journey through my ipod. A number of things have changed since then. For starters my chair is in storage, I haven't watched the Foo Fighters documentary in awhile (although I keep meaning to pick it up on DVD), I'm currently not drinking a beer. I know, whoa.

So this is our first milestone in a two day radius. Tomorrow will be our 100th song which is pretty exciting. I'm hoping for something epic but I've got something planned for tomorrow's write up so I don't want to spoil it. I can't believe within these 100 posts the page currently has over 1500 hits, a handful of followers, been read internationally (I know right?), and has kept me writing every day. On top of that I've redsicovered some songs that have been lying dormant on my ipod for awhile. Yeah it's been a good 100 days.

So with this milestone almost in the books I think it's time to turn our attention to the song of the day, in case you've forgotten that there is a purpose to my ramblings. I guess you haven't forgotten since you keep coming back to the site.

There was a hot minute where I was a pretty big Smashing Pumpkins, it was during the minute where they owned the music world. In between the time Siamese Dreams and once Infinite Sadness had exhausted itself. Yeah for that time period Smashing Pumpkins were the shit. I remember I had my Mom pick up Infinite Sadness for me the day it came out at Sam Goodey's. Yeah remember that place? Over priced music at it's best. Kind of like FYE for you youngins.

My love with Smashing Pumpkins was pretty much with the singles and a handful of songs off of Sadness. It was a long album and there were a couple of songs that stood out that weren't released as singles. As I grew up I stopped listening to them. I couldn't handle Billy Corgan's voice any more. There is only so much of it one can take and I think I did my time during junior high. It just kind of grates on one's lobes after an extended period of time. Plus the band shattered in on itself and it just wasn't fun listening to them anymore. Side note I had a girlfriend in college (yes the same one who loved Counting Crows) who used to play Adore frequently. I was around it a lot so I kind of grew to like it. Since breaking up with her and leaving college I haven't heard that album once. I don't think I do either (insert shiver here).

Drown is a good Smashing Pumpkins song but for the life of me I can't remember it. It's no Today or 1979 but it's still a good song. The version I have comes off the Greatest Hits album which puzzles me because if the song was good enough to make the Greatest Hits album wouldn't I remember it? Oh well I don't plan on losing sleep over this.

The band sounds tight here and Corgan's vocals aren't too annoying. It's a good song that really doesn't blow your mind, although I do enjoy when the distoration kicks in and Corgan raises his voice a bit. Unlike U2's Miami, Smashing Pumpkins makes good use with the time of the song and knows when to kick it into gear so the song isn't lost upon it's listeners (look kids I made a connection).

Tomorrow is our 100th song, be pumped Shufflers. It's a celebration bitches (well at least acknowledgment that we've made it pretty far in the journey).

Things Afroman Taught Me This Morning

I learned some really valuable lessons this morning, and they came from such an unexpected source. Afroman informed me of things that I always thought weren't done because people were deadbeats but this whole time people weren't doing the following because they got high:

1. clean your room (I thought this was because your ass was lazy and a slob)
2. didn't go to class (it wasn't because you were hungover you were high)
3. didn't go to work (which leads to firing which leads to selling dope kids)
4. prevent you from important court hearings (cause court is stressful and getting high isn't)
5. not running from the cops (this confuses me as getting high doesn't encourage running)
6. licking... well you know (come on)
7. paying for your car (because your spending money on getting high)

Now hear me out folks. People sing this song as this pro getting high anthem. While I was listening this morning I'm pretty sure that this song isn't a pro high song. At least in lyrics but those who listen to it and I even believe those singing it believe it to be. This confuses me because they're the ones who wrote. I guess they forgot because they got high.

Welcome to Miami

U2's Pop is a tricky album. First off I admire the balls it took to release it. U2 is a super group who have an established sound and a hugely established fan base. So if it's not broke don't fix it, right? Not in this case. On Pop they change they're sound up a bit for a sound that doesn't really fit the band to be honest. Off the album there are two songs that really are any good (Starring At the Sun and Last Night On Earth). So where does that put today's song, Miami? Well into the not so good category.

Here are my problems with this song. First it's about a minute and a half to long. It's too quiet (can anyone really hear Bono?) and the payoff comes way to late in the song. Again this has to deal with the song's length. If it was shortened about the pay off (where Bono starts to raise his voice) would have the effect the band is looking for.

I was talking with my brother in-law, Paul, about the song and he was telling me that Miami actually sounds different live and that the band realised that they had something there but blew on the album and corrections have been made. This is comforting. I've only seen them once though and they didn't play it so I can not attest to this. Alas.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. The Ballad Of Sal Villanueva- Taking Back Sunday
2. Raspberry Swirl- Tori Amos
3. Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp- Kid Rock
4. Untitled- Eminem
5. Don't Wanna See Your Face- John Butler Trio

Johnny Cash Provides A Nice Back Drop

Shea and I are up in the house in Pennsylvania for the weekend. I love it up here, it's so relaxing and it's nice to be away from the rest of the world for a little bit. Although I will tell you fellow Shufflers I'm impressed that we made it up here after the tiredness that followed Harry Potter at midnight. I was exhausted post work as was Shea. We got up here at twelveish I think, and manned up for some serious board game action. Twas a good night overcoming the tired. Like I said I love it here.

We went seeking an adventure after we woke up and started driving to a near by town (by near by I mean forty minutes) and I brought my ipod with the intentions of having Shea be the Guest Shuffler, but I got excited and hit instead. I know what an ass. I don't know if excited is the right word. I'm just used to hitting it myself and force of habit drove me to it today I suppose. Shea can shuffle tomorrow.

Ring of Fire couldn't have provided a better back drop to being up here. I love listening to Johnny Cash while we spend time up here, and a lot of the time when we're driving up the mountain to get to the house we'll put some Cash on or something from the Cold Mountain Soundtrack. These my friends are the things that make the world go round.

