Making Up For Lost Pearl Jam
Things To Know
1. This is one of my all time favorite Pearl Jam songs.
2. The album No Code makes me think of October in Cape Cod visiting family. It's was that time period where I fell in love with that album. I also believe it's the first time I took a shot of tequila... thanks Michael.
3. The version that played on my ipod came from a show in Mansfield, Ma where the band had a three day stay. Over the course of the three days they tried to play their entire catalogue. In order to do so they actually opened for themselves on the third night with an acoustic set. Hence this version.
4. Off He Goes is heartbreaking but at the same time doesn't really make me sad. I don't know why that is because I know I should be sad while listening to it. Maybe I just understand.
5. Some people believe that this song is written about Neil Young.
6. I made this list as the post because I'm too tired to write an actual post. Lame? Maybe. Brilliant? Most defiantly.
7. Off He Goes is one of the best examples of how awesome Eddie Vedder is at telling stories. He just captures you with the images he paints and you're drawn in. How many of you hate hearing that the man is going to leave in the morning? How badly do you wish for him to stay and feel comfortable? All this comes from Vedder's brilliance.
8. Totally non Pearl Jam or Off He Goes related but defiantly worth mentioning. Throughout the course of moving boxes into storage today I asked my brother in-law, Timmy, if he could suggest a good starting point to get into country. Lately I've been feeling in a country type mood and I really don't know much about country music and I know Timmy has a pretty big country catalogue so I asked. What followed was the introduction of the Zac Brown Band. A love affair is born
Tonight We Get A Good One
Tired folks. This moving thing is sure to be the death of me. Our last day here is Thursday and after that we be gone. Tomorrow is move all the boxes into storage day and I think after we do that I'll feel a bit better. They're taking up so much room and makes everything feel so clustered, almost like no progress has been made at all. I know that we've actually made progress but seeing all these boxes day in and day out is like getting kicked in the groin. On top of that add the stress of wondering if it's all going to fit into a 10x10 storage room and you have the makings of one really stressed blogger (for the record this is the first time I've referred to myself as a "blogger" and I don't know how I feel about it. I doubt I'll use it again.). I just keep telling myself it will be over soon and everything will be done... it kind of has to be.
The good thing about O.A.R. is their music usually puts me in a good mood which is definitely a plus considering the stress of moving. It also just so happens that Tonight is one of my favorite O.A.R. songs so I was sitting pretty this morning.
The version of Tonight that played on my ipod actually came from a show White River State Park (6-17-09) that I picked up through their Live O.A.R. website (http://www.liveoar.com/) where the band posts a large majority of their love shows up for sale, similar to what Pearl Jam does. Unfortunately I couldn't find this version on the interwebs so I tired to go with the version from the four disc, two live show album Rain or Shine. This also was a fail. So instead I went with this random show I found on You Tube. It's for the best I think because the version from the 6-17-09 show cuts out in different areas and you can't hear Marc sing which kind of annoyed me. Especially since it happened during the best part of the song (which is the end. Right around the part where he starts going "I've got a back pack packed heading out right now...").
For those interested and patient enough, the best version of Tonight comes from a show they did at the Hammerstein Ballroom back in '04 (11.27-04 to be exact). It's a crowd recording and was the first time that I had heard the song (I think I traded for the show because they also do a cover of Asshole which was too hard to pass up... that's what she said?). I think the real reason why I love this version is because near the end (where my version cuts out from the White River show) Marc sings something to the effect of "we're in New York Fucking City and we're doing it right") and I'm a sucker for "F" bombs and home town name droppage. But hey that's just me.
(Note: I keep talking about the best version of Tonight because it was never recorded for an album. It was one of (if not the first) song the band wrote but they never recorded it. So they only way to find it is through live shows. I've seen the band over nine times and they've never played it. It's the mark of a good show if it makes the set list.)
What I like about Tonight is it's simplistic nature. There is nothing too deep about the song, it is what it is. The fact that it's a simple song doesn't make it bad at all, it's fun to listen to and makes me feel at ease. You can hear how young the band was when they wrote it, and they play it with care. Like it's special to them. I can appreciate that. O.A.R. holds this song in a special place in their hearts and I think that's why the haven't recorded it yet. Once it's on an album I think it might lose some of that magic. I had my doubts about putting it on the last live album. I don't want it to become a mainstream O.A.R. song. Tonight is a symbol of everything I loved about this band originally and I don't want to see it bastardized but the Love and Memories O.A.R. fans. Weird fact though I love to play my favorite version for other O.A.R. enthusiasts because I feel that a true O.A.R. fan would appreciate it. The song is like a super hero origin story almost. My playing it to others though creates a paradox considering my protective nature over the song. I'm too tired to think of paradoxes though so I'll continue to watch Toy Story 3 until I fall asleep.
The good thing about O.A.R. is their music usually puts me in a good mood which is definitely a plus considering the stress of moving. It also just so happens that Tonight is one of my favorite O.A.R. songs so I was sitting pretty this morning.
The version of Tonight that played on my ipod actually came from a show White River State Park (6-17-09) that I picked up through their Live O.A.R. website (http://www.liveoar.com/) where the band posts a large majority of their love shows up for sale, similar to what Pearl Jam does. Unfortunately I couldn't find this version on the interwebs so I tired to go with the version from the four disc, two live show album Rain or Shine. This also was a fail. So instead I went with this random show I found on You Tube. It's for the best I think because the version from the 6-17-09 show cuts out in different areas and you can't hear Marc sing which kind of annoyed me. Especially since it happened during the best part of the song (which is the end. Right around the part where he starts going "I've got a back pack packed heading out right now...").
For those interested and patient enough, the best version of Tonight comes from a show they did at the Hammerstein Ballroom back in '04 (11.27-04 to be exact). It's a crowd recording and was the first time that I had heard the song (I think I traded for the show because they also do a cover of Asshole which was too hard to pass up... that's what she said?). I think the real reason why I love this version is because near the end (where my version cuts out from the White River show) Marc sings something to the effect of "we're in New York Fucking City and we're doing it right") and I'm a sucker for "F" bombs and home town name droppage. But hey that's just me.
(Note: I keep talking about the best version of Tonight because it was never recorded for an album. It was one of (if not the first) song the band wrote but they never recorded it. So they only way to find it is through live shows. I've seen the band over nine times and they've never played it. It's the mark of a good show if it makes the set list.)
What I like about Tonight is it's simplistic nature. There is nothing too deep about the song, it is what it is. The fact that it's a simple song doesn't make it bad at all, it's fun to listen to and makes me feel at ease. You can hear how young the band was when they wrote it, and they play it with care. Like it's special to them. I can appreciate that. O.A.R. holds this song in a special place in their hearts and I think that's why the haven't recorded it yet. Once it's on an album I think it might lose some of that magic. I had my doubts about putting it on the last live album. I don't want it to become a mainstream O.A.R. song. Tonight is a symbol of everything I loved about this band originally and I don't want to see it bastardized but the Love and Memories O.A.R. fans. Weird fact though I love to play my favorite version for other O.A.R. enthusiasts because I feel that a true O.A.R. fan would appreciate it. The song is like a super hero origin story almost. My playing it to others though creates a paradox considering my protective nature over the song. I'm too tired to think of paradoxes though so I'll continue to watch Toy Story 3 until I fall asleep.
Iron Man... No Not That One
We are now entering the final week of living in our apartment and the majority of our things are sitting in brown boxes purchased from Home Depot. Now it's just moving them to storage and cleaning up the mess. The real pain in the ass though is that last Wednesday we moved our couch and dinning room chairs out so sitting down or getting comfortable at the end of the day is kind of... non-existent. Sitting on the floor has quite literally become a pain in the ass. Not to much longer though I suppose.
My initial thought when Iron Man started playing this morning was "oh crap". The brilliance of this song is also it's biggest downfall. Those opening chords are what sells the song and works it's way into your head like a beetle from the Lewis and Clark expedition (after writing this I ponder if this is something that actually happened to people traveling with Lewis and Clark. I could have sworn that I say it in a history movie once in high school. You know one of those ones where it's kind of an actual movie but at the same time it's not?)
For me the brilliance of Iron Man isn't the lyrics it's the music itself. Who doesn't know those opening guitar chords? I listened to it twice this morning because the second time I wanted to pay attention to the lyrics. I can't figure out if the "iron man" in this song is a good guy or a bad guy. It sounds like some of the things he's doing are good but then Ozzy throws words like vengeance around and it questions my theories on the song. When I was young I used to believe that it was about the super hero Iron Man, and being a Spider-Man fan it always bothered me that he didn't have a rock song. As I've gotten older I understand that it's not about comic book Iron Man but I still want there to be a rock song for Spider-Man (no I discount anything from the Broadway play).
Is it just me or does anyone else think of the man in the iron mask when this song plays? For some reason this morning while listening I was thinking of that poor bastard trapped in the iron helmet. Maybe it's because I've been reading those Songs of Ice and Fire books and I'm in a very medieval mood. If it's got swords and epicness I'm all about it right now. Maybe that warped my mind a little bit while listening or maybe secretly the man in the iron mask is Iron Man. Hmmmmm.
(Side Note: No I'm not at all excited about the new David Cook album that comes out tomorrow. I'm also not considering downloading it at midnight.)
My initial thought when Iron Man started playing this morning was "oh crap". The brilliance of this song is also it's biggest downfall. Those opening chords are what sells the song and works it's way into your head like a beetle from the Lewis and Clark expedition (after writing this I ponder if this is something that actually happened to people traveling with Lewis and Clark. I could have sworn that I say it in a history movie once in high school. You know one of those ones where it's kind of an actual movie but at the same time it's not?)
For me the brilliance of Iron Man isn't the lyrics it's the music itself. Who doesn't know those opening guitar chords? I listened to it twice this morning because the second time I wanted to pay attention to the lyrics. I can't figure out if the "iron man" in this song is a good guy or a bad guy. It sounds like some of the things he's doing are good but then Ozzy throws words like vengeance around and it questions my theories on the song. When I was young I used to believe that it was about the super hero Iron Man, and being a Spider-Man fan it always bothered me that he didn't have a rock song. As I've gotten older I understand that it's not about comic book Iron Man but I still want there to be a rock song for Spider-Man (no I discount anything from the Broadway play).
Is it just me or does anyone else think of the man in the iron mask when this song plays? For some reason this morning while listening I was thinking of that poor bastard trapped in the iron helmet. Maybe it's because I've been reading those Songs of Ice and Fire books and I'm in a very medieval mood. If it's got swords and epicness I'm all about it right now. Maybe that warped my mind a little bit while listening or maybe secretly the man in the iron mask is Iron Man. Hmmmmm.
