A Father's Day Guest Shuffler (Spoiler Alert It's My Dad)

With it being Father's Day and all I thought long and hard (that's what she said) about what the best gift to give my Dad would be. After careful consideration I came to this conclusion... make Dad today's guest shuffler. After a failed attempt in the car, for some reason when you plug your ipod in his car it doesn't give you the option it just plays the playlist or album you had selected when you plugged it in. If you ask me it's a pretty annoying feature, what does one do if they just want to shuffle their ipod? I don't know I think it should be something that gets tweaked for the next model. Due to the car's lack of cooperation we had to wait until we got home sitting poolside. I had actually forgotten about it and it was my Dad who brought it to my attention by asking "what is it I have to do for this shuffle thing?" I quickly grabbed my ipod and a docking station and brought it outside. He pushed the button listened to the song for a second and then went inside to grab something. Yes it kind of defeated the purpose of listening to the song but I was excited that he wanted to participate. He picked a pretty good song too.

I've been kind of hoping over the last week or so that we would get a Tom Petty song. Kind of strange though considering I haven't really been in a Tom Petty mood as of late. Chances are it's because of the Foo Fighters song I Should Have Known that just reeks of Tom Petty. That's the only conclusion I can come to considering I've had that song on pretty have rotation lately. As a matter of fact if it's Foo or Dave Grohl related it's pretty much been on heavy rotation.

Into The Great Wide Open seemed like a good Father's Day song. For one with my Dad hitting the shuffle button I didn't want something bad to play. By bad I mean bad by my Dad's standards. So that could be anything from Outkast to Motorhead. I just didn't want him to turn around and be like "why do you listen to this?" forcing me to explain the reasons why I listen to it here to you. If it had been a U2 or Billy Joel song I would have been sitting pretty but like I said before Tom Petty is a good substitute. Plus I really love the guitar on this track. Those opening chords sound a bit like George Harrison.

Listening to Into The Great Wide Open kind of hit home today with Shea and my move coming up, and looking to buy a house. It's that next stage of life and taking that chance. Yes the song's characters don't make it (which is sad) but I was focusing more on the "Into the great wide open/Under them skies of blue" where everything seems kind of hopeful. I took the positive nature of the chorus and applied it to my life. Who says I can't? You can take whatever you want from music and it's lyrics and that's what I chose to take today. There's so much promise ahead and it's that adventure into the great wide open. Plus Shea and I aren't looking to cut a record so that part of the song doesn't really apply people.

Speaking of moving it's time that I got back to packing. I took a twenty minute break so I could get this up on the interwebs before midnight. Happy Father's Day Shufflers, those of you with childrens that is. The rest of you... I hope you had a good day.

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least Right Now)
1. Father's Son- Fistful of Mercy
2. Missing Pieces (live)- O.A.R.
3. Halloween (live)- Dave Matthews Band
4. My Hero- Foo Figthters
5. Murder of One (live)- Counting Crows

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