I'm not going to say a lot about Ring of Fire, I mean what can be said it's awesome and I think everyone knows why, there's still a lot more relaxing to do before we return to Long Island tomorrow. But I find Ring of Fire to be the perfect song to be playing before an old west shoot out. Not the song that plays during it mind you but right before. Picture you're in the saloon and the band is playing it. Can you hear the horns? You try to get a shot of whiskey and the bartender foolish spills it on the hombre next to you. You offer to buy him a shot to make up for the bartenders clumsy hands. The shots are poured and he does his but slaps yours out of your hand before you can do it. Say what?! The band cuts out mid horn section. It's shoot out time Shufflers. Yes these are seriously the thoughts I have while listening to Ring of Fire. It's a great song to cut out when shit does down in the saloon.

Picture you're gunfight scenario Shufflers. What song is playing? What caused it? Doesn't hearing Johnny Cash before things get real almost make you feel a little better? Like you've got back up... or maybe two pistols. Maybe I can talk Shea into taking us to one of the bars... I'll play Ring of Fire on the jukebox and hope to get into a gun fight western style... All I need is a gun first. Hmmmmm

Going Back To the Start

I don't exhausted is that right word for how I felt this morning. Here was my morning in a nutshell. There was nothing that was going to keep us from seeing the midnight showing of the final Harry Potter film so Shea, me, my sister, and a bunch of friends bought tickets and readied ourselves for the impending awesome. One thing I really wanted to do this year was re-read those books. I had never read them all together in one shot and it had been awhile. It turned out to be one of my favorite things of this year. I had so much fun reading them, so this year has kind of been a Harry Potter year for me. It was nice being their at midnight for the final movie, it was like my journey came full circle or something. I won't get into a long critique of the film though. I really enjoyed it and that's all that matters to me. Did it change some things and leave others out? Yes. Was it enough to ruin the experience for me? No I don't think so. Although I will say this. The last two films work best as one giant film. I can't wait to get this one on Blu-Ray and watch them together. It'll be epic.

All Harry Potter geek outs aside we didn't get home 'till three o'clock in the morning. The kicker was I had to be up at six to be at work by 7:45. Yeah that's right...tired. Scary fun fact to share with you fellow Shufflers...I started nodding off while driving. That's super scary. I kept fighting it and fighting. Windows open, AC up. Windows open... it was very nerve racking. When I was in within fifteen minutes of work I thought it would be a good idea to hit shuffle. The song of the day would be something that would help me stay awake. It always peeks my interest, but today I was to tired to fully appreciate it. I listened like a zombie.

As the hundredth song comes closer I realised that this is our first Foo Fighters song and it comes off of their brand new album, Wasting Light. While the final Harry Potter film brought my journey full circle, the Foo Fighters kind of have that feeling for me with a Year of Shuffling. It was during their documentary Back and Forth that I started writing the first post to kick start this little adventure. So it makes me smile thinking back to sitting in my chair in my apartment, drinking some beers, watching the documentary, and typing up the first post. I'd say that was a good night.

Speaking of good, Wasting Light is my favorite album of the year so far. I know that I said I would discuss my five favorite albums of the year, but I'm having a tough time doing so. Maybe I'll do my top ten favorite songs? I don't know I'm still fleshing out the details. Wasting Light from start to finish is an excellent album, and one I haven't been able to stop listening to since it's release. Made me realise how fun it is to be a Foo Fighters fan.

Arlandria is one of my favorite tracks off the album, and it's the simplicity of it that I love. During the chorus there's a simple one-two drum beat, the lyrics of the chorus are easy enough to remember and fun to sing along to, and the song itself has a steady feel to it. Not to mention that Dave Grohl sounds awesome in all aspects of this song. He is completely on point throughout the course of Wasting Light and here he has that bite and edge to his voice that make this song jump off the album.

Plus I love how he brings in a theme found in a lot of Foo Fighters songs in the middle. The use of "Virginia" can be heard in a number of Foo songs since the second disc of In Your Honor (for starters check out Virginia Moon with Norah Jones). But what is "Virginia"? Is it the state? Is it a person? Well folks I have that answer for you... it's the state of Virginia. That's where Grohl grew up and I believe has a a home there. I like themes like this though with bands. Dave Matthews Band has the same thing with "Grace" who I believes is his wife (but don't quote me on that).

There is a lot of good on Wasting Light, actually there is a whole lot of good on Wasting Light. For my generation and maybe for this younger generation too although they might be too young and ignorant to know it, Dave Grohl is our biggest rock star. This guy has his hand in everything. He can play everything, and he seems to be as down to earth as possible. Anything he touches I need to listen to. Wasting Light isn't so much an amazing Foo Fighters record as it is a celebration of the epicness of Dave Grohl. Or as some have told me, my doppelganger. You be the judge.

A Second Try At A Post

I wrote a long, good post for today's song and then the site deleted as I went to publish it. Pissed off doesn't even begin describe how I feel. Actually I don't feel like trying to recreate it at all. So allow me to give you the song and some highlights of what I originally wrote before the crushing non-publishing.

1. I love Patrick Stump's voice.

2. I hate Pete Wentz. He's not a lead singer, he's a bass player. Shut up and play bass. On top of that I don't think the internet needs anymore pictures of your junk.

3. What A Catch Donnie is like a Fall Out Boy swan song.

4. I love how this song pulls in the choruses from the majority of Fall Out Boy singles (like Dance, Dance and Arms RaceI)

5. I thought Patrick Stump's solo album was "eh". Should have been much better.

6. I hate the song titles that Fall Out Boy gives their songs. They usually have nothing to do with the song, and just comes across as an attempt to sound clever. Just give the song a normal name, play it, and shut the hell up.

7. Patrick Stump's voice sounds incredible here. I can't believe this man is able to hit these types of notes. Also why is he allowing Pete Wentz to act like a front man. GO AWAY PETE WENTZ!!!!