(Side Note: No I'm not at all excited about the new David Cook album that comes out tomorrow. I'm also not considering downloading it at midnight.)
The Day After the Wedding
I wrote yesterday's post in about ten minutes and didn't think about it again after I hit publish. Yes I am aware that kind of defeats the purpose of things here but I had a lot going on. My sister's wedding was a success and a wonderful time was had by all. Having experienced my own wedding only six or seven short months it's crazy how there is so much build up to the event itself and then in a blink of an eye it's over. Crazy. You would think with all the preparation and invites that the wedding should last at least a week. Now that's a good time.
The most important part about the wedding reception is the music. Yes the ceremony itself is key but the music is your tone setter. Without a good DJ the reception could be a bit of a mess. Luckily for myself and for my sister the music was very good and had people up and dancing for the majority of the night. This is a susses, and also our segway into today's song.
Like how I did that? I took the fact that weddings have a DJ and today's song, Boss DJ, has the term DJ in it and connected it. I'm telling you folks my college education has done wonders for me. Could you imagine if I didn't go to college? I might have missed entirely the connection here and then what would you all have thought of me? Really dodged a bullet here.
I was surprised that I didn't have that much of a hang over this morning. For weddings and the open bar awesomeness of them my drink of choice tends to be a gin and tonic. I sure do love 'em. Yesterday though I stuck with beer straight through. Could that have contributed to my lack of a serious hang over? I don't know I'm not a scientist. There was a slight headache but after a shower and some BBQ food I was as right as rain. Despite the lack of hangover I still didn't want anything hard for my lobes so when Shea hit shuffle (Guest Shuffler Alert) I hoped for something a little chill and the shuffle gods answered my please.
While I love the majority of Sublime's stuff (I only say majority because there are some things on the box set that are just "eh" for me) I really love their acoustic stuff. How good is the acoustic version of I Saw Red or Rivers of Babylon and of course Badfish? I would actually rank all three of these in my top ten favorite Sublime tracks. I think this version of Boss DJ from the boxset really fits well with the rest of their acoustic catalogue.
It's just a pleasant sounding song. Bradley has such a tremendous voice. I know I mentioned it the last time I wrote about Sublime but I don't think his voice gets enough credit. There are times where he just holds so much emotion in it. The phrasing and the delivery are always spot on, and I think that's why I love the acoustic stuff so much. You get to hear that rawness in Bradley's voice. Raw emotion in music is what makes the world go round people.
So as this weekend draws to the close I'm going to play around with the infamous Want To Hear It Now playlist. Time to add and remove some stuff, although I'm having a dispute with itunes again. When Super 8 came out itunes released like a nine song mini-soundtrack album for it. Tonight I saw Super 8 (finally and I'll get into more of it tomorrow.... long story short it was awesome!!!) and came home wanting to download this mini-soundtrack. It was no longer there. Things like this confuse me. There was also no sign of the score. What the hell?! Guess I'll have to track these songs down one by one. Damn itunes making work for my music.
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Kiss- Prince
2. B.O.B.- Outkast
3. Cowboy- Kid Rock
4. Rock and Roll- Kid Rock
5. Start Wearing Purple- Gogol Bordello
The most important part about the wedding reception is the music. Yes the ceremony itself is key but the music is your tone setter. Without a good DJ the reception could be a bit of a mess. Luckily for myself and for my sister the music was very good and had people up and dancing for the majority of the night. This is a susses, and also our segway into today's song.
Like how I did that? I took the fact that weddings have a DJ and today's song, Boss DJ, has the term DJ in it and connected it. I'm telling you folks my college education has done wonders for me. Could you imagine if I didn't go to college? I might have missed entirely the connection here and then what would you all have thought of me? Really dodged a bullet here.
I was surprised that I didn't have that much of a hang over this morning. For weddings and the open bar awesomeness of them my drink of choice tends to be a gin and tonic. I sure do love 'em. Yesterday though I stuck with beer straight through. Could that have contributed to my lack of a serious hang over? I don't know I'm not a scientist. There was a slight headache but after a shower and some BBQ food I was as right as rain. Despite the lack of hangover I still didn't want anything hard for my lobes so when Shea hit shuffle (Guest Shuffler Alert) I hoped for something a little chill and the shuffle gods answered my please.
While I love the majority of Sublime's stuff (I only say majority because there are some things on the box set that are just "eh" for me) I really love their acoustic stuff. How good is the acoustic version of I Saw Red or Rivers of Babylon and of course Badfish? I would actually rank all three of these in my top ten favorite Sublime tracks. I think this version of Boss DJ from the boxset really fits well with the rest of their acoustic catalogue.
It's just a pleasant sounding song. Bradley has such a tremendous voice. I know I mentioned it the last time I wrote about Sublime but I don't think his voice gets enough credit. There are times where he just holds so much emotion in it. The phrasing and the delivery are always spot on, and I think that's why I love the acoustic stuff so much. You get to hear that rawness in Bradley's voice. Raw emotion in music is what makes the world go round people.
So as this weekend draws to the close I'm going to play around with the infamous Want To Hear It Now playlist. Time to add and remove some stuff, although I'm having a dispute with itunes again. When Super 8 came out itunes released like a nine song mini-soundtrack album for it. Tonight I saw Super 8 (finally and I'll get into more of it tomorrow.... long story short it was awesome!!!) and came home wanting to download this mini-soundtrack. It was no longer there. Things like this confuse me. There was also no sign of the score. What the hell?! Guess I'll have to track these songs down one by one. Damn itunes making work for my music.
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Kiss- Prince
2. B.O.B.- Outkast
3. Cowboy- Kid Rock
4. Rock and Roll- Kid Rock
5. Start Wearing Purple- Gogol Bordello
The Wolf
There's not a whole lot to be said about today's song. It's short and haunting. Truth be told since I've been reading the Song Of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones books for those of you who don't know) it made me think of the Stark family. For those of you who haven't read the books I highly recommend them! I just started the third one last night as a matter of fact and I'm addicted. I can't believe that these books have existed for so long without my knowledge! They're incredible, the characterization is amazing and the story itself is dark and filled with swerves. Other then that there's not a lot to say about it Eddie Vedder's Wolf.
The more important issue today is my sister is getting married! I think that trumps the song of the day today. It would have been kind of cool if the shuffle selected their wedding song (Big Me from the Foo Fighters Skin and Bones live acoustic record. But it didn't so I gave it a plug just now.
So today I shall keep it brief. Congrats to my sister and my soon to be brother in-law Paul. Going to be a great day!
The more important issue today is my sister is getting married! I think that trumps the song of the day today. It would have been kind of cool if the shuffle selected their wedding song (Big Me from the Foo Fighters Skin and Bones live acoustic record. But it didn't so I gave it a plug just now.
So today I shall keep it brief. Congrats to my sister and my soon to be brother in-law Paul. Going to be a great day!
Sitting On The Porch of MSG
Currently I'm waiting Muppets From Space because I couldn't find my copy of Muppets Take Manhattan. I could have sworn I saw it the other day but amongst the stacks and stacks of boxes and now it's gone. I suppose it'll turn up. Do you know that itunes doesn't have real copies of any of the Muppets songs? Everything is some stupid cover by some stupid children's band. Why can't I have the original copies of Muppet songs?! What the hell itunes!
My gripes with itunes lack of Muppets music is besides the point. Today is kind of a fun song of the day for me. It's a Pearl Jam song, but not just any Pearl Jam song. This version of Porch happens to come from the first Pearl Jam show I ever went to at Madison Square Garden. My mind was blown! It's everything I would have wanted from my first Pearl Jam show. Some of the classics and some of the rarities and ending the night with Indifference with the house lights on. Twas a good two hour night of music. It's always exciting to own a copy of a concert you've been to and that's one of the greatest things about Pearl Jam. Every show they do gets recorded and uploaded on to their website two weeks later. For ten bucks you can relive the show over and over again. Not a bad deal if you ask me.
Now while this version of Porch isn't the one from my show (it was impossible to find on You Tube) it still holds the general principles. I love how the band strips down the beginning of the song. It has that bluesy/gritty feel to it before it jumps into the song. For some reason it gets the opening verse to really stick in your head. Maybe it's because each word is so deliberate. You can really tell that Eddie Vedder means it.
While the studio cut of Porch is one of my favorite tracks off of Ten (how hard is it to pick a favorite track off that album? It's like trying to figure out who your favorite child is.). The live version lends itself to letting the band really rock out, and rock out they do (Side Note: There is a whole lot of funk being played during the Muppets From Space... this pleases me). There's a slight little drum solo or a drum show case and the solo is just sick. McCready really just lets loose on the track and a three minute studio cut becomes a eight minute stadium rock fest.
My gripes with itunes lack of Muppets music is besides the point. Today is kind of a fun song of the day for me. It's a Pearl Jam song, but not just any Pearl Jam song. This version of Porch happens to come from the first Pearl Jam show I ever went to at Madison Square Garden. My mind was blown! It's everything I would have wanted from my first Pearl Jam show. Some of the classics and some of the rarities and ending the night with Indifference with the house lights on. Twas a good two hour night of music. It's always exciting to own a copy of a concert you've been to and that's one of the greatest things about Pearl Jam. Every show they do gets recorded and uploaded on to their website two weeks later. For ten bucks you can relive the show over and over again. Not a bad deal if you ask me.
Now while this version of Porch isn't the one from my show (it was impossible to find on You Tube) it still holds the general principles. I love how the band strips down the beginning of the song. It has that bluesy/gritty feel to it before it jumps into the song. For some reason it gets the opening verse to really stick in your head. Maybe it's because each word is so deliberate. You can really tell that Eddie Vedder means it.
While the studio cut of Porch is one of my favorite tracks off of Ten (how hard is it to pick a favorite track off that album? It's like trying to figure out who your favorite child is.). The live version lends itself to letting the band really rock out, and rock out they do (Side Note: There is a whole lot of funk being played during the Muppets From Space... this pleases me). There's a slight little drum solo or a drum show case and the solo is just sick. McCready really just lets loose on the track and a three minute studio cut becomes a eight minute stadium rock fest.
How To Create A Funk Super Hero
What I learned this morning listening to Lenny Kravitz's Super Soul Fighter...The ingredients that are needed to create a funk super hero.
1. He needs to know how to fly- I think this goes without saying. If you're going to be a funk super hero flying is a must. Especially if you can fly out to space. Awesome.
