How To Make Women Want You According To G-Unit

While listening to Wanna Get To Know You I came up this brilliant idea. Yes I mean brilliant because it was like 7:48 in the morning so any ideas I have are brilliant because usually I'm not functioning like a normal human being. Any who the lyrics of this song inspired me to write a sample of a book written by the members of G-Unit based on Wanna Get To Know You and other classic G-Unit hits. The name of this book would be How To Make Women Want You According To G-Unit. Now please folks this is just a sample of the genius that a full book could be provide. Enjoy

Chapter 4- Wanna Get To Know You

Young Buck: Yo listen up, when I want to take a honey home with me these be the things I spout off to make her all warm and gushy inside. I make hearts and shit melt with the love talk I speak. Now fellas don't forget this shit be potent so use only if you want to bring that ass home.

Im lovin' how you look in my eyes/Swingin' them hips when you pass/I'm visualizing my name tattooed on that ass baby- Yeah this shit is cool because it shows that you notice them walking yet by wanting to tattoo your name on that ass it shows that you be committed and shit.

I think we make a perfect couple/But you think I'm trouble/Maybe thats the reason you gave me the wrong number- Bitches be frontin'. Give me a wrong number I'm still gonna find you, and you gonna love me for it.

And your Gucci boots the same color as mine- I got style bitches need to know

Im'a stop at your house and blow the horn/If you come outside you know it's on (holla at your boy)- Young Buck don't wait for no ass.

Lloyd Banks: I don't have much to say other then the shit I spit is gold.

Bitches be frustrated with the baller/Wonder why I don't call her/Maybe because I'm busy and she needs someone to spoil her/It gets annoying from time to time I gotta ignore her/In order to let her know we'll be friends and nothing more- you know?

50 Cent- (could not be reached for comment on this chapter)

You ain't go to look like a model for me to adore you/All you gotta do is love me and be loyal- (wait shouldn't this be more degrading?)

Put my tongue on you you put your tongue on me/Let me ride on you and you can ride on- (oooooooooh there it is)

If all else fails hit the ladies with a quick one liner. One that's sure to stick, and it always works. We're G-Unit we know shit.

Sample One Liner- I wanna get to know you/I really wanna fuck you, baby- yeah this will get you a woman every time.

End Of Chapter

I don't know about you guys but I would totally buy this book (for the comedic elements of course). For more award winning ways to degrade women and sound like an idiot be sure to listen to all of Beg For Mercy. Maybe you can write the next chapter of the G-Unit Guide To Love.

(I am fully aware that the hardest part about this post is acknowledging this song is on my ipod... it's still there as a matter of fact.)

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