And Welcome To A Year of Shuffling... Billy Joel

Coming from Long Island it's in my blood to be a Billy Joel fan. It's like living in Maryland and not liking crab. It's like living in Boston and not liking clam chowder. It's like being from Philly and not being a douche (sorry to my Philly fans but...you guys booed Santa Clause). Billy Joel is mainstreamed into the DNA of most Long Islanders. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

It's funny as we're approaching our one hundredth song (yeah that little mile stone is only five songs away people) that this is our first Billy Joel song. That's kind of exciting because I have a pretty large Billy Joel catalogue (although I was looking today and I have a lot of repeats...need to clean that up). Chuck Klosterman put it best when talking about Billy Joel. Billy Joel is cool because he doesn't try and act cool. He just doesn't care what you think of him or his music (which happens to be really, really good people. He's a Hall of Famer people!). I think that's part of the draw.

Just the Way You Are isn't just our first Billy Joel song, but it also happens to be my parents wedding song. Actually I think it was a very popular wedding song upon it's release (in 1977). It's a sweet song and my first thought is always of my parents. Actually I have no other memories to this song other then the fact that it's my parents wedding song. There are some songs out there that just make you think of certain thing or certain people. They are steadfast and will never change. Just the Way You Are is one of those songs. It will always remind me of my parents, and that makes me smile.

There is a certain art to choosing a wedding song. Speaking as someone who was recently married, it is not an easy task. Shea and I had a number of songs that were kind of "our song" so we had sort through them and see what fit best. We decided on Harvest Moon after careful consideration, but the decision didn't come until the week before the wedding. Looking back at our wedding and our dance I don't think it was possible for us to pick a more perfect song. Getting married in late October, the room, the people... it was perfect. Not to brag or anything of course.

When choosing your wedding song you want to make sure that you find the song that encompasses the moment and you as a couple.I've been to weddings (actually a wedding) where the song was kind of "I'm sorry what song are they dancing to?" moment, and it was awkward. There is nothing worse than a wedding song flop. I think I'm going to search Google for the strangest wedding songs ever. That's a fun little research project.

Just the Way You Are is one of those songs that were written to be a solid wedding song. I think if there was a list of the top songs to be considered to be used for weddings it would be in the top ten. But for me it will never be anyone elses song, this one belongs to my parents. It's almost not a Billy Joel song anymore, it's my parents wedding song first (for that's the memory I've always had attached to it) and a Billy Joel song second.

Trying To Improv On An Improv

Today's song (if you can really call it that) is Improv by Pearl Jam. It's not really a song though which makes this kind of difficult. It comes from a 2003 show at State College which at the time was boasted as being the longest Pearl Jam show ever (I believe it clocks in at three and a half hours over three discs or was it four?). All it is is the band screwing around for three minutes in the middle of the set. It's a bands way of free styling I suppose.

Improv or songs like it tend to be something the band does often when live. It's that nice filler in the set that helps lead into the next song or the band just feels something and wants to explore it. There is a level of fun to the song and the fact that it's not on an album nor will it be makes it a little special. There's the possibility that the Improv you're seeing might be the only time that specific Improv is being played. Actually if they played the same Improv at different gigs then wouldn't that discount it as an improv? Isn't improv supposed to be something that comes off the top of your head? Like comedy? How many more times can I say improv in this post?

Like I said it's hard to write about a "song" that doesn't really mean anything. There is no real story being told in the lyrics. Improv songs are just unfleshed out thoughts of music that could have been. At least with comedy it leads to laughs. In music it just seems to lead to something that could have been awesome. Then again what do I know? How do I know that the band wasn't inspired by their little Improv and used it as the basis of a new song (for the record I like to believe I have a great understanding of Pearl Jam and I haven't noticed this tune or lyrics in anything else of theirs). Improv is just a tease of something that could have been. Fun to hear live yes but leaves you wanting more in almost a teasing like manner. That's just mean.

Note: The version of Improv used on this post isn't the version that played on my ipod this morning. I was unable to find it on the interwebs and thought one improv was really as good as any other.

Sympathy For My Ear Lobes

I have a lot of problems with the song today. There are some songs that shouldn't be touched. I don't want to seem like I'm anti-cover songs because nothing could be further from the truth. Discovering a good cover song is like finding gold nuggets in the river when trying to build sand castles (I'm sorry what?). Take for example David Cook's cover of Mariah Carey's Always Be My Baby. This song has no business being as good as it is, but Cook knocks it out the park. He totally takes the song and transforms it into his own. Same goes with Sara Bareilles's version of (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay. Here she takes a classic song and still manages to make it her own, and not offend the original. That's the trick of a good cover. Make it your own and not offend. That doesn't happen with this Guns N' Roses butchering.

First off I like Guns N' Roses, or at least the majority of their songs. I wouldn't call myself a Guns N' Roses fan but come on who doesn't have some of their stuff on their ipod? While I like a number of their songs I want to make it clear... I hate Axel Rose. I actually think I might dislike him more than Fred Durst (I know). Sorry of all of you GNR fans but the dude is a scumbag like a million times over. From screwing his drummers girlfriend in the studio and recording for a song to walking off stage in Germany (?) because he felt upstaged that James Hetfield was set on fire and had to be rushed to the hospital. There's just a laundry list of reasons why Rose sucks at being a human being.

I believe that this version of Sympathy of the Devil was released for the first time on the Greatest Hits album. It should have stayed buried in a vault. For starters it offers nothing new. There is no new spin on the song, it provides nothing jaw dropping. Yeah Slash lays down a pretty wicked solo, but when does Slash not lay down a wicked solo? Rose's mumbling at the start of the song is supposed to come off as sort of dark and sinister but instead comes off sloppy. I'm convinced that either he doesn't understand the song and only wanted to record it because the word "devil" was in the title or he was afraid of the biggness of the song (with it being a Rolling Stones song and all) and that's why he never released it. It's placement on the Greatest Hits record is clearly a marketing technique to get us the public to buy the record. Boo.

Devil is a timeless song that really doesn't give room for variety. That song will always be that song, the only thing you might be able to do it acoustically but I even think that would work here. The Stones own this song and the fact that GNR thought that they could do it justice or do it better is a testament to Rose's arrogance and douchey-ness. Stones covers would fun to listen but I don't know if I want to hear anyone else trying to take on Beast of Burden or Start Me Up. Now that I'm writing this I don't think anyone should be doing covers of the Stones. It just doesn't work. I can't think of one good cover of a Stones song outside of someone doing Wild Horses (which works really well with a woman's voice).