2. Spreading Super Love Vibrations Is A Good Thing- You would think that this would be something dirty and unwanted, but quite the contrary. Spreading Super Love Vibrations is just our funk super heroes way of saying he loves us in hopes that it becomes a contagious act.
3. The Lord of the Wasteland Is an Asshole- For some reason this guy doesn't want us to be free. I boo this "Lord of the Wasteland". Thank goodness for Super Soul Fighter.
4. Spreading Funk Throughout the Nations Is Actually A Super Power- Who would have thought? I want to meet this Super Soul Fighter and shake his hand, he sounds like a badass if you ask me.
5. He's Coming- I'm not entirely sure when but Lenny Kravitz kept saying "yeah he's coming" over and over again so I"m under the impression that our Funk Hero shall be arriving shortly. Good thing because I could totally go for some super love vibrations.
(I love how Lenny Kravitz likes to mix a little funk in on his records. This song had me settling in a nice groove this morning. A little repetitive yes but so what? It's funk and it's fun. You can just tell that there was a good time in the studio while this was recording. That translates well to my lobes. Oh, does anyone else hear a little bit of Rollercoaster Of Love in this? I could swear it's some where in this funk super hero jam.)
Today I Am an R.E.M. Fan... And Song Of the Day Too
I was picking up the suit for my sisters wedding this weekend when it finally happened. All these years I've kind of skirted it never thinking it was possible. I had tried on separate occasions with the same results time and time again. It just seemed like it was never meant to be. Then today around 5:40 in a tuxedo shop it happened... I believe I became an R.E.M. fan.
As you may recall a week or so ago I was overcome with this urge to listen to R.E.M. in my car on the way home from work. This was something new for me. I never felt urges to play nothing but R.E.M. Sure if they were on a playlist or came across the shuffle that was fine with me but I very rarely seeked them out. Granted I didn't listen to them that day but I believe a seed was planted in my head. The station we listen to at work also plays a number of R.E.M. songs so I hear them at least once a day (I would say this is the watering of said seed). I've become particularly fond of Nightswimming (a great track that I downloaded a few minutes ago).
So what was the song that made the seed develop into the R.E.M. tree? It was Losing My Religion a song that had always kind of missed it's mark on me. I know it's this huge and iconic song but it really didn't do anything for me. It was there and I appreciated it but other then that...eh. That all changed today while I was waiting for my suit pants to be hemmed. I was listening to it and I kept thinking "wow...wow". It's so vulnerable. I always knew the song was good, I'm not that ignorant, it's just that the song never spoke to me. Today that changed. Today was the first time that I heard Losing My Religion. Today it helped me become an R.E.M. fan.
All of this is besides the point though because it has absolutely nothing to do with our song of the day. I did feel that it was important enough to share with you guys though. I've been trying for years to get into R.E.M. and I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and buy all their albums now, but I think I have a better appreciation for them now. Like right now I actually want to throw them on and just listen to them for a bit (What's the Frequency Kenneth? is actually playing as I type). I see this news worthy of A Year of Shuffling.
Fun fact about Cowboy Mouth, they're lead singer is also their drummer. How cool is that? The lead singing drummer is a rock rarity if you ask me. I'm sure Dave Grohl could pull it off and make it look natural (well lets be honest here folks there's very little Dave Grohl couldn't pull off), but other then that I'm not so sure. Ringo maybe? Besides the fact I just thought it was a fun little tidbit for today.
I liked the disheveled nature of this song. It's not really a guy singing as much as it is a dude talking about this girl he dated was awesome and then went bat shit crazy. The song isn't about singing purely it actually works better being off the way it is. He's just feeling the story he's telling and lets it take over. How great is the yell at the 1:30 mark? I love little things like that. When the singer just feels it and does something random not because he planned it because the song dictated it.
Love Of My Life reminds me of that country version of Gin and Juice that everyone downloaded in college because it said it was O.A.R. or Dave Matthews or Blues Traveler. Actually does anyone know who really sings that cover? I'd love to know. Any way the two songs share the same vibe. I love when I connect two songs together. It helps me to start laying down the foundation for a solid playlist. Hmmmm things to do after moving perhaps...
As you may recall a week or so ago I was overcome with this urge to listen to R.E.M. in my car on the way home from work. This was something new for me. I never felt urges to play nothing but R.E.M. Sure if they were on a playlist or came across the shuffle that was fine with me but I very rarely seeked them out. Granted I didn't listen to them that day but I believe a seed was planted in my head. The station we listen to at work also plays a number of R.E.M. songs so I hear them at least once a day (I would say this is the watering of said seed). I've become particularly fond of Nightswimming (a great track that I downloaded a few minutes ago).
So what was the song that made the seed develop into the R.E.M. tree? It was Losing My Religion a song that had always kind of missed it's mark on me. I know it's this huge and iconic song but it really didn't do anything for me. It was there and I appreciated it but other then that...eh. That all changed today while I was waiting for my suit pants to be hemmed. I was listening to it and I kept thinking "wow...wow". It's so vulnerable. I always knew the song was good, I'm not that ignorant, it's just that the song never spoke to me. Today that changed. Today was the first time that I heard Losing My Religion. Today it helped me become an R.E.M. fan.
All of this is besides the point though because it has absolutely nothing to do with our song of the day. I did feel that it was important enough to share with you guys though. I've been trying for years to get into R.E.M. and I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and buy all their albums now, but I think I have a better appreciation for them now. Like right now I actually want to throw them on and just listen to them for a bit (What's the Frequency Kenneth? is actually playing as I type). I see this news worthy of A Year of Shuffling.
Fun fact about Cowboy Mouth, they're lead singer is also their drummer. How cool is that? The lead singing drummer is a rock rarity if you ask me. I'm sure Dave Grohl could pull it off and make it look natural (well lets be honest here folks there's very little Dave Grohl couldn't pull off), but other then that I'm not so sure. Ringo maybe? Besides the fact I just thought it was a fun little tidbit for today.
I liked the disheveled nature of this song. It's not really a guy singing as much as it is a dude talking about this girl he dated was awesome and then went bat shit crazy. The song isn't about singing purely it actually works better being off the way it is. He's just feeling the story he's telling and lets it take over. How great is the yell at the 1:30 mark? I love little things like that. When the singer just feels it and does something random not because he planned it because the song dictated it.
Love Of My Life reminds me of that country version of Gin and Juice that everyone downloaded in college because it said it was O.A.R. or Dave Matthews or Blues Traveler. Actually does anyone know who really sings that cover? I'd love to know. Any way the two songs share the same vibe. I love when I connect two songs together. It helps me to start laying down the foundation for a solid playlist. Hmmmm things to do after moving perhaps...
How To Make Women Want You According To G-Unit
While listening to Wanna Get To Know You I came up this brilliant idea. Yes I mean brilliant because it was like 7:48 in the morning so any ideas I have are brilliant because usually I'm not functioning like a normal human being. Any who the lyrics of this song inspired me to write a sample of a book written by the members of G-Unit based on Wanna Get To Know You and other classic G-Unit hits. The name of this book would be How To Make Women Want You According To G-Unit. Now please folks this is just a sample of the genius that a full book could be provide. Enjoy
Chapter 4- Wanna Get To Know You
Young Buck: Yo listen up, when I want to take a honey home with me these be the things I spout off to make her all warm and gushy inside. I make hearts and shit melt with the love talk I speak. Now fellas don't forget this shit be potent so use only if you want to bring that ass home.
Im lovin' how you look in my eyes/Swingin' them hips when you pass/I'm visualizing my name tattooed on that ass baby- Yeah this shit is cool because it shows that you notice them walking yet by wanting to tattoo your name on that ass it shows that you be committed and shit.
I think we make a perfect couple/But you think I'm trouble/Maybe thats the reason you gave me the wrong number- Bitches be frontin'. Give me a wrong number I'm still gonna find you, and you gonna love me for it.
And your Gucci boots the same color as mine- I got style bitches need to know
Im'a stop at your house and blow the horn/If you come outside you know it's on (holla at your boy)- Young Buck don't wait for no ass.
Lloyd Banks: I don't have much to say other then the shit I spit is gold.
Bitches be frustrated with the baller/Wonder why I don't call her/Maybe because I'm busy and she needs someone to spoil her/It gets annoying from time to time I gotta ignore her/In order to let her know we'll be friends and nothing more- you know?
50 Cent- (could not be reached for comment on this chapter)
You ain't go to look like a model for me to adore you/All you gotta do is love me and be loyal- (wait shouldn't this be more degrading?)
Put my tongue on you you put your tongue on me/Let me ride on you and you can ride on- (oooooooooh there it is)
If all else fails hit the ladies with a quick one liner. One that's sure to stick, and it always works. We're G-Unit we know shit.
Sample One Liner- I wanna get to know you/I really wanna fuck you, baby- yeah this will get you a woman every time.
End Of Chapter
I don't know about you guys but I would totally buy this book (for the comedic elements of course). For more award winning ways to degrade women and sound like an idiot be sure to listen to all of Beg For Mercy. Maybe you can write the next chapter of the G-Unit Guide To Love.
(I am fully aware that the hardest part about this post is acknowledging this song is on my ipod... it's still there as a matter of fact.)
Pushing Past The Tired
Today was just one of those days. The strange thing is it started off pretty good too. I was having a solid day at work up until the end where things kind of went to shit. Then I went to job number two and recovered and came home and realised that we're running out of time to get things packed and moved out of the apartment. My sister, Jen, wedding is this weekend and there just isn't enough time it seems. I'm a bit stressed and a lot tired right now. Which is too bad because I was really pumped for today's song.
(sorry currently can't find the song to post... sample it on itunes or Amazon until I can... I know this is lame but it's late and I don't have the energy)
Sleeping By Myself comes off of Eddie Vedder's new solo record Ukulele Songs. I love this album and yes maybe I'm a little biased because it's Eddie Vedder but that's beside the point. I had my doubts about a whole album consisting of just the ukulele but I have to say he pulled it off. There are one or two spots where the pitch of the ukulele grates on my ears and I don't fault Vedder for it.
The first half of the album seems to carry the theme of losing love while the second half consists of finding it again. I wouldn't say it's a concept album but it's a steady theme. Half the songs about love lost and the other half about love found. Sleeping By Myself obviously falls into the love lost section of the album (it's track number two I believe).
I found it funny that my ipod chose to play this song today considering Eddie Vedder's solo tour takes him to New York today and tomorrow. One would wonder if my ipod knew what was going on. I would love to have gone to either one of those shows but like I stated earlier there's too much going on right now (and I think all tickets were eight a pop when saving for a house tends to be a bit pricey). As I'm typing this I just remembered that Vedder was supposed to be on Letterman tonight. I missed it, guess it's off to You Tube to find it tomorrow.
