The Day After the Wedding

I wrote yesterday's post in about ten minutes and didn't think about it again after I hit publish. Yes I am aware that kind of defeats the purpose of things here but I had a lot going on. My sister's wedding was a success and a wonderful time was had by all. Having experienced my own wedding only six or seven short months it's crazy how there is so much build up to the event itself and then in a blink of an eye it's over. Crazy. You would think with all the preparation and invites that the wedding should last at least a week. Now that's a good time.

The most important part about the wedding reception is the music. Yes the ceremony itself is key but the music is your tone setter. Without a good DJ the reception could be a bit of a mess. Luckily for myself and for my sister the music was very good and had people up and dancing for the majority of the night. This is a susses, and also our segway into today's song.

Like how I did that? I took the fact that weddings have a DJ and today's song, Boss DJ, has the term DJ in it and connected it. I'm telling you folks my college education has done wonders for me. Could you imagine if I didn't go to college? I might have missed entirely the connection here and then what would you all have thought of me? Really dodged a bullet here.

I was surprised that I didn't have that much of a hang over this morning. For weddings and the open bar awesomeness of them my drink of choice tends to be a gin and tonic.  I sure do love 'em. Yesterday though I stuck with beer straight through. Could that have contributed to my lack of a serious hang over? I don't know I'm not a scientist. There was a slight headache but after a shower and some BBQ food I was as right as rain. Despite the lack of hangover I still didn't want anything hard for my lobes so when Shea hit shuffle (Guest Shuffler Alert) I hoped for something a little chill and the shuffle gods answered my please.

While I love the majority of Sublime's stuff (I only say majority because there are some things on the box set that are just "eh" for me) I really love their acoustic stuff. How good is the acoustic version of I Saw Red or Rivers of Babylon and of course Badfish? I would actually rank all three of these in my top ten favorite Sublime tracks. I think this version of Boss DJ from the boxset really fits well with the rest of their acoustic catalogue.

It's just a pleasant sounding song. Bradley has such a tremendous voice. I know I mentioned it the last time I wrote about Sublime but I don't think his voice gets enough credit. There are times where he just holds so much emotion in it. The phrasing and the delivery are always spot on, and I think that's why I love the acoustic stuff so much. You get to hear that rawness in Bradley's voice. Raw emotion in music is what makes the world go round people.

So as this weekend draws to the close I'm going to play around with the infamous Want To Hear It Now playlist. Time to add and remove some stuff, although I'm having a dispute with itunes again. When Super 8 came out itunes released like a nine song mini-soundtrack album for it. Tonight I saw Super 8 (finally and I'll get into more of it tomorrow.... long story short it was awesome!!!) and came home wanting to download this mini-soundtrack. It was no longer there. Things like this confuse me. There was also no sign of the score. What the hell?! Guess I'll have to track these songs down one by one. Damn itunes making work for my music.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Kiss- Prince
2. B.O.B.- Outkast
3. Cowboy- Kid Rock
4. Rock and Roll- Kid Rock
5. Start Wearing Purple- Gogol Bordello

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