Getting Pumped Up For Warrior Dash Shuffle Style

It's currently 12:20 in the morning and I am writing my second post of the day, only it's after midnight so technically I'm writing my only post of today. Is your mind blown yet? I have to write today's post so early because I won't be around for the most part today. Shea and I (and friends) are heading down to Pennsylvania to compete in Warrior Dash. What is Warrior Dash you ask? Well it's a three plus mile run where we crawl through mud under barbed wire, scale a wall, jump over fire along with other awesome like obstacles. Check out the video for it here or just go to the Warrior Dash website (here It's a touring race so try and find out where it's going to be next if you're interested.

As you're reading this chances are I'm currently covered in mud, sweat, hopefully some face paint,and some blood (if I'm lucky) and eating a giant turkey leg while sipping on some well deserved beer. Or on the flip side of that I could be dead (doubtful but it was good for dramatic effect don't you think?). None of these results would dare keep me away from sharing with you the song of the day my fellow Shufflers. Today we get a prize pick too.

I came across Lost In the Trees through Shea. Shea and her mother (my mother in-law) went to a Neko Case concert and Lost In the Trees was the opening band. It was a small, intimate venue so the seats were pretty good. After their set Shea was able to meet the majority of the band, and came home incredibly excited about her new discovery. If I recall correctly she didn't talk that much about Neko Case she focused most of her story telling on the awesomeness of Lost In the Trees. Naturally I asked her to play me some of their music so I could share in the excitement. I found that I was pleasantly surprised. These guys were good. So I did what any music loving, self respecting husband would do... I stole the music from Shea and put it on my ipod.

Love On My Side is one of those sounds that is best described as pretty. The sound is soft and soothing and makes me want to be warm and loved somewhere. Honestly it's not the type of song I would listen to right before competing in Warrior Dash. For that I would probably choose listening to Hulk Hogan's wrestling theme song Real American. Which I also just discovered isn't on my ipod so I'm downloading it as we speak...type. Although at twelve o'clock at night with bed time rapidly approaching Love On My Side is the perfect song. I love how tender his voice sounds here. My first thought was that it was the Plain White T's Hey There Delilah, but I'm not actually sure if I own that song so it would have been weird. The song itself doesn't sound like Hey There Delilah it's just those opening chords that made me think of it. Is it me or does this song seem like it would fit perfectly in the movie Juno?

I'm listening to it again and I'm really loving this song. I love when the back up singer chimes in. This song is wonderful. I'm currently moving it to my Want To Hear It Now playlist. I love the "the winter killed the spring" lyric. I find the line to be strangely beautiful. I can't really explain it. It's like in Donnie Darko when they say that "cellar door" is the most beautiful combination of words in the English language. I could be reaching here I just found the phrase to be sweet is all. I recommend you give the album a listen there's some really interesting sounds on there. It's different and at times haunting and other times beautiful, but definitely unique. Check out Fireplace and Walk Around the Lake especially.

As I head off to sleep with dreams of mud pits dancing through my heads allow me to leave you with this. As you listen picture me hulking up as I whoop some Warrior Dash ass.  

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