I've listened to Ukulele Songs a lot but it has to be thrown on in an environment where it's time to relax or chill. It's got a Jack Johnson like vibe to it, it's beachy and it's sweet, and with a day like today it's the perfect album to throw on while you close your eyes and picture the beach. Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm at the beach and the waves are crashing and tiny little elves are moving all the boxes and furniture out of my apartment and putting them nicely in storage for us. Ahhhhh this is a pleasant dream.
(sorry currently can't find the song to post... sample it on itunes or Amazon until I can... I know this is lame but it's late and I don't have the energy)
Sleeping By Myself comes off of Eddie Vedder's new solo record Ukulele Songs. I love this album and yes maybe I'm a little biased because it's Eddie Vedder but that's beside the point. I had my doubts about a whole album consisting of just the ukulele but I have to say he pulled it off. There are one or two spots where the pitch of the ukulele grates on my ears and I don't fault Vedder for it.
The first half of the album seems to carry the theme of losing love while the second half consists of finding it again. I wouldn't say it's a concept album but it's a steady theme. Half the songs about love lost and the other half about love found. Sleeping By Myself obviously falls into the love lost section of the album (it's track number two I believe).
I found it funny that my ipod chose to play this song today considering Eddie Vedder's solo tour takes him to New York today and tomorrow. One would wonder if my ipod knew what was going on. I would love to have gone to either one of those shows but like I stated earlier there's too much going on right now (and I think all tickets were eight a pop when saving for a house tends to be a bit pricey). As I'm typing this I just remembered that Vedder was supposed to be on Letterman tonight. I missed it, guess it's off to You Tube to find it tomorrow.
I've listened to Ukulele Songs a lot but it has to be thrown on in an environment where it's time to relax or chill. It's got a Jack Johnson like vibe to it, it's beachy and it's sweet, and with a day like today it's the perfect album to throw on while you close your eyes and picture the beach. Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm at the beach and the waves are crashing and tiny little elves are moving all the boxes and furniture out of my apartment and putting them nicely in storage for us. Ahhhhh this is a pleasant dream.
A Father's Day Guest Shuffler (Spoiler Alert It's My Dad)
With it being Father's Day and all I thought long and hard (that's what she said) about what the best gift to give my Dad would be. After careful consideration I came to this conclusion... make Dad today's guest shuffler. After a failed attempt in the car, for some reason when you plug your ipod in his car it doesn't give you the option it just plays the playlist or album you had selected when you plugged it in. If you ask me it's a pretty annoying feature, what does one do if they just want to shuffle their ipod? I don't know I think it should be something that gets tweaked for the next model. Due to the car's lack of cooperation we had to wait until we got home sitting poolside. I had actually forgotten about it and it was my Dad who brought it to my attention by asking "what is it I have to do for this shuffle thing?" I quickly grabbed my ipod and a docking station and brought it outside. He pushed the button listened to the song for a second and then went inside to grab something. Yes it kind of defeated the purpose of listening to the song but I was excited that he wanted to participate. He picked a pretty good song too.
I've been kind of hoping over the last week or so that we would get a Tom Petty song. Kind of strange though considering I haven't really been in a Tom Petty mood as of late. Chances are it's because of the Foo Fighters song I Should Have Known that just reeks of Tom Petty. That's the only conclusion I can come to considering I've had that song on pretty have rotation lately. As a matter of fact if it's Foo or Dave Grohl related it's pretty much been on heavy rotation.
Into The Great Wide Open seemed like a good Father's Day song. For one with my Dad hitting the shuffle button I didn't want something bad to play. By bad I mean bad by my Dad's standards. So that could be anything from Outkast to Motorhead. I just didn't want him to turn around and be like "why do you listen to this?" forcing me to explain the reasons why I listen to it here to you. If it had been a U2 or Billy Joel song I would have been sitting pretty but like I said before Tom Petty is a good substitute. Plus I really love the guitar on this track. Those opening chords sound a bit like George Harrison.
Listening to Into The Great Wide Open kind of hit home today with Shea and my move coming up, and looking to buy a house. It's that next stage of life and taking that chance. Yes the song's characters don't make it (which is sad) but I was focusing more on the "Into the great wide open/Under them skies of blue" where everything seems kind of hopeful. I took the positive nature of the chorus and applied it to my life. Who says I can't? You can take whatever you want from music and it's lyrics and that's what I chose to take today. There's so much promise ahead and it's that adventure into the great wide open. Plus Shea and I aren't looking to cut a record so that part of the song doesn't really apply people.
Speaking of moving it's time that I got back to packing. I took a twenty minute break so I could get this up on the interwebs before midnight. Happy Father's Day Shufflers, those of you with childrens that is. The rest of you... I hope you had a good day.
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least Right Now)
1. Father's Son- Fistful of Mercy
2. Missing Pieces (live)- O.A.R.
3. Halloween (live)- Dave Matthews Band
4. My Hero- Foo Figthters
5. Murder of One (live)- Counting Crows
I've been kind of hoping over the last week or so that we would get a Tom Petty song. Kind of strange though considering I haven't really been in a Tom Petty mood as of late. Chances are it's because of the Foo Fighters song I Should Have Known that just reeks of Tom Petty. That's the only conclusion I can come to considering I've had that song on pretty have rotation lately. As a matter of fact if it's Foo or Dave Grohl related it's pretty much been on heavy rotation.
Into The Great Wide Open seemed like a good Father's Day song. For one with my Dad hitting the shuffle button I didn't want something bad to play. By bad I mean bad by my Dad's standards. So that could be anything from Outkast to Motorhead. I just didn't want him to turn around and be like "why do you listen to this?" forcing me to explain the reasons why I listen to it here to you. If it had been a U2 or Billy Joel song I would have been sitting pretty but like I said before Tom Petty is a good substitute. Plus I really love the guitar on this track. Those opening chords sound a bit like George Harrison.
Listening to Into The Great Wide Open kind of hit home today with Shea and my move coming up, and looking to buy a house. It's that next stage of life and taking that chance. Yes the song's characters don't make it (which is sad) but I was focusing more on the "Into the great wide open/Under them skies of blue" where everything seems kind of hopeful. I took the positive nature of the chorus and applied it to my life. Who says I can't? You can take whatever you want from music and it's lyrics and that's what I chose to take today. There's so much promise ahead and it's that adventure into the great wide open. Plus Shea and I aren't looking to cut a record so that part of the song doesn't really apply people.
Speaking of moving it's time that I got back to packing. I took a twenty minute break so I could get this up on the interwebs before midnight. Happy Father's Day Shufflers, those of you with childrens that is. The rest of you... I hope you had a good day.
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least Right Now)
1. Father's Son- Fistful of Mercy
2. Missing Pieces (live)- O.A.R.
3. Halloween (live)- Dave Matthews Band
4. My Hero- Foo Figthters
5. Murder of One (live)- Counting Crows
Spanning The Day
Caution: Today's Posting Will Consist of Ramblings.
Working on Saturdays isn't all that bad. Not that I want to work them regularly but I only work until 1:30ish and then I get to go home and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Plus on the weeks that I do have to work a Saturday I usually get to come in late one day and leave early the next (overtime is a big no no) so that's a tiny little perk. When I was working at the movie theater I used to dread working the weekends. Well, that's not entirely true I just hated the fact that I could only spend four to five hours with Shea before I had to head off to work until three a.m. or some ridiculous hour, and dinner (the best part of the night) wasn't until eleven o'clock. So working one Saturday until 1:30 isn't so bad.
The only bummer about working today was I was supposed to do Habitat For Humanity with Shea and her office but obviously I couldn't make it. It's too bad, it always makes me feel so accomplished. It also worked out in my favor because Shea said it was wicked hot. While Shea was roofing in the heat I was at work digesting the song of the day (we'll get to that in time) and learning that one of my favorite graphic novels/animes, Berserk, was being re-done in order to cover the full story (the only season of the anime covered the first 14 books). Truth be told I'm not really big into anime. If you're talking comic books and graphic novels and the like than the answer is a big yes, but I had a hard time transitioning into the anime genre. That was until my senior year of college where my room mate Jason introduced me to the awesome that is Berserk. The story is incredible, the character development is brilliantly done, the animation is a bit weak but it doesn't matter. The story is that good. Jason used to work at Blockbuster so my senior year we had full reign over movies, so we watched a lot of Berserk. So the learning that the series was going to get a revamp is kind of exciting. There is a massive story to be told that wasn't explored enough the first go around.
Thinking about Berserk had me thinking about the music. There are some truly wonderful pieces of music that come from that series (Behelit, Gats, Forces) another thing that reminds me of college. I remember the spring break of my senior year we went up to Canada for a long weekend (or was it long night?). Let's just say $.25 shots are as much trouble as they are brilliant. The night ended with Jason and I ate a Subway at some random time in the night/morning singing Forces from Berserk as loud as we could while quoting the Chappelle Show ("I'm Rick James bitch"). It's not so funny if you don't know the song. It's just cheesy Japanese anime music I suppose. Yet it's awesome.
All that and we still haven't gotten to our song of the day. Trust me we're getting there. Today is also a pretty sad day for rock music. A little while ago I saw on the news that Claraence Clemons of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band fame passed away of stroke complications. It wasn't until I got older that I came to fully appreciate the awesome that is Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. The passing of Claraence Clemons is sad day for music. I love his playing in Tenth Ave Freeze Out ("When the change was made uptown/And the big man joined the band"), he kills it in Born To Run as well as his Santa Clause laugh in Santa Clause Is Coming To Town. The Boss has been quoted as saying his meeting of Clemons was Biblical behind the back drop of the thunder storm outside. The Big Man will be missed.
Now finally we get to our song of the day. I really got into the Pixies about two years ago. By got into I mean appreciated. They were always in the background of my 90's grunge days but they never made it to the forefront because I was too busy playing a broom like a guitar and head banging in my room to Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins (ha-ha that never happened). I knew of the Pixies but I defiantly did not know the Pixies.
Alec Eiffel comes off the album Trompe le Monde althought my copy comes off of Wave of Mutilation (or their greatest hits album). I've listened to it three or four times now today and I hear the grunge influence just oozing out of it. Is this the most memorable Pixies song? Probably not (although it is good enough to make a greatest hits album) but it doesn't mean that it's sound still didn't influence the likes of Nirvana, Weezer, U2, and David Bowie (that is a pretty awesome resume of kick ass bands that stemmed from your awesomeness). I was reading on the interwebs that it was these bands saying how much the Pixies influenced them helped to bring them to the forefront. I think that's part of it but how can you deny the overall excellence of Doolittle? That album alone is enough to put any bed on the map.