So lets sum it up. GNR songs good on their own. GNR covering the Stones bad. And Axel Rose sucks out loud all the time.

Feelin' Home

Writing yesterdays post made me real nostalgic. It started a movie trailer of college memories in my head that lasted pretty much all day, and then I mixed in some beers and I found myself really missing those days. We were at my sisters place for her birthday yesterday and Shea and I were running the beer pong table, and before I knew it I had a pretty good drink on. With a bunch of beers in me I decided that I needed to talk to my buddy Tom ASAP (Tom of Scotty's Boat fame). I had no idea how late it was but was lucky enough to get Tom on the phone. Not going to lie despite my drunken dumbness I had a blast talking with Tom. It also looks like we might be getting together in September to see a show. I find everything about that phone call a success.

So it was with all that nostalgia in my head and a hangover that I turned my ipod over to Shea for the shuffling. It was one of those I have a hangover and really can't handle anything to hard right now. Please just give me something that's not going to make my head explode. It started off with a bit of comedy (one Mr. Denis Leary for those interested) so we skipped to the second track in hopes of finding our song. I think the song actually found me today.

This isn't the version of I Feel Home that played on my ipod today but it's close enough for government work. The version that played through the speakers of Shea's car today comes from a show I went to in Philly with my friend Kristie. It was the first time I had really seen O.A.R. perform an actual show. Yes I had seen them at a festival, but the crappy part about that is it's only like an eight to ten song set and then it's the next band. This was their show. Full set list and all.

The two of us ditched work that day (it was a Friday I think) in order to make the drive down there. Twas a good time, and an even better show. This was during the height of my O.A.R. tape trading days so we listened to a lot of O.A.R. on the way down. On the way back up there was less music and more conversation concerning things like if you were a fruit what fruit would you be (I chose a pineapple I believe). In between the road trip and the show it ended up being a pretty awesome day.

The cool thing about I Feel Home is how spot on it is. The lyrics perfectly peg the feeling of being home with friends and family. I can't help but listen to this song and instantly feel nostalgic for everything. Today it wasn't so much college but our now old apartment. Digesting the song and quietly singing it in my head throughout the day just had me thinking about our apartment and got me a little weepy (this also could be contributed to my hangover). This song just hits a chord in me.

If I was speaking honestly (and why wouldn't I?) this would probably be in my top three O.A.R. songs. I tend to be drawn more to songs that have real emotion in them, and I Feel Home has that raw emotion that I love hearing in bands. For me it's just hearing the band connect with what's being played. Their is a rawness there that almost can't be recreated. The song is being sung through their soul. That's the stuff that I live for. I don't think there was a better song for today then I Feel Home. It fit my mood perfectly.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Knee Deep- Zac Brown Band w/ Jimmy Buffett
2. Devil's Dance Floor- Flogging Molly
3. One Shot- O.A.R.
4. Reach For the Sky- Social Distortion
5. Bar-ba-sol- David Cook

One of the Best Nights Of My Life

A trip to the past. A trip to one of the greatest nights of my life. A trip that's triggered by the music of Boston of all bands. A trip I would like you to take with me...

It's the summer in between my sophomore year in college and my junior year. I've just taken the ferry over into Connecticut and I'm waiting for my friends Tom and Lauren to pick me up. I believe the game plan for tonight is to go to the dock where Tom's parent's have their boat and party over there. It sounds like a good time. The ferry docks before Tom and Lauren get there so I hang out in the parking lot for awhile. It's mostly empty and just a tad bit creepy. Luckily they arrive before I start to really freak out.

Before we head over to Mass we stop at a local hotel so Lauren can pee. There's a wedding going on so the three of us seem really out of place but we don't care. We haven't seen each other since the semester ended so we're pretty excited. We drive all the way to Mass after the peeing adventure blasting music, laughing, and just talking. We're hungry though and that's a problem. I took the late ferry so nothing is really open at this point and we're closing in on midnight. We drive around the area where the dock is for a minute looking for a place that might be willing to serve us. As chance would have it we find a place (Tony's Clam Shop... it would take me two years to finally get the t-shirt I want from this place. A t-shirt I still wear till this day) and the cook agrees to make us three sandwiches. It's awesome and I fall in love with a bright orange Tony's Clam Shop t-shirt. We're in a rush so I don't buy it then. This proves to be a mistake.

When we get to the boat there are a bunch of our friends waiting for us there. It's late and we try playing cards on the boat but that proves to be a problem. It's windy so the cards aren't staying stationary. It doesn't look like the boat night is going to be a sucess. The girls have to go to the bathroom so we all decide to make a road trip out of it because it's a bit of a hike. As we're walking we pass a boat with like five or six older pirates on it partying it up. They ask us to come back and party with them, and we give the "maybe we will" response with no real plans of doing such. Our friend Diane is pretty sure she spotted a cross dresser on the boat. This is never confirmed.

Upon returning from the bathrooms we pass the boat again, and again the pirates ask us to party with them. We say maybe and head back towards Tom's parent's boat. One of the pirates follows us though and basically forces us to come back with him. We grab some beers and agree sort of reluctantly. Tom and I hang back as the girls walk towards the boat and agree if things look shady we're going to bounce. It's just him and me for guys and about six girls in our group so we don't want this to turn into anything bad.

We get on the boat and they invite us into the cabin. Again we go in but cautiously. As soon as we get in there one of the pirates closes the door. Immediately Tom and I share a look that says "oh hell know" and open the cabin door up. What follows is... one of the greatest nights of my life! We hang out with these old pirates until six in the morning. Blasting Boston and Sublime. Singing songs, telling stories, laughing, smoking cigarettes, and drinking beers. Every time we try and leave to get more beer the pirates go into what seems to be a bottomless fridge and slide one across the table. The night is epic on so many different levels.

The girls leave close to seven and as we're walking through the marina the bread delivery guy throws us a thing of rolls. They are the best rolls in the world! We say good-bye to the girls and Tom and I return to his parents boat to clean it off. I fall asleep in the cabin while Tom hoses it down. We listen to No Woman No Cry about nine times but I keep falling asleep at different parts of the song and waking up to tell Tom to play it again, but it seems like one time to me.

