My Ipod... the Ministry of Music Magic

Harry Potter has been a big part of my year. One of my goals this year was to re-read the seven books, I hadn't read them since they were released and never together. So it was my goal to get through the seven books before I ventured into any other reading this year. So from January to mid March I read nothing but Harry Potter and it was awesome!!! Re-reading those books was more fun than I remembered. Such a wonderfully crafted story, from book one all the way through the end. The series is just structured brilliantly. I actually can't wait to read them again, and shortly after finishing them I went through a Harry Potter depression. There were no more books to read and no other books seemed exciting. It was a sad time.

Alas, I'm not here to talk about the epic awesome that is the Harry Potter books (you should already know that by now), but I am here to talk about the song of the day which comes from the Deathly Hallows Part One soundtrack. First off I thought the seventh movie (part one of it) was really well done. It captured the darkness and the mood wonderfully. I loved it from start to finish. Part 2 can't come soon enough although it sucks that it's going to be in 3D. I am so over 3D. Yeah it was really cool in Avatar but since then it's become a cheap add on to films so they can make more money. Look at Clash of the Titans and The Last Air Bender. Those movies had terrible 3D effects and really didn't need them. But it gives the movie executives an excuse to jack up the prices. I'm glad to see that the public is starting to turn on the 3D craze. I for one wouldn't be sad it faded away entirely.

Ministry of Magic is a good track. For the most part this time in the movie is a bit comedic and supposed to play a little light. The story of Harry Potter has taken such a dark turn by this point in the movies that it's good that the story is able to break it up and give the audience a moment to laugh. The track takes that light heartiness and breaks up the dark undertones of the score. At the end it starts to recapture the darkness and the doom but for three minutes it's pretty light.

So this got me wondering... is my ipod the Ministry of Music Magic? Not like the Ministry of Magic when it starts to be run by Death Eaters, but the Ministry when it's filled with magical awesomeness. I think it's possible. It houses all types of musical genres (all types of different magical departments), it has a minister (Pearl Jam has the most songs so they would govern the Ministry), there's a section for zany muggle studies (Outkast actually it's more like Andre 3000), there's also the defense against the dark arts (Rage Against the Machine and Nine Inch Nails), not to mention herbology (Bob Marley), it's always making new hires for new departments (ummmm itunes), and I'm pretty sure it's magical. Hmmmm I wonder if this is a name I want to stick. I'll leave it up to you Shufflers, what do you think? Is my ipod the Ministry of Music Magic? I think Harry Potter would be down with it, much like Naughty By Nature is down with O.P.P. (yes that was lame, no I don't care).

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