Lost vs R.E.M. vs Neil Young vs. O.A.R.

As I sit here listening to Haley Reinhart sing You've Really Got A Hold On Me (not her best song or the best version of the song I've heard. For a much better version check out She & Him it's sexy good.) I find that there's a lot I want to cover today besides the song of the day. It was a very interesting day for music. Well at least for me.

Let's start with the song of the day. Dharma vs. Lostaways comes from the Lost Season 5 soundtrack. The soundtrack for season 5 is much like watching the season itself. It has some really high moments that really just stick with you, and then some of it kind of slips through. Don't get me wrong I love, love, love the music of Lost. It actually happens to be one of my favorite things to listen to, it's just that season 5 is a tough season to digest. Upon re-watchings I found that I really love season 5 but at first glance it's difficult. The incorporation of time travel gets a tad confusing and throw things off course. A show that is based entirely on it's character development sort of splits and tries to focus on characters while also trying to explain what's going on with the time travel thing. It's a tough balancing act, and it takes a couple of episodes before the show re-finds it's tone. I'm in no means bashing season 5. Some of my favorite episodes come from season 5 (just watch Jughead, The Life and Death of Jeremy Benthamm, 316, Lafleur, and the Incident) all I'm saying is it takes a few episodes before it's feet hit the ground.

Any way Dharma vs. Lostaways comes from the season finale and it's a great track, mostly because it incorporates so many different musical themes from the show and weaves them in and out effortlessly. The end of the track (and I mean the very end there's like twelve seconds left) a variation of the Life and Death theme makes appearance and it's so touching. It's the perfect way to end the song because it just pulls at your heart. The Life and Death theme is the theme of all themes for Lost so to close the track with it is like putting your puncation at the end of a sentence. I remember the scene and I don't want to give spoilers here but it's a pivotal moment where a character abandons all that he believed in prior and performs an act that he thinks will change things for the better. The Life and Death theme is perfectly used here.

This also put me in the mood for more Lost music so I thought it a good idea to go into my Lost playlist (We Have To Go Back) and select my favorite piece, Landing Party. This is one of my favorite pieces of music...ever. It's beautiful. It's emotional. It's moving. It's Lost in music form. Shea and I used it for one of the songs to be played during the cocktail hour during our wedding reception (the theme for the cocktail hour was movie scores...yeah it was awesome). Within five seconds of listening to Landing Party I was choked up. I even thought about turning it off because I didn't want to show up to work looking like I had just cried myself silly. I toughed it out though and got through it. I was left with this longing to return to the Island and revisit with some friends I haven't seen in a month or two. It also made me want to see my wife. One of my all time favorite songs...ever.

Other Music Notes From the Day:

- at work today R.E.M.'s E-Bow the Letter played and I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming urge to listen to R.E.M. on the way to job number two. This is weird because I'm never in a mood to just listen to R.E.M. I don't mind if they come on during a playlist or something like that but I never go out of my way to listen to them. It's not like I don't enjoy their music either, it's a weird relationship. I can listen to them from time to time but only if they're surrounded by other music I like. I feel it enhances the sound or the song. I'm not a huge R.E.M. fan but I definitely appreciate them. Long story short though when I got in my car to head to job the second I stuck with sports radio and didn't listen to them (that is until now as I'm currently listening to E-Bow the Letter).

- when I loaded itunes today I saw that Neil Young had a new single out... with Dave Grohl!!! I didn't even need to listen to Sign of Love to know I needed to own it. You can hear in Uncle Neil's voice that he's getting old but it's a return to grunge loving Neil Young with Grohl on the drums. I like the feel of it. Plus it's Neil Young and freakin' Dave Grohl...how is this not worth $1.29?

- also while on itunes I got my first chance to listen to O.A.R.'s first single off their new album. I think the jury is still out on Heaven (not the place the song). What I did like was the return to the reggae vibes even though they were to support what is meant to be a pop song. The O.A.R. that I love would have just had the reggae vibe with no poppy undertones. The end of the song comes together pretty well, and I also enjoyed the use of the back up singers. I'm a sucker for that gospel sounding back up.  Things I didn't like. The drum machine. What the hell is that? It's like auto tune for drumming. It's such an R&B thing to do. You know a guy who doesn't actually have a band to support himself so he just uses a drum machine to throw down a beat? I don't approve. Also the lyrics are "eh". They're not terrible but they're not great either. O.A.R. has always used pretty easy rhyme schemes for their songs, and it works well for them. It doesn't mean they don't write good lyrics though because they do and they have. Heaven just isn't their best work. I'm not really sure if this has left me excited for the new album. Need to hear more.

- also I just figured out this morning (because I'm not smart) that yesterdays Atmosphere song, Rftc, stands for "Running From the Cops". I'm sorry I failed to mention this yesterday. I bow my head in shame.

- finally Shea played me stuff of the new Artic Monkey's record and I could see myself getting down with it. I could use a new band to get into. Will have to report back with my findings.

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