This is the story of Scotty's Boat, all of it is true, and every time I listen to Boston or Caress Me Down by Sublime this is my immediate thought. It's just one of those perfectly awesome nights that become the story of legend. Years later we try and re-create Scotty's Boat with another boat at the marina. This proves to be one of the scariest nights of my life, and is a story for a different day.

Look Kids You Can Hate Fred Durst Too

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot more Eminem than usual. I haven’t really listened to him as of late so it’s been fun re-discovering a lot of his music. Actually I think it was the discovery of the awesomeness of Space Bound that set this whole thing off. It seems that the focus off of the Recovery album was Love the Way You Lie, and don’t get me wrong that song is excellent. The hook is incredible and Eminem sounds so focused and just kills it. For me though (“for me dawg…”) Space Bound might be the best track off the album. Eminem raps with such emotion and he raps on fire. Not to mention the hook grabs a hold of you and is a great punctuation to each verse. I can’t stop listening to it lately (although I sometimes confuse the hook with the hook from I Need A Doctor). As a matter of fact I’m listening to it as I type this.

Outside of Space Bound I just picked up the Bad Meets Evil album and while it’s a straight hip hop album and I don’t see a lot of singles coming off it this might be the most fierce I’ve ever heard Eminem. Oh. My. God. His delivery and his flow on this album is ridiculous. I haven’t heard him this hungry since the Eminem Show.

So with all that being said I was quite pumped to hear Girls this morning when I hit shuffle. Not only was it an Eminem song (technically it’s a D12 song but I digress), but it’s also one of my favorite Eminem songs. When I was a senior in college I really got into the whole Shady/Aftermath beef thing. I was buying mix tapes and reading all the stuff on the interwebs to get all the info. If I’m going to get involved into something I’d like to have as much info on it as possible. Although the beef with Ja Rule wasn’t really fair. There was no way Ja Rule stood a chance in this fight. Just wasn’t on par with either 50 or Eminem here so it wasn’t much of a battle. Yet I dug it completely. Who cares about Ja Rule? Shred him up good.

So when I discovered Girls as the bonus track off of D12’s first album I got pretty pumped. Eminem’s battle with Whitey Ford was kind of a one sided affair too. It was one guy who was clearly much more talented to the other and used it to bury him in a bunch of tracks (one of my favorites being Eminem’s version of 2Pac’s Hit ‘Em Up). But it also led to this beef with Fred Durst and DJ Lethal. To my knowledge this is the only song where Eminem goes after them full force, but after listening to it I don’t think there’s much else that needs to be said.

Limp Bizkit is a guilty pleasure but I can’t stand Fred Durst. The dude is such a phony. So I thoroughly enjoyed the lyrical slaps that Eminem hands out to him here. It’s just a big “shut the hell up Fred Durst” and there is no way for him to come back from it. Again it’s almost like the bigger fish picking on the smaller, weaker one but in this case who cares? Fred Durst is a douche, there I said it. And it was long over due someone knocking him down a peg or two…or three.

The best line in this song is “You fuckin sissy, up on stage, screamin how people hate you/They don't hate you/They just think you're corny since Christina played you”. Check and make. Also I like the line where he mentions doing the song with Method Man begging to be accepted into the rap universe. It just makes him look so pathetic and fake.

There’s not much to be said about this song because the lyrics are so clear. I don’t know what you call it, but I do take pleasure in the shredding of Fred Durst. It makes it seem like there is some sort of justice in the world. At least someone else agrees with me. Also this song makes a point of telling people not to piss off Eminem. He just keeps rollin, rollin, rollin (yes pun plug).

Writers Block

Me: I have no idea what to write.

Shea: About what?

Me: The song of the day.

Shea: I know...what is it?

Me: Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance.

Shea: You can say that we went to a My Chemical Romance concert.

Me: Yeah...

So yeah suffering from a bit of writers block here so I turned to the brief conversation I just had with Shea. It still doesn't feel like enough so I'll give you these few thoughts I had while listening:

1. I love concept albums and thought Black Parade was a solid album.

2. My Chemical Romance was pretty good live.

3. This would have been a pretty cool last song... for the title only.

And thus concludes today's post.

I Wouldn't Work For That Maggie Bitch Either

When I was in high school I got really into Rage Against the Machine (or RATM as they shall be known for the remainder of this post). There's a good chance that they were the start of the love affair I have with politically charged music but I really can't back that up. The heavy nature of the music, the rap/rock feel to it, the things that Tom Morello was able to do with that guitar. Initially that was my favorite thing about RATM, that guitar playing was sick! I loved how they would list on the album jacket that there were no synthesisers or similar equipment used on the record. Everything you heard was actually made by the band. *Gasp* Musicians!

My friend Mike and I would talk in seventh grade math about how awesome they were and how we hoped they would play the next Woodstock. Then we would map out a dream band for the next Woodstock and try and figure out how we were going to get there. Little did we know that years later there would be a Woodstock that consisted of many of the bands we had mentioned, and it would be an epic shit show. Know this fellow Shufflers, when Mike and I planned the festival there was less fires and much less rape. For shame Woodstock and Limp Bizkit. Talking about missing the message of the festival. Makes me sad inside.

As I got into high school I sort of stopped listening to RATM as much and started expanding my musical horizon. It didn't mean I didn't like the band any more or didn't occasionally listen to them, I just strayed I supposed. It wasn't until my junior year of college where I rediscovered the awesomeness of the band about the same time my roommate and P.I.C. Jason did the same. After that they were pretty much a main stay in our suite.

Actually we played Renegades (their cover album which also happens to be their last) a lot. There is some really, really good things on this album. I love the interpretation of some of these songs, especially Kick Out the Jams, How Could I Just Kill A Man, Renegades of Funk, and Ghost of Tom Joad. Especially here with Maggie's Farm. The original (Bob Dylan) comes off completely different (I currently turned off the Zac Brown Band in order to listen to it). Here Dylan comes across a little more whiny. The lyrics are great and the message is still there but it just seems like he's complaining. He just keeps talking about how the situation sucks in a sing-song type way. It's a great song but here me out... I dig the RATM version more (insert second *gasp* of the post here).