Well Shufflers I'm going to finish watching this episode of Beserk and play around with my Want To Hear It Now playlist. I've got some changes I'd like to make. Do yourself a favor and play tribute to one of the greatest sax players who ever lived and try and listen to Born To Run or Tenth Ave Freeze Out. The best way to celebrate a musicians life is to listen to it on record. Cheers Clarence Clemons.
Working on Saturdays isn't all that bad. Not that I want to work them regularly but I only work until 1:30ish and then I get to go home and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Plus on the weeks that I do have to work a Saturday I usually get to come in late one day and leave early the next (overtime is a big no no) so that's a tiny little perk. When I was working at the movie theater I used to dread working the weekends. Well, that's not entirely true I just hated the fact that I could only spend four to five hours with Shea before I had to head off to work until three a.m. or some ridiculous hour, and dinner (the best part of the night) wasn't until eleven o'clock. So working one Saturday until 1:30 isn't so bad.
The only bummer about working today was I was supposed to do Habitat For Humanity with Shea and her office but obviously I couldn't make it. It's too bad, it always makes me feel so accomplished. It also worked out in my favor because Shea said it was wicked hot. While Shea was roofing in the heat I was at work digesting the song of the day (we'll get to that in time) and learning that one of my favorite graphic novels/animes, Berserk, was being re-done in order to cover the full story (the only season of the anime covered the first 14 books). Truth be told I'm not really big into anime. If you're talking comic books and graphic novels and the like than the answer is a big yes, but I had a hard time transitioning into the anime genre. That was until my senior year of college where my room mate Jason introduced me to the awesome that is Berserk. The story is incredible, the character development is brilliantly done, the animation is a bit weak but it doesn't matter. The story is that good. Jason used to work at Blockbuster so my senior year we had full reign over movies, so we watched a lot of Berserk. So the learning that the series was going to get a revamp is kind of exciting. There is a massive story to be told that wasn't explored enough the first go around.
Thinking about Berserk had me thinking about the music. There are some truly wonderful pieces of music that come from that series (Behelit, Gats, Forces) another thing that reminds me of college. I remember the spring break of my senior year we went up to Canada for a long weekend (or was it long night?). Let's just say $.25 shots are as much trouble as they are brilliant. The night ended with Jason and I ate a Subway at some random time in the night/morning singing Forces from Berserk as loud as we could while quoting the Chappelle Show ("I'm Rick James bitch"). It's not so funny if you don't know the song. It's just cheesy Japanese anime music I suppose. Yet it's awesome.
All that and we still haven't gotten to our song of the day. Trust me we're getting there. Today is also a pretty sad day for rock music. A little while ago I saw on the news that Claraence Clemons of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band fame passed away of stroke complications. It wasn't until I got older that I came to fully appreciate the awesome that is Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. The passing of Claraence Clemons is sad day for music. I love his playing in Tenth Ave Freeze Out ("When the change was made uptown/And the big man joined the band"), he kills it in Born To Run as well as his Santa Clause laugh in Santa Clause Is Coming To Town. The Boss has been quoted as saying his meeting of Clemons was Biblical behind the back drop of the thunder storm outside. The Big Man will be missed.
Now finally we get to our song of the day. I really got into the Pixies about two years ago. By got into I mean appreciated. They were always in the background of my 90's grunge days but they never made it to the forefront because I was too busy playing a broom like a guitar and head banging in my room to Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins (ha-ha that never happened). I knew of the Pixies but I defiantly did not know the Pixies.
Alec Eiffel comes off the album Trompe le Monde althought my copy comes off of Wave of Mutilation (or their greatest hits album). I've listened to it three or four times now today and I hear the grunge influence just oozing out of it. Is this the most memorable Pixies song? Probably not (although it is good enough to make a greatest hits album) but it doesn't mean that it's sound still didn't influence the likes of Nirvana, Weezer, U2, and David Bowie (that is a pretty awesome resume of kick ass bands that stemmed from your awesomeness). I was reading on the interwebs that it was these bands saying how much the Pixies influenced them helped to bring them to the forefront. I think that's part of it but how can you deny the overall excellence of Doolittle? That album alone is enough to put any bed on the map.
Well Shufflers I'm going to finish watching this episode of Beserk and play around with my Want To Hear It Now playlist. I've got some changes I'd like to make. Do yourself a favor and play tribute to one of the greatest sax players who ever lived and try and listen to Born To Run or Tenth Ave Freeze Out. The best way to celebrate a musicians life is to listen to it on record. Cheers Clarence Clemons.
A Flip-Flop Friday Exchange For Some Bob Marley
Flip-flop Fridays. It's a dream really. I've mentioned it to my boss and he's told me that the idea of flip-flop Fridays is a good one but not one he thinks those in cooperate are going to go for. It's unfortunate because I feel it could be a game changer. It's one thing to have the "casual" look (or a shirt and tie minus the tie) but just think if you added the element of flip-flops. This is my idea of a perfect world. Just sit back and ponder a world where we can come to work on a Friday with no tie on, with no closed shoes, maybe even instead of a dress shirt wearing a Lapidus (our name for a Hawaiian shirt named after the ever awesome Frank Lapidus character from LOST). Why can't this world be a reality? Why?
So what would be better then flip-flop Fridays? Well how about a little Bob Marley on a Friday morning? Yeah that's right folks we got our first Bob Marley song of the year. So as I changed out of my flippy floppies and into my dress shoes I had a the melodies of Bob Marley soaring through my head.
I'm Still Waiting comes off the Songs of Freedom box set that covers the spectrum of Bob Marley's music. This particular song comes from the doo-whop reggae days. Doo-whop reggae is a tricky thing. It either works or it doesn't. There is no middle ground for this genre of music. I think I'm Still Waiting falls into that it doesn't really work for me dawg category. I think it's the recording itself. The production quality is not very good.
Here's the thing with me and recordings. I hate when things don't sound like they recorded well. This is why I had some problems when I was trading O.A.R. shows. There would be times would you get a show with an awesome set list but the sound quality would be terrible. There is nothing worse then being excited to hear a song and it sounds like it's being played from under water. While the recording of I'm Still Waiting isn't that bad, it doesn't meat my standards (wow listen to me like I'm some music recording God who oversees recording sessions, the nerve). My problem with I'm Still Waiting is it sounds more like a doo-whop song than a reggae song. When I heard it was Bob Marley I got excited because his music always makes thing seem a little bit better. So I was waiting for those reggae rhythms to carry me to work and help me recover from the lack of flippy floppys. This song is good (I don't think Bob Marley ever recorded a bad song people) it just didn't provide the reggae flare I needed. Why am I so demanding? Maybe if I got to wear my flip-flops I would have been a little more receptive.
When I started writing this I was excited about writing about Bob Marley now I just feel like a music crank. It really wasn't that bad. I like this song, it's not my all time favorite but it's good. I need to stop talking I feel that I'm just going in circles and besmirching the great Bob Marley. Forgive. It's Friday I must be confused.
So what would be better then flip-flop Fridays? Well how about a little Bob Marley on a Friday morning? Yeah that's right folks we got our first Bob Marley song of the year. So as I changed out of my flippy floppies and into my dress shoes I had a the melodies of Bob Marley soaring through my head.
I'm Still Waiting comes off the Songs of Freedom box set that covers the spectrum of Bob Marley's music. This particular song comes from the doo-whop reggae days. Doo-whop reggae is a tricky thing. It either works or it doesn't. There is no middle ground for this genre of music. I think I'm Still Waiting falls into that it doesn't really work for me dawg category. I think it's the recording itself. The production quality is not very good.
Here's the thing with me and recordings. I hate when things don't sound like they recorded well. This is why I had some problems when I was trading O.A.R. shows. There would be times would you get a show with an awesome set list but the sound quality would be terrible. There is nothing worse then being excited to hear a song and it sounds like it's being played from under water. While the recording of I'm Still Waiting isn't that bad, it doesn't meat my standards (wow listen to me like I'm some music recording God who oversees recording sessions, the nerve). My problem with I'm Still Waiting is it sounds more like a doo-whop song than a reggae song. When I heard it was Bob Marley I got excited because his music always makes thing seem a little bit better. So I was waiting for those reggae rhythms to carry me to work and help me recover from the lack of flippy floppys. This song is good (I don't think Bob Marley ever recorded a bad song people) it just didn't provide the reggae flare I needed. Why am I so demanding? Maybe if I got to wear my flip-flops I would have been a little more receptive.
When I started writing this I was excited about writing about Bob Marley now I just feel like a music crank. It really wasn't that bad. I like this song, it's not my all time favorite but it's good. I need to stop talking I feel that I'm just going in circles and besmirching the great Bob Marley. Forgive. It's Friday I must be confused.
It's No Secret... We Have A Song Of the Day
Pushing the boundaries today my friends. This morning I woke up feeling good. For starters I didn't have to be into work until 10:30 which is always pleasant. The day is always better when you get to sleep in a little. I took my shower got dressed and headed out the door. It was at this point that I realized that something was amiss. I had forgotten to take my vitamins (gasp!) and more importantly I had left my ipod sitting in the docking station. I was running a bit behind schedule so I couldn't go back for it. Massive bummer.
I listened to sports radio while driving which wasn't bad. I had no complaints there, but coming home from an after work party I definitely could have gone for listening to my ipod. Not the end of the world though. I got home and Shea and I started packing up our apartment. We're moving but more on that another day. Shea put her ipod on and we did our thing for a couple of hours (actually we got a bit done). After awhile I looked at the clock and noticed that it was past eleven and I still didn't know what the song of the day was. No panic did not set in but I knew we were cutting it close. So I had Shea jump in and hit the shuffle button to find our song of the day at 11:30 making the mark with a half hour to spare. Not that we're all up to speed...
When talking about U2 everyone is very quick to say that The Joshua Tree is their greatest album, and there is just cause for that. I'm actually one who believes that it is but that besides the point for this argument. A lot of people fail to mention the awesome that is Achtung Baby. I think I might rank this their second best album. The Fly is one of those enhance the album songs. Would it be released as a single? Probably not and that's okay. It doesn't mean that we love it any less. It fits the album and is complimentary of the other songs and that's what really matters here. The Fly is a bigger piece of the album puzzle.
