We Need More Fruitcakes In This World

This morning during the first commercial break of Mike and Mike I reached into my bag to get my ipod and find out song of the day. Only this morning something terrible happened...my ipod wasn't in my bag. My initial thought was panic of course. Where the hell is my ipod?! Then I let myself settle for a moment and thought it over. It was very puzzling because I remember taking the ipod out of the docking station and back into it's case. I then grabbed my clothes for job number two tonight and my flippy floppys and...headed out the door without grabbing it. Idiot. It was laying exactly where I left, right next to the docking station. D'oh! I was not to pleased with this. Plus I felt bad because it was out of the docking station, what if Hudson wanted to listen to some music? If it was in the station he could at least nudge the play button, out of it he can't do anything. He doesn't have thumbs people. Sad day.

So when I got home from work sure enough there was the ipod, almost mocking me. I immediately threw it in the docking station and hit shuffle. I had been living in suspense for an entire day I wasn't going to wait any more. What happened was a pleasant surprise.

Fruitcakes is the song that made me rediscover Jimmy Buffett. Some friends and I were having, I believe, a Cinco De Mayo party and someone put on Buffett's Meet Me In Margaritaville (essentially a greatest hits album), and Fruitcakes was the first song I had heard off of it and I was like "holy crap I miss listening to Jimmy Buffett!" True story, the very next day I bought said album and now it lives on my ipod. Great story I know. Side note though the Cinco De Mayo party was quite the success if I recall correctly. Things got a little fuzzy at the end there.

Any way back in high school I went through my big Buffett phase. I even got to see him perform my senior year (or was it my junior) but I think I was too young to appreciate it. For starters I wasn't drinking. Not drinking at a Jimmy Buffett is an epic fail. It's sad but true. His music is designed for drinking, and his fan base knows and loves this. It was a good show but I like I said I probably would have enjoyed it more if I was a bit older. That didn't stop us from listening to Buffett in the Crown V though. Good times.

Fruitcakes is a pretty funny song. From the intro complain about the movies ("I want my Junior Mints. Where did the Junior Mints go in the movies. I don't want a 12 lb. Nestle's crunch for 25 dollars. I want Junior Mints.") to breaking the song down to different areas of life where people get the craziest (politics, religion, and relationships). It's a fun song that helps to poke fun at the things people value so much. It's one of those "I get these things are important but try not to take stuff so seriously" type of songs. Hey, any song that promotes people to be a little zany is a good song to me. Plus it's catchy.

Let's make no mistake about it, Jimmy Buffett will never be confused for the world's greatest vocal master. This fits his music fine though. It's that sing/talk vibe that he gives out that I think helps him connect to so many different people. It's like he's talking right to you. It's just you, Buffett, and the ocean (the future title of a book I'm going to write). Life is good.

Here are some of my favorite lines from Fruitcakes. They make me giggle-

We spent 90 jillion dollars trying to get a look at Mars / hear universal laughter ringing out among the stars

Where's the church, who took the steeple /Relgion is in the hands of some crazy-ass people
So I'll put on my Bob Marley tape /And practice what I preach/Jah lost in the reggae mon/As I walk along the beach....(Amen)

Where's the church, who took the steeple/Religion is in the hands of some crazy-ass people

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