Tuesday's Coming... Yes I'm Aware It's Friday

 (not the exact version but good enough for government work)

Who doesn't love a little James Bond intro? This version of Dareh Meyod comes from the live album 34th & 8th, which some would argue is the best O.A.R. live album and I would be hard pressed to disagree although the live album from Madison Square Garden holds a special place in my heart (being I was at that show and it was one of my first "dates" with Shea). This song set off a chain reaction of events that I was unprepared for this morning.

First being I skipped the radio all together and focused specifically on my ipod. I was listening to Back and Forth (the new Foo Fighters) so I finished it listening to that first before hitting the shuffle button. Once I hit shuffle I knew right away that we were dealing with an O.A.R. song which had me excited especially with the release of their new single (Heaven) this week. Listening to Dareh Meyod got me thinking about the way things used to be with this band.

First off this song is about having to leave behind the ones you love when you go out on tour. I believe that the "Tuesday's coming" lyric has to deal with the day that the tour starts. Tuesday is coming and soon he'll be on the road, and it'll be awesome but difficult as well. It actually reminds me of when I met Marc (the lead singer of O.A.R.) at one the many shows I attended. It was in between acts and I saw him walking towards the bus area and no one noticed. I took it upon myself to introduce myself, why not? When was I ever going to get a chance like this again? He'd told me he'd be right back and headed off towards the bus. Sure enough he returned and shook my hand and b.s.'ed with me for a minute or two before saying "I don't mean to be a dick but my wife just got here and I'd like to say hello before the show". I was like not at all thanks for saying hi. I guess that sums up Dareh Meyod pretty well. It's those little moments that you steal with loved ones while on the road. Constant touring keeps you away for so long that when opportunities present themselves you have to take them, especially when you're being annoyed but some stupid fan who happens to love your music.

What followed the listening of Dareh Meyod was a small O.A.R. fest. I stared off by listening to the live version of Love and Memories from the Live From Madison Square Garden album. It was good but not exactly what I was looking for, so I jumped right into Poker. This was exactly what I was looking for, as well as being incredibly bittersweet. This version of Poker encompassed everything I love/miss about the band. The devil intro is epic (with shades of the live version of DMB's Watchtower), the energy levels are through the roof, the crowd participation is solid, and it's just fun to listen to. The last time that I saw O.A.R. it wasn't like that, it almost seemed like they weren't interested in playing. As I was rocking out in traffic at eight o'clock in the morning I was having a blast but I also got choked up once or twice. Weird right? It's just that I miss my band and if Heaven is any indication I don't think I'm going to be getting them back anytime soon. At least I'll always have the older stuff. When the music was pure and the band hadn't sold their soul for radio play and 90210 trailers.

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