It's No Secret... We Have A Song Of the Day

Pushing the boundaries today my friends. This morning I woke up feeling good. For starters I didn't have to be into work until 10:30 which is always pleasant. The day is always better when you get to sleep in a little. I took my shower got dressed and headed out the door. It was at this point that I realized that something was amiss. I had forgotten to take my vitamins (gasp!) and more importantly I had left my ipod sitting in the docking station. I was running a bit behind schedule so I couldn't go back for it. Massive bummer.

I listened to sports radio while driving which wasn't bad. I had no complaints there, but coming home from an after work party I definitely could have gone for listening to my ipod. Not the end of the world though. I got home and Shea and I started packing up our apartment. We're moving but more on that another day. Shea put her ipod on and we did our thing for a couple of hours (actually we got a bit done). After awhile I looked at the clock and noticed that it was past eleven and I still didn't know what the song of the day was. No panic did not set in but I knew we were cutting it close. So I had Shea jump in and hit the shuffle button to find our song of the day at 11:30 making the mark with a half hour to spare. Not that we're all up to speed...

When talking about U2 everyone is very quick to say that The Joshua Tree is their greatest album, and there is just cause for that. I'm actually one who believes that it is but that besides the point for this argument. A lot of people fail to mention the awesome that is Achtung Baby. I think I might rank this their second best album. The Fly is one of those enhance the album songs. Would it be released as a single? Probably not and that's okay. It doesn't mean that we love it any less. It fits the album and is complimentary of the other songs and that's what really matters here. The Fly is a bigger piece of the album puzzle.

I like the aggressive nature of the rhythm here. Is it me or does the beginning chords kind of sound like a fly buzzing around? It does doesn't it? Bono is in full I'm going to make women scream for me mood with his whisper/gasp singing. Hey it's Bono so I'm sure it works. I for one wouldn't have the balls to cut a song where I'm whisper singing but that's just me (the person who doesn't wear goggles all the time). There's nothing really stand out about the song but it's not offensive. Not once while listening to it did I feel that it had to end. That's always a good sign in my opinion.

Strangely it kind of reminded me of the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack. Eeeep confession time. When the movie Crazy Beautiful came out I kind of dug it. So much in fact that I bought the soundtrack and it became one of the most listened to CD's of that summer for me. There's really nothing significant on the album it's just a bunch of songs that reminded me of scenes from a movie I happened to enjoy. Isn't that the point of soundtracks? Get off my back here people. Any way while listening to The Fly I felt that the sound was right for the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack. I know U2 everywhere unite in shocked horror. Yes it's U2 and yes I understand that they are waaaaay bigger then the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack, all I'm saying is the song kind of made me think of it. Is that so bad? I'm sure Bono would understand. Right?

Sigh. I guess not.

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