Listen RATM convey the anger here so perfectly. From the way Zack De La Rocha delivers the lyrics to the brutalness of the sound. This version of the song is surrounded by anger, and I think that's the proper way to go with this. Listen to the lyrics. These people are assholes. Putting cigars out in people's faces, crappy pay, crappy treatment, yeah I'd be pretty pissed to. This is the one quality I think Dylan's version is lacking. A job with people like this deserves more anger in the tone. Dylan is more or less telling a story about how sucky his job is. Rage is telling you a story where you almost think they are plotting the deaths of these people for how poorly they treat the employees. Now check this out...same lyrics.

I also love the way they slow down the verses. Each line of the song is delivered slowly and builds and builds on the anger until it explodes through the speakers. Tom Morello's guitar keeps on pace with De La Rocha's delivery and the two of them pack a solid punch. Rage Against the Machine were always excellent at delivering emotion in their lyrics. That's the cool thing about the Renegades album. They were able to take all these songs but different artists and find their emotion in other people's lyrics. Almost like they took these songs and helped mold them to fit their agenda. The true beauty of a cover is making it your own, and there is no doubt that RATM is able to do that on this record.

I got to see Rage Against the Machine during their reunion tour at Rock the Bells. It was like a dream come true for my junior high self. The night before we went partying the night before and the hangover I had for this festival was awful. It started to rain early on in the show and at first it felt great, but as the day went on it soaked into my bones and was ruining my enjoyment of some of the other acts. It actually got to the point where I wondered if I was going to make it to RATM's set. I did and it was awesome. I totally geeked out for it. Although they didn't play a lot off of Renegades it was like being in seventh grade math with Mike talking about how kick ass the band was. It's funny how relationships with bands go. It's like I hadn't spoken to the band in ten years or so and then boom they're right back in my life. Do I listen to them all the time? No. But I do listen to them more often then I did. Sometimes you're just in that kind of mood. It's good to have them back.

Home With Marc Broussard

There used to be this great record store in Southampton called Long Island Sound. When I was younger this place was really popular because it used to sell bootleg CD's. Or just random live shows to some pretty cool bands. I got this great Nirvana show there called Roma. The only bummer was the bootlegs were much more costly, but totally worth it. Long Island Sound also had this great used CD collection. You could always stumble upon some kind of hidden gem in the racks and wonder why the hell some one would want to give it away.

I used to go to Long Island Sound during lunch breaks and look around. As I got older I bought less albums there because they were a bit pricey but I would frequent the Used section. This one day I came in and I heard this great blusey type track playing over the speakers. I asked the guy behind the counter who and what it was and he informed me it was a song called Lonely Night In Georgia by Marc Broussard. I was instantly hooked and spent the $7.99 (it was the featured disc of the day so it was on sale) and went home happy.

I didn't love the entire album but I couldn't deny how awesome Broussard's voice is. The man just kills it. Favorite tracks for me were defiantly Lonely Night In Georgia and the album opener Home. These two songs are stellar. So while stumbling through itunes I saw that there as a live version of Home so naturally I had to see what that was like.

Don't get me wrong this track is good but I prefer the studio cut. This doesn't happen very often with live music where I prefer the studio version to the live cut. Here Home is such a great song on album and holds so much passion that I feel that some of it gets lost in the live version. It doesn't seem forced but it also doesn't seem to flow like it does on the album. There are times where it's a little more screamy then it needs to be. Broussard doesn't need to scream when he can sing that well. I don't know maybe it was just an off night.

When I saw Kelly Clarkson a couple of years back she performed this song in the middle of her set (yes you read that right I saw Kelly Clarkson and it was glorious). Apart of me thinks her version sparked even more love for this song. She killed it! Say what you will but Kelly Clarkson is amazing and I wish that she would release a live ep or something where she could take her version of Home on there. It's totally worth it people. Judge for yourself if you don't believe me.

Jimi Talks Sunshine... We Listen

I am currently in the process of importing a bunch of albums via CD on to my itunes. Whoa hold up...what? That's right I'll say it again in case you thought you read it wrong. I am currently in the process of importing a bunch of albums on to my itunes via CD. Dear God what an old and ancient method. Well you see Shufflers my wife recently just picked up the new David Cook and new Taking Back Sunday albums on CD and while at Best Buy today I saw that they had the new Eminem & Royce album selling for less then it is on itunes so it was kind of a no brainer. So now I'm putting a whole bunch of new songs on my itunes to transfer over to my pizzle. I'm still in the hunt to figure out my favorite albums of the 2011 thus far so I'm hoping to have that posted up in the next couple of days or so.

With it being the Fourth of July today it would have been cool if today's song had been something with the National Anthem in it. You would be surprised how many songs I own that actually have that little diddy in it. For starters a lot of versions of Pearl Jam's Yellow Ledbetter end with a shredding version of the Star Spangled Banner. Then of course there's Dave Matthew's Band's version that they tack on the beginning of All Along the Watch Tower. Then there is Aerosmith's cover of Train Kept A Rollin' where Joey F'n Perry just tears it up. And of course who could forget the greatest display of guitar patriotism ever in Jimi Hendrix's amazing guitar solo from Woodstock. Sadly we got none of these songs (sorry to hype it up like we did), but we did stay within the ballpark I suppose.

While it's not the National Anthem it's still Jimi and that's good enough for me. I find Hendrix's cover of Sunshine of Your Love to be funny. Not funny ha-ha-ha persay but funny interesting. First off trying to debate who the better guitar players between Hendrix and Clapton can quickly turn into a firey debate. It's either you perfer the smooth crispness of Clapton or you dig on the raw, dirtiness of Jimi. It's a preference thing really. No where in that debate should any argue that one of them is not an amazing guitar player. That would be both ignorant and stupid. What's funny about this cover is it's not a very good version of it. You can clearly tell that Jimi loved the riff and just wanted to jam out on it. It's not an attempt to seriously play the song. It happens to be more of a I have a guitar and that song is tight let me play those chords type of thing.