I like the aggressive nature of the rhythm here. Is it me or does the beginning chords kind of sound like a fly buzzing around? It does doesn't it? Bono is in full I'm going to make women scream for me mood with his whisper/gasp singing. Hey it's Bono so I'm sure it works. I for one wouldn't have the balls to cut a song where I'm whisper singing but that's just me (the person who doesn't wear goggles all the time). There's nothing really stand out about the song but it's not offensive. Not once while listening to it did I feel that it had to end. That's always a good sign in my opinion.
Strangely it kind of reminded me of the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack. Eeeep confession time. When the movie Crazy Beautiful came out I kind of dug it. So much in fact that I bought the soundtrack and it became one of the most listened to CD's of that summer for me. There's really nothing significant on the album it's just a bunch of songs that reminded me of scenes from a movie I happened to enjoy. Isn't that the point of soundtracks? Get off my back here people. Any way while listening to The Fly I felt that the sound was right for the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack. I know U2 everywhere unite in shocked horror. Yes it's U2 and yes I understand that they are waaaaay bigger then the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack, all I'm saying is the song kind of made me think of it. Is that so bad? I'm sure Bono would understand. Right?
Sigh. I guess not.
I listened to sports radio while driving which wasn't bad. I had no complaints there, but coming home from an after work party I definitely could have gone for listening to my ipod. Not the end of the world though. I got home and Shea and I started packing up our apartment. We're moving but more on that another day. Shea put her ipod on and we did our thing for a couple of hours (actually we got a bit done). After awhile I looked at the clock and noticed that it was past eleven and I still didn't know what the song of the day was. No panic did not set in but I knew we were cutting it close. So I had Shea jump in and hit the shuffle button to find our song of the day at 11:30 making the mark with a half hour to spare. Not that we're all up to speed...
When talking about U2 everyone is very quick to say that The Joshua Tree is their greatest album, and there is just cause for that. I'm actually one who believes that it is but that besides the point for this argument. A lot of people fail to mention the awesome that is Achtung Baby. I think I might rank this their second best album. The Fly is one of those enhance the album songs. Would it be released as a single? Probably not and that's okay. It doesn't mean that we love it any less. It fits the album and is complimentary of the other songs and that's what really matters here. The Fly is a bigger piece of the album puzzle.
I like the aggressive nature of the rhythm here. Is it me or does the beginning chords kind of sound like a fly buzzing around? It does doesn't it? Bono is in full I'm going to make women scream for me mood with his whisper/gasp singing. Hey it's Bono so I'm sure it works. I for one wouldn't have the balls to cut a song where I'm whisper singing but that's just me (the person who doesn't wear goggles all the time). There's nothing really stand out about the song but it's not offensive. Not once while listening to it did I feel that it had to end. That's always a good sign in my opinion.
Strangely it kind of reminded me of the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack. Eeeep confession time. When the movie Crazy Beautiful came out I kind of dug it. So much in fact that I bought the soundtrack and it became one of the most listened to CD's of that summer for me. There's really nothing significant on the album it's just a bunch of songs that reminded me of scenes from a movie I happened to enjoy. Isn't that the point of soundtracks? Get off my back here people. Any way while listening to The Fly I felt that the sound was right for the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack. I know U2 everywhere unite in shocked horror. Yes it's U2 and yes I understand that they are waaaaay bigger then the Crazy Beautiful soundtrack, all I'm saying is the song kind of made me think of it. Is that so bad? I'm sure Bono would understand. Right?
Sigh. I guess not.
The Number One and Four Reasons Why It's Awesome
A Few Things That Make The Number One Awesome-
1. The Beat- Ant is so good with providing the perfect beats for Slug to rhyme over. Each beat that he gives seems to be the perfect back drop for the stories that Slug aims to tell. The two of them are on the same wave length and the it helps enhance the music. In hip hop it is so important to be in sync with the beat of the song. As a rapper you have to be in charge and can't let the beat bully you, you have to make it your own and adapt your flow accordingly. Slug does this almost effortlessly. He understands the beat and provides a rhythm that never steps out of sync. His rhymes and Ant's beats become the perfect marriage.
2. The Chorus Feeds Right Into The Rhymes- I love how short the chorus is in this song. I'm not a big fan of the constantly repeating chorus. I feel that it takes away from the essence of the song. Yes the chorus is the part that pulls you in but I'm here for the verse. I want to know what's driving this song, what's leading us to the chorus payoff. But I beg that you don't drag out the chorus though because if I'm really digging the verses I don't want to be kept away from the story too long. Lets have it and be done with it. The Number One makes good on this, the chorus is brief and before it ends Slug is right back in the thick of things.
3. The Story- While I was listening to The Number One this morning I couldn't help but laugh a little. Who doesn't remember the first girlfriend/boyfriend they had? At the time it seems like the biggest thing ever, and being the first to kiss was this huge deal. The biggest stress one had to deal with was when was it time to kiss and if you're were going to be able to meet up in town or talk on the phone for a bit. This song brings things back into a more innocent time of dating. Where it wasn't stressful, where you basically had a new significant other every couple of months, where doing absolutely nothing with the person you were with didn't even matter. You were just cool to be in a relationship. It had me thinking back to sixth grade and my first "girlfriend" at the time. It made me laugh. You're not in a real relationship until you understand what it's like to make it to second base. After that all the innocence is gone my friends. I also love how easy it is for Slug to slip back into that mindset where he's just a kid who loves being with girls, not for sex but because they being with them provides the ultimate cool.
4. The Sequel- It didn't dawn on me until this morning that there is actually a sequel to this song, The Number None. It also happens to be one of my favorite Atmosphere songs. I love how it picks up where this one ends. If The Number One is about innocence and being in a relationship because it's cool and easy then The Number None is when things get real. Taking those childhood relationships and mixing in the element of want and sex, and then watching them ruin your world. Listening to the songs back to back is fun. The beats are different (but not by much) and the rhymes seems to flow into each other. I would actually love to hear these songs mashed together providing one full story. The childhood side and then the "things got real" side. Good times for all.
I'm Feeling Up After Listening To Down
Have you ever had that feeling that you needed to hear a song but didn't know that you did? It's not like you've been singing the song over and over but the moment you hear it you just understand that you needed to hear this song. Well that happened to me this morning. As soon as Down started to play I knew I needed to hear this song. It was exactly what I wanted to hear.
Lately I haven't been feeling top notch. I'm not really happy with where I've let myself go. I've gained quite a bit of weight, I'm tired a lot, I don't have a lot of energy, I've grown a bit lazy, it's safe to say I'm in a bit of a funk and it's taking it's toll on me. It's not like I'm depressed it's just I'm not me and that needs to change. This week I have started to turn over a new leaf and get back to the old me. The person who has energy, who isn't constantly tired, who is willing to shed some of these pounds. I mapped out a plan and everything that I have quite a lot of confidence in. I really feel that this plan can start turning out positive results. As of today (Tuesday) it's been going according to plan. The playing of Down was like my ipod telling me that it's all going to be okay.
First things first, Down would probably make my top 25 favorite Pearl Jam songs. I love the studio cut, this live version, and the regular live version (where Eddie Vedder sings "I think I'll throw these fucking pills away"). It's a solid song from start to finish with a positive message. We start off with someone who isn't feeling at the top of their game. Things aren't going their way lately and they feel like they're kind of down and out. What I love about this song is that the person who is feeling down who is feeling beyond repair never gives up, and today that's what I needed to hear.
It's such a positive song despite the negativity of the title (lets face the word down comes with negative connotations). Yes things are bad but there's this silver lining at the end of the tunnel. I love, love, love the lyric "if hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done". It's just a hopeful lyric. It's like saying I know things are bad now and may seem like they're never going to be better, but let me assure you things will improve. If they can get better for me then they can get better for you. It's such positive energy, I'm a sucker for songs that send messages that things will improve.
What I love about Pearl Jam is how very rarely Eddie Vedder will discuss what the meaning of a song is. He likes to keep it up to the listener. They don't give away a songs meaning because a song can mean different things to different people and it should be up to the listener to make the song their own. There's nothing better then a band fully giving up it's song to it's listener. It's almost like once it's recorded it's not longer theirs it belongs to us the listener. I find that to be very, very cool.
So when I woke up this morning I had no idea that Down was the song I needed to hear. It was that glimmer telling me that things are going to improve. "If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done". I sang this song all day during work and each time I did it made me smile. Things are going to improve and I'm going to start taking better care of myself. This knowledge has me very excited. How can I feel down this morning knowing that things are going to get better? Hell, Eddie Vedder told me they would.
Lately I haven't been feeling top notch. I'm not really happy with where I've let myself go. I've gained quite a bit of weight, I'm tired a lot, I don't have a lot of energy, I've grown a bit lazy, it's safe to say I'm in a bit of a funk and it's taking it's toll on me. It's not like I'm depressed it's just I'm not me and that needs to change. This week I have started to turn over a new leaf and get back to the old me. The person who has energy, who isn't constantly tired, who is willing to shed some of these pounds. I mapped out a plan and everything that I have quite a lot of confidence in. I really feel that this plan can start turning out positive results. As of today (Tuesday) it's been going according to plan. The playing of Down was like my ipod telling me that it's all going to be okay.
First things first, Down would probably make my top 25 favorite Pearl Jam songs. I love the studio cut, this live version, and the regular live version (where Eddie Vedder sings "I think I'll throw these fucking pills away"). It's a solid song from start to finish with a positive message. We start off with someone who isn't feeling at the top of their game. Things aren't going their way lately and they feel like they're kind of down and out. What I love about this song is that the person who is feeling down who is feeling beyond repair never gives up, and today that's what I needed to hear.
It's such a positive song despite the negativity of the title (lets face the word down comes with negative connotations). Yes things are bad but there's this silver lining at the end of the tunnel. I love, love, love the lyric "if hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done". It's just a hopeful lyric. It's like saying I know things are bad now and may seem like they're never going to be better, but let me assure you things will improve. If they can get better for me then they can get better for you. It's such positive energy, I'm a sucker for songs that send messages that things will improve.
What I love about Pearl Jam is how very rarely Eddie Vedder will discuss what the meaning of a song is. He likes to keep it up to the listener. They don't give away a songs meaning because a song can mean different things to different people and it should be up to the listener to make the song their own. There's nothing better then a band fully giving up it's song to it's listener. It's almost like once it's recorded it's not longer theirs it belongs to us the listener. I find that to be very, very cool.
So when I woke up this morning I had no idea that Down was the song I needed to hear. It was that glimmer telling me that things are going to improve. "If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done". I sang this song all day during work and each time I did it made me smile. Things are going to improve and I'm going to start taking better care of myself. This knowledge has me very excited. How can I feel down this morning knowing that things are going to get better? Hell, Eddie Vedder told me they would.
