Pushing Past The Tired

Today was just one of those days. The strange thing is it started off pretty good too. I was having a solid day at work up until the end where things kind of went to shit. Then I went to job number two and recovered and came home and realised that we're running out of time to get things packed and moved out of the apartment. My sister, Jen, wedding is this weekend and there just isn't enough time it seems. I'm a bit stressed and a lot tired right now. Which is too bad because I was really pumped for today's song.

(sorry currently can't find the song to post... sample it on itunes or Amazon until I can... I know this is lame but it's late and I don't have the energy)

Sleeping By Myself comes off of Eddie Vedder's new solo record Ukulele Songs. I love this album and yes maybe I'm a little biased because it's Eddie Vedder but that's beside the point. I had my doubts about a whole album consisting of just the ukulele but I have to say he pulled it off. There are one or two spots where the pitch of the ukulele grates on my ears and I don't fault Vedder for it.

The first half of the album seems to carry the theme of losing love while the second half consists of finding it again. I wouldn't say it's a concept album but it's a steady theme. Half the songs about love lost and the other half about love found. Sleeping By Myself obviously falls into the love lost section of the album (it's track number two I believe).

I found it funny that my ipod chose to play this song today considering Eddie Vedder's solo tour takes him to New York today and tomorrow. One would wonder if my ipod knew what was going on. I would love to have gone to either one of those shows but like I stated earlier there's too much going on right now (and I think all tickets were eight a pop when saving for a house tends to be a bit pricey). As I'm typing this I just remembered that Vedder was supposed to be on Letterman tonight. I missed it, guess it's off to You Tube to find it tomorrow.

I've listened to Ukulele Songs a lot but it has to be thrown on in an environment where it's time to relax or chill. It's got a Jack Johnson like vibe to it, it's beachy and it's sweet, and with a day like today it's the perfect album to throw on while you close your eyes and picture the beach. Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm at the beach and the waves are crashing and tiny little elves are moving all the boxes and furniture out of my apartment and putting them nicely in storage for us. Ahhhhh this is a pleasant dream.

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