Not once in this version does Hendrix really try to make it his own. Yes there's distortion and you can clearly make out the fact that it's Jimi Hendrix playing, but at the same time it just doesn't seem to have the same bite. I don't know maybe it's just me, but when I listen to Hendrix play Sunshine of Your Love I just hear a guitar player admiring a fellow guitar player. It's like a "yeah dude this shit is tight, I just had to play it for myself".

I also like the fact that Hendrix doesn't try to sing. Listen no one listens to Jimi Hendrix for his vocal power, let's just call a spade a spade here. It just adds to the fact that he's playing it because he thinks it's fun to jam to. The fact that one guitar god is jamming around to the song of another guitar god is fun to me. As a matter of fact I think some where there is a song where Hendrix and Clapton jam together. I don't know on what song or when (I believe it's a live show) but I think it exists out there somewhere. If anyone knows the song or the show please remind me. It seems like something that the high school version of me should have know.

Well I'm done importing my discs time to through them on my ipod and tinker with my Want To Hear It Now list. Be jealous Shufflers...

Hello Goodbye Hello Goodbye

Finally a better day. Things seem to be calming down after the trauma that was yesterday and the stress that has been the last couple of weeks (maybe months?). First off the vet called with good news about Hudson. He's peeing on his own and seems to be recovering nicely. We still can't see him until Tuesday, they have to monitor him, but he's doing well. The doctor said he's been aggressive which I thought was weird because he tends to be a pretty calm animal. He swats and hisses at them when they open the door to his quarters and that made me smile. He doesn't care for these people because every time he sees them they cause some sort of discomfort. If I were him I'd be aggressive too. Give 'em hell Hudson!

After the good news phone call Shea and I had appointments to see some homes. We headed out and while we were waiting for our realtor friend to arrive I had Shea hit shuffle. It was a pleasant transaction.

My first thought was it was Penny Lane and I thought that was pretty fitting. Searching for homes and our song of the day had to do with a street, I thought it was a good sign. I even attempted to say as much until I realised that it was actually Hello Goodbye, but I was too late and Shea asked why the song was a good sign. This lead to me explaining that I thought it was Penny Lane and a few minutes of feeling dumb. I blame the mistake on being tired.

The Magical Mystery Tour is close to being my favorite Beatles album. I only say close because there are times where Abbey Road takes my number one spot, but it's usually between the two. It's such a trippy record and really starts to branch into how deep the bands actually sound could go. I love the departure from all the lovey dovey songs and into some darker lyrics and heavier rock like sounds. Don't get me wrong the lovey dovey stuff is a lot of fun too, but when I think of the Beatles I think of the second half their career first.

Hello Goodbye is a cheerful sounding little song that's fun to sing and brightens up the day. It's position in the album is perfect. It was good thinking on the part of the Beatles putting this track after I Am the Walrus. It kind of helps wash it down for those who don't see the absolute genius and awesomeness in it. I could see Walrus being a turn off to those fans who only want to hear the lovey dovey stuff. Hello Goodbye helps to balance out the light and dark tones of the Magical Mystery Tour. For every song that kind of plays on the fringes of darkness (Fool On the Hill, I Am the Walrus, Blue Jay Way) there's a handful of songs to pick the mood back up (Hello Goodbye, Penny Lane, All You Need Is Love).

Hello Goodbye is not a lyrical masterpiece but the beauty of it is it doesn't need to be. Sometimes the simplest songs sound the best. It's got a catchy tune and easy to sing to lyrics. The simplicity of it pulls you in. The Beatles were amazing at giving you a catchy song that would get a lot of radio time that would pull you into the deeper material. Just look at the White Album. You have the simple catchy songs that suck you in and then you find you're listening to Happiness Is A Warm Gun and loving it... there will never be another band like the Beatles.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Spacebound- Eminem (are you kidding me with this song?! It's incredible)
2. Toes- Zac Brown Band
3. Whiskeys Gone- Zac Brown Band
4. El Paso- Taking Back Sunday
5. Won't Back Down- Eminem fting Pink

The Solving Of the Deputy Murder

Today kind of sucked. Check that. Today didn't kind of sucked it actually sucked. First off I don't mean to come across as complainy lately it's just there has been a lot going on. Today kept with that motif. I thought that Hudson the Cat was doing better yesterday, and personality wise it was. Unfortunately he didn't go to the bathroom for close to 48 hours and that's a problem. He looked very bloated and after attempts nothing was coming out. I guess this is a serious condition for male cats who have been neutered. Any way I was at work so Shea had to take him back to the vet. The doctor there told us his bladder was really full and unless he had surgery he wasn't going to make it. The surgery involves a cleaning of the urinary section and a reversing of the tubes and stuff to try and prevent it from happening again. Basically Hudson will become a eunuch. Of course we agreed to do the surgery. The whole situation was pretty serious and shortly after Shea left the vet they operated on him. I spoke to the doctor shortly after the surgery (lots of risks trying to put kitties under for surgery) and they said it had went well and that they cleared the blockage. Hudson was in the process of waking up and has to stay there until Tuesday. There is still a chance that this could happen again but it's like a five percent chance. So now Hudson has to be monitored until Tuesday to see if he's going to recover... So yeah that was my day in a nutshell. It's been pretty awful. I'm pretty tired and stressed. Looking forward to seeing my friend on Tuesday though.

Outside of all that there was a song of the day, and it was perfect for the Fourth of July weekend. Actually any time that Bob Marley plays it's perfect. Some people think that his music sounds best during the summer, but I'm one of those people who believe that it sounds good all year round. I can put a Bob Marley record or track on any time of year and feel at peace. For me it has this very relaxing nature to it. I just feel at peace when listening, at peace and happy. It's tough listening to Bob Marley and not feeling happy. I defiantly could have used some Marley this afternoon.

When I was younger (junior high young) I used to believe that I Shot the Sheriff was an Eric Clapton song. It was the only version I had heard. Of course I got older and became smarter in the ways of music and learned that it's actually a Bob Marley song. Is there anything better then self education in music?

Until recently I had a only one problem with this song. I could never figure out who shot the deputy. It comes across as a glaring omission. We learn that Bob Marley (or maybe it's the character of the song haha) kills the sheriff because he's a prick. I don't think anyone could really blame him for taking that guy out, right? Sheriff Brown seems like he's had it coming for awhile. There isn't a lot of information given on the deputy but I'm willing to assume that he was a pretty good guy. So why did he end up dead? Let's break it down.

When I was working at the movie theater I posed the question concerning the mysterious death of the deputy and found the answer that had been alluding me for years. My friend West explained that the sheriff and the deputy came to confront the character of the song. What followed was a gun fight ("there was a fire fight"). We know for a fact (through self admission) that the character kills the deputy, but between those lines we're able to learn that as the sheriff gets shot and dies he gets off one last shot. Unfortunately because he's been hit he's unable to aim that shot and accidentally kills the deputy. Sadly for our character who is going to believe that he only killed the sheriff? Both murders fall on him because there are no witnesses. So to recap. Character kills sheriff, as sheriff is dying he fires one last round and accidentally kills the deputy. This totally blew my mind (pun only slightly intended).

Hoping to have a more uplifting post tomorrow. Things have to become less stressful eventually. I'll keep you guys updated on the status of one Mr. Hudson the Cat. Here's for a better day tomorrow.

I Kissed A Girl... and I thought It Was Pretty Rad Too

Exhausted. That without a shadow of a doubt had to be the word of the day. Especially this morning. I belt someone had hung me on a clothes line and just went at me with a wooden stick. Sleeping on the floor was even worse last night because I had to be up wicked early for work (I find that I use the word "wicked" more when I write then when I speak. It's my inner Bostonian.) and I woke up at 4:30, 5:15, 5:40, 6:00, and finally at 6:10 to get ready and clear out any of the remaining crap out of the apartment. If I'm excited about anything today it's sleeping in a cushion like surface. Bed or couch I don't care! Just please be soft.

As of today Shea and I are no longer living in apartment C-5. It's a bittersweet day. The apartment had kind of run it's course and we're looking for our first house together, which is incredibly exciting. We saw the apartment kind of as a money pit and have since vacated. Despite how terrible the packing process was I still got choked up leaving this morning. Tremendous memories of that place will be had (this sentence is weird not sure if I like it, but I'm going to keep it because I like this little note). It was our first place together, we got engaged there, it was our home. Tons of little things that are super important to me but probably means nothing to you guys (Bear and Girl Olympics I and II). With that in mind I am super stoked about finding a house and making it our own. As one chapter ends a new one begins.

On top of the end of moving Hudson the Cat seemed to be doing better today. He was responsive and moving around so that was a plus. A huge part of the suck of yesterday was the fact that I was worried about my furry little friend. He has such an out going personality and I didn't care to see him the way he was yesterday. Luckily though he seems to be on the road to recovery.

This morning I was too tired to listen to anything other then sports radio. Mike and Mike was interesting enough to keep me away and quite enough to rest my mind. It was one of those rides where a specific volume needed to be reached in order to keep me from driving my car off a pier (for the record my route to work is pier free for those interested...now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure if that's a true statement). I wanted nothing to do with music until I was ready, and this was seen with how long it took me to put the music on at work (usually it's one of the first things I do).

As the day went on I got my third, fourth, and fifth winds and was able to truck on through. An unplanned nap at lunch helped just a tad. I was trying to read A Storm of Swords but my eyes kept saying "you crazy". I gave in to my eyes. Embarrassing though I drooled a bit and I'm worried that I might have been snoring. Eeeeep not sure if anyone heard though. If they did no mention was made to me (of course if they didn't witness it they just read about it so I suppose my cover is blown).

When I got in my car I was ready for my ipod. I had it all mapped out. I was going to listen to the song of the day and then put on some Zac Brown Band (so disappointed that it took me so long to find this group...sick) and drive myself to job number dos (that's Spanish for two). I didn't even wait until I got on a long stretch of road before I hit shuffle. I was at my second or third traffic light I hit the button and waited to see what was going to happen.

I started laughing almost instantly. Actually the fact that it played still has me laughing. First off I make no regrets about having this song on my ipod. I Kissed A Girl was/is a fun song to listen to, and who amongst us doesn't have a guilty pleasure bone for Katy Perry? As a matter of fact at my sister's wedding my brother in-law, Tim, told me during Fireworks that Katy Perry is his new guilty pleasure. It used to be Mariah Carey but not it's her (sorry to out like that Tim but I fear it was relevant to the post). She writes catchy music people!

Here is the great thing about Katy Perry... I Kissed A Girl should have been another Thong Song or Baby Got Back. It's a gimmick to get people to buy the record, and that's okay. Usually these types of songs result in brief careers and lots of mentioning on VH1. The great thing about Katy Perry is she was able to make a whole career off of this song. She has pushed out hit after hit after hit since I Kissed A Girl was released, to the point where it's kind of an after thought. There's a bit of nostalgia when you hear it but she's totally on to bigger and better pop things. I think I read the other day that she's close to breaking Michael Jackson's pop Billboard record. Michael F'n Jackson. That's a pretty big deal people.

I can not tell you with a straight face that this is my only Katy Perry song or the only version of I Kissed A Girl I have. I downloaded the Unplugged version she did because the itunes sample made it sound like she made a lounge version out of it, when truth be told the first verse is the on lounge part and then it switches back to the regular sound. Disappointing because the first half of that version is pretty cool.

I also can't deny the fact that just because it isn't on my ipod doesn't mean I don't like it. Here a A Year of Shuffling Confession... I like Katy Perry songs. They're catchy, have the same basic structure, and don't piss me off like other pop music. I've made my peace with it, maybe if you're ragging on me for liking it, it might be time for you to start being honest with yourselves. Release those guilty pleasure skeletons from your closets. If you can't be honest with yourself who can you be honest with Shufflers? Who?