Taking Time With Lenny
I'm finding that lately I really don't care for Mondays. It never used to be that way. For some odd reason Tuesday was usually my least favorite day of the week and I didn't mind Monday so much. All that has changed now. I've kind of dropped out of the "I Don't Mind Mondays" Club. Suddenly Tuesdays are looking a whole lot better.
I try and time out when exactly I'm going to hit the shuffle button in the morning. I don't like doing when I have to make a turn or go around a traffic circle. I prefer to wait until there's a bit of a straight stretch and then I hit it. It also helps to wait for a commercial break from Mike and Mike or a topic that I'm not interested in or feel they're beating to death. Every morning I have to go through a traffic circle and it's usually then that I hit the shuffle button (most days any way). Today I must have been feeling a bit edgy because I hit shuffle a little before the traffic circle. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I feel with hitting the shuffle button during an open stretch I'm able to focus more on the song and less on driving. Sounds real safe I'm sure.
I used to be such a huge Lenny Kravitz fan. Not that I'm not a fan anymore I would just say that the passion has dwindled a bit. 5 was a real take off album for Lenny (yes we're on a first name basis), and I was felt a bit indifferent to it. There was some really, really good stuff on their (Fly Away, Supersoulfighter, I Belong To You) but it was a switch in sound and style. The Lenny Kravitz I love can be heard on Let Love Rule and Circus. This was a beginning of a change in tone that I didn't really care for (Spoiler Alert- I feel that some of his newer material is starting to return back to basics and I find this to be exciting).
There is a hidden dark streak in Lenny Kravitz and I not so secretly enjoy his darker song materials. Things like Blues For Sister Someone or Don't Go and Put A Bullet In Your Head are two of my favorite Lenny Kravitz songs because they shy away from his pro-love side and express what could possibly the other side of the pro-love coin. It's ballsy and I like it. I feel that Take Time fits into that dark material of his. It's a simplistic song (and much like O.A.R.'s Heaven) I don't much care for the synthesiser stuff or is it a drum machine? Lenny Kravitz is far too talented to have to rely on a machine to make his music for him. For those of you who don't know Lenny Kravitz records albums all by his lonesome (meaning it's just him and the instruments). That's pretty badass so please don't cop out and use a machine to supply your drum beat.
While I was listening to it this morning I heard some obvious musical influences. The guitar solo is a such a Hendrix nod it's not even funny. I'm not saying this to criticize it's just something I noticed. The dirtiness of the riff and the way it kind of hangs in the air just reminded me a lot of Hendrix. Also there's a part that sounds a little Prince-esq. It's that "you can have it if you really want it heeeeeey" stuff. It just screams Prince. But I love when he goes "it's about to get wild". I just like the way it fits into the song.
Lenny Kravitz takes a lot of heat for portraying his musical influences in his music (like the Zeppelin and Prince stuff) and I don't think that's particularly fair. I like that I can hear his musical influences, it's not like he's trying to be them he's taking what he loves about them and tries to add his own spin to it. That's why I like Take Time because those influences are very present but this still comes across as a Lenny Kravtiz song. Now that I'm thinking about it this might be one of my favorite tracks off of 5. It might be time to start digging through my Lenny archives and putting some more stuff on my ipod. I'm telling you I used to be obsessed with all things Lenny Kravitz and it might be time to go back and visit all the awesome I have forgotten about.
I try and time out when exactly I'm going to hit the shuffle button in the morning. I don't like doing when I have to make a turn or go around a traffic circle. I prefer to wait until there's a bit of a straight stretch and then I hit it. It also helps to wait for a commercial break from Mike and Mike or a topic that I'm not interested in or feel they're beating to death. Every morning I have to go through a traffic circle and it's usually then that I hit the shuffle button (most days any way). Today I must have been feeling a bit edgy because I hit shuffle a little before the traffic circle. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I feel with hitting the shuffle button during an open stretch I'm able to focus more on the song and less on driving. Sounds real safe I'm sure.
I used to be such a huge Lenny Kravitz fan. Not that I'm not a fan anymore I would just say that the passion has dwindled a bit. 5 was a real take off album for Lenny (yes we're on a first name basis), and I was felt a bit indifferent to it. There was some really, really good stuff on their (Fly Away, Supersoulfighter, I Belong To You) but it was a switch in sound and style. The Lenny Kravitz I love can be heard on Let Love Rule and Circus. This was a beginning of a change in tone that I didn't really care for (Spoiler Alert- I feel that some of his newer material is starting to return back to basics and I find this to be exciting).
There is a hidden dark streak in Lenny Kravitz and I not so secretly enjoy his darker song materials. Things like Blues For Sister Someone or Don't Go and Put A Bullet In Your Head are two of my favorite Lenny Kravitz songs because they shy away from his pro-love side and express what could possibly the other side of the pro-love coin. It's ballsy and I like it. I feel that Take Time fits into that dark material of his. It's a simplistic song (and much like O.A.R.'s Heaven) I don't much care for the synthesiser stuff or is it a drum machine? Lenny Kravitz is far too talented to have to rely on a machine to make his music for him. For those of you who don't know Lenny Kravitz records albums all by his lonesome (meaning it's just him and the instruments). That's pretty badass so please don't cop out and use a machine to supply your drum beat.
While I was listening to it this morning I heard some obvious musical influences. The guitar solo is a such a Hendrix nod it's not even funny. I'm not saying this to criticize it's just something I noticed. The dirtiness of the riff and the way it kind of hangs in the air just reminded me a lot of Hendrix. Also there's a part that sounds a little Prince-esq. It's that "you can have it if you really want it heeeeeey" stuff. It just screams Prince. But I love when he goes "it's about to get wild". I just like the way it fits into the song.
Lenny Kravitz takes a lot of heat for portraying his musical influences in his music (like the Zeppelin and Prince stuff) and I don't think that's particularly fair. I like that I can hear his musical influences, it's not like he's trying to be them he's taking what he loves about them and tries to add his own spin to it. That's why I like Take Time because those influences are very present but this still comes across as a Lenny Kravtiz song. Now that I'm thinking about it this might be one of my favorite tracks off of 5. It might be time to start digging through my Lenny archives and putting some more stuff on my ipod. I'm telling you I used to be obsessed with all things Lenny Kravitz and it might be time to go back and visit all the awesome I have forgotten about.
Debate on the Shuffle
It took us over sixty shuffles but we finally hit our first questionable moment. I was in the car with Shea and our friend Andy coming home from a successful run at Warrior Dash. I'll openly admit that I'm pretty sore, cut, and bruised but it was totally worth it. I got to jump over fire! I crawled under barbed wire through the mud! I navigated myself through the swamps of sadness despite losing one of my shoes! I survived and would willing do it again next year. All of that awesome is besides the point though. I asked Andy if he would be the guest shuffler of the week and he said yes. So we had just hit the express way when I had him hit the shuffle button. What happened was something I had been afraid of. The comedic styling of one Mr. Dane Cook started coming through the speakers and it started a bit of a debate.
My standings on the comedy tracks that are on my ipod has been if it plays then the next track would be the song of the day.The mentality of the project was the first song played through the shuffle. So I was listening to Dane Cook talk about super powers and figuring that the next track would be our song. Shea and Andy believed that we should hit the shuffle button again and find a new song. This didn't set will with me. I went into this thinking that it should be one push of the button a day and that there was no reset button. But listening to Shea and Andy they did make some good points. I went with the next track but I'll open up the forum to you Shufflers. In cases like this what should I do? Should I hit shuffle again or just wait for the next track? Help me figure this out so it doesn't become a problem again.
Robert Randolph and the Family Band (or RRFB as I shall be referring to them for the remainder of the post) are incredible. Robert Randolph plays the steel pedal guitar (if I'm not mistaken it has twelve strings and has to played on a flat surface) and just kills it. I had first heard of RRFB though my O.A.R. listenings (they do a really cool cover of Zeppelin's Fool In the Rain) so I picked up their live album Live At the Wetlands. Let me tell you guys this album rocks. It's like six tracks of just jamming out good times. Defiantly makes for a good summer/outside record.
I got to see RRFB open for Dave Matthews Band about six years ago, and it was such a cool experience. For starters Robert Randolph just commands the stage and demands your attention. It's done mostly through his playing but when he speaks or sings he's very energetic. Plus it didn't hurt that he did a cover of Voodo Chile into Billie Jean. After that I've pretty much been sold on Robert Randolph and the Family Band. It was just a bummer that their set was too short (I think it was only forty minutes).
Thrill of It comes off the Colorblind album and is a fun track to listen to with the windows open. It's smooth sounding and gets you in a good mood. I don't know how to explain the playing of Robert Randolph but it's almost like he's playing jazz with the steel pedal guitar. It just flows so effortlessly and sounds amazing. It's like his soul is pouring through his fingers and on to those strings. Although I prefer my RRFB live (there's just more room for jamming) I like this track a lot. It would have made for a good song going into Warrior Dash. It helps get the blood flowing.
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. I Should Have Known- Foo Fighters (sounds Petty esq)
2. Sign of Love- Neil Young fting Dave Grohl
3. O Children- Nick Cave (heard in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1)
4. Pot Kettle Black- Tilly and the Wall
5. Walk- Foo Fighters (I can't shake this song)
My standings on the comedy tracks that are on my ipod has been if it plays then the next track would be the song of the day.The mentality of the project was the first song played through the shuffle. So I was listening to Dane Cook talk about super powers and figuring that the next track would be our song. Shea and Andy believed that we should hit the shuffle button again and find a new song. This didn't set will with me. I went into this thinking that it should be one push of the button a day and that there was no reset button. But listening to Shea and Andy they did make some good points. I went with the next track but I'll open up the forum to you Shufflers. In cases like this what should I do? Should I hit shuffle again or just wait for the next track? Help me figure this out so it doesn't become a problem again.
Robert Randolph and the Family Band (or RRFB as I shall be referring to them for the remainder of the post) are incredible. Robert Randolph plays the steel pedal guitar (if I'm not mistaken it has twelve strings and has to played on a flat surface) and just kills it. I had first heard of RRFB though my O.A.R. listenings (they do a really cool cover of Zeppelin's Fool In the Rain) so I picked up their live album Live At the Wetlands. Let me tell you guys this album rocks. It's like six tracks of just jamming out good times. Defiantly makes for a good summer/outside record.
I got to see RRFB open for Dave Matthews Band about six years ago, and it was such a cool experience. For starters Robert Randolph just commands the stage and demands your attention. It's done mostly through his playing but when he speaks or sings he's very energetic. Plus it didn't hurt that he did a cover of Voodo Chile into Billie Jean. After that I've pretty much been sold on Robert Randolph and the Family Band. It was just a bummer that their set was too short (I think it was only forty minutes).
Thrill of It comes off the Colorblind album and is a fun track to listen to with the windows open. It's smooth sounding and gets you in a good mood. I don't know how to explain the playing of Robert Randolph but it's almost like he's playing jazz with the steel pedal guitar. It just flows so effortlessly and sounds amazing. It's like his soul is pouring through his fingers and on to those strings. Although I prefer my RRFB live (there's just more room for jamming) I like this track a lot. It would have made for a good song going into Warrior Dash. It helps get the blood flowing.
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. I Should Have Known- Foo Fighters (sounds Petty esq)
2. Sign of Love- Neil Young fting Dave Grohl
3. O Children- Nick Cave (heard in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1)
4. Pot Kettle Black- Tilly and the Wall
5. Walk- Foo Fighters (I can't shake this song)
Getting Pumped Up For Warrior Dash Shuffle Style
It's currently 12:20 in the morning and I am writing my second post of the day, only it's after midnight so technically I'm writing my only post of today. Is your mind blown yet? I have to write today's post so early because I won't be around for the most part today. Shea and I (and friends) are heading down to Pennsylvania to compete in Warrior Dash. What is Warrior Dash you ask? Well it's a three plus mile run where we crawl through mud under barbed wire, scale a wall, jump over fire along with other awesome like obstacles. Check out the video for it here
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bcsvL_oyRHE&feature=youtube_ gdata_player or just go to the Warrior Dash website (here http://www.warriordash.com/). It's a touring race so try and find out where it's going to be next if you're interested.
As you're reading this chances are I'm currently covered in mud, sweat, hopefully some face paint,and some blood (if I'm lucky) and eating a giant turkey leg while sipping on some well deserved beer. Or on the flip side of that I could be dead (doubtful but it was good for dramatic effect don't you think?). None of these results would dare keep me away from sharing with you the song of the day my fellow Shufflers. Today we get a prize pick too.
I came across Lost In the Trees through Shea. Shea and her mother (my mother in-law) went to a Neko Case concert and Lost In the Trees was the opening band. It was a small, intimate venue so the seats were pretty good. After their set Shea was able to meet the majority of the band, and came home incredibly excited about her new discovery. If I recall correctly she didn't talk that much about Neko Case she focused most of her story telling on the awesomeness of Lost In the Trees. Naturally I asked her to play me some of their music so I could share in the excitement. I found that I was pleasantly surprised. These guys were good. So I did what any music loving, self respecting husband would do... I stole the music from Shea and put it on my ipod.
Love On My Side is one of those sounds that is best described as pretty. The sound is soft and soothing and makes me want to be warm and loved somewhere. Honestly it's not the type of song I would listen to right before competing in Warrior Dash. For that I would probably choose listening to Hulk Hogan's wrestling theme song Real American. Which I also just discovered isn't on my ipod so I'm downloading it as we speak...type. Although at twelve o'clock at night with bed time rapidly approaching Love On My Side is the perfect song. I love how tender his voice sounds here. My first thought was that it was the Plain White T's Hey There Delilah, but I'm not actually sure if I own that song so it would have been weird. The song itself doesn't sound like Hey There Delilah it's just those opening chords that made me think of it. Is it me or does this song seem like it would fit perfectly in the movie Juno?
I'm listening to it again and I'm really loving this song. I love when the back up singer chimes in. This song is wonderful. I'm currently moving it to my Want To Hear It Now playlist. I love the "the winter killed the spring" lyric. I find the line to be strangely beautiful. I can't really explain it. It's like in Donnie Darko when they say that "cellar door" is the most beautiful combination of words in the English language. I could be reaching here I just found the phrase to be sweet is all. I recommend you give the album a listen there's some really interesting sounds on there. It's different and at times haunting and other times beautiful, but definitely unique. Check out Fireplace and Walk Around the Lake especially.
As I head off to sleep with dreams of mud pits dancing through my heads allow me to leave you with this. As you listen picture me hulking up as I whoop some Warrior Dash ass.
As you're reading this chances are I'm currently covered in mud, sweat, hopefully some face paint,and some blood (if I'm lucky) and eating a giant turkey leg while sipping on some well deserved beer. Or on the flip side of that I could be dead (doubtful but it was good for dramatic effect don't you think?). None of these results would dare keep me away from sharing with you the song of the day my fellow Shufflers. Today we get a prize pick too.
I came across Lost In the Trees through Shea. Shea and her mother (my mother in-law) went to a Neko Case concert and Lost In the Trees was the opening band. It was a small, intimate venue so the seats were pretty good. After their set Shea was able to meet the majority of the band, and came home incredibly excited about her new discovery. If I recall correctly she didn't talk that much about Neko Case she focused most of her story telling on the awesomeness of Lost In the Trees. Naturally I asked her to play me some of their music so I could share in the excitement. I found that I was pleasantly surprised. These guys were good. So I did what any music loving, self respecting husband would do... I stole the music from Shea and put it on my ipod.
Love On My Side is one of those sounds that is best described as pretty. The sound is soft and soothing and makes me want to be warm and loved somewhere. Honestly it's not the type of song I would listen to right before competing in Warrior Dash. For that I would probably choose listening to Hulk Hogan's wrestling theme song Real American. Which I also just discovered isn't on my ipod so I'm downloading it as we speak...type. Although at twelve o'clock at night with bed time rapidly approaching Love On My Side is the perfect song. I love how tender his voice sounds here. My first thought was that it was the Plain White T's Hey There Delilah, but I'm not actually sure if I own that song so it would have been weird. The song itself doesn't sound like Hey There Delilah it's just those opening chords that made me think of it. Is it me or does this song seem like it would fit perfectly in the movie Juno?
I'm listening to it again and I'm really loving this song. I love when the back up singer chimes in. This song is wonderful. I'm currently moving it to my Want To Hear It Now playlist. I love the "the winter killed the spring" lyric. I find the line to be strangely beautiful. I can't really explain it. It's like in Donnie Darko when they say that "cellar door" is the most beautiful combination of words in the English language. I could be reaching here I just found the phrase to be sweet is all. I recommend you give the album a listen there's some really interesting sounds on there. It's different and at times haunting and other times beautiful, but definitely unique. Check out Fireplace and Walk Around the Lake especially.
As I head off to sleep with dreams of mud pits dancing through my heads allow me to leave you with this. As you listen picture me hulking up as I whoop some Warrior Dash ass.
Tuesday's Coming... Yes I'm Aware It's Friday
(not the exact version but good enough for government work)
Who doesn't love a little James Bond intro? This version of Dareh Meyod comes from the live album 34th & 8th, which some would argue is the best O.A.R. live album and I would be hard pressed to disagree although the live album from Madison Square Garden holds a special place in my heart (being I was at that show and it was one of my first "dates" with Shea). This song set off a chain reaction of events that I was unprepared for this morning.
First being I skipped the radio all together and focused specifically on my ipod. I was listening to Back and Forth (the new Foo Fighters) so I finished it listening to that first before hitting the shuffle button. Once I hit shuffle I knew right away that we were dealing with an O.A.R. song which had me excited especially with the release of their new single (Heaven) this week. Listening to Dareh Meyod got me thinking about the way things used to be with this band.
First off this song is about having to leave behind the ones you love when you go out on tour. I believe that the "Tuesday's coming" lyric has to deal with the day that the tour starts. Tuesday is coming and soon he'll be on the road, and it'll be awesome but difficult as well. It actually reminds me of when I met Marc (the lead singer of O.A.R.) at one the many shows I attended. It was in between acts and I saw him walking towards the bus area and no one noticed. I took it upon myself to introduce myself, why not? When was I ever going to get a chance like this again? He'd told me he'd be right back and headed off towards the bus. Sure enough he returned and shook my hand and b.s.'ed with me for a minute or two before saying "I don't mean to be a dick but my wife just got here and I'd like to say hello before the show". I was like not at all thanks for saying hi. I guess that sums up Dareh Meyod pretty well. It's those little moments that you steal with loved ones while on the road. Constant touring keeps you away for so long that when opportunities present themselves you have to take them, especially when you're being annoyed but some stupid fan who happens to love your music.
What followed the listening of Dareh Meyod was a small O.A.R. fest. I stared off by listening to the live version of Love and Memories from the Live From Madison Square Garden album. It was good but not exactly what I was looking for, so I jumped right into Poker. This was exactly what I was looking for, as well as being incredibly bittersweet. This version of Poker encompassed everything I love/miss about the band. The devil intro is epic (with shades of the live version of DMB's Watchtower), the energy levels are through the roof, the crowd participation is solid, and it's just fun to listen to. The last time that I saw O.A.R. it wasn't like that, it almost seemed like they weren't interested in playing. As I was rocking out in traffic at eight o'clock in the morning I was having a blast but I also got choked up once or twice. Weird right? It's just that I miss my band and if Heaven is any indication I don't think I'm going to be getting them back anytime soon. At least I'll always have the older stuff. When the music was pure and the band hadn't sold their soul for radio play and 90210 trailers.
Who doesn't love a little James Bond intro? This version of Dareh Meyod comes from the live album 34th & 8th, which some would argue is the best O.A.R. live album and I would be hard pressed to disagree although the live album from Madison Square Garden holds a special place in my heart (being I was at that show and it was one of my first "dates" with Shea). This song set off a chain reaction of events that I was unprepared for this morning.
First being I skipped the radio all together and focused specifically on my ipod. I was listening to Back and Forth (the new Foo Fighters) so I finished it listening to that first before hitting the shuffle button. Once I hit shuffle I knew right away that we were dealing with an O.A.R. song which had me excited especially with the release of their new single (Heaven) this week. Listening to Dareh Meyod got me thinking about the way things used to be with this band.
First off this song is about having to leave behind the ones you love when you go out on tour. I believe that the "Tuesday's coming" lyric has to deal with the day that the tour starts. Tuesday is coming and soon he'll be on the road, and it'll be awesome but difficult as well. It actually reminds me of when I met Marc (the lead singer of O.A.R.) at one the many shows I attended. It was in between acts and I saw him walking towards the bus area and no one noticed. I took it upon myself to introduce myself, why not? When was I ever going to get a chance like this again? He'd told me he'd be right back and headed off towards the bus. Sure enough he returned and shook my hand and b.s.'ed with me for a minute or two before saying "I don't mean to be a dick but my wife just got here and I'd like to say hello before the show". I was like not at all thanks for saying hi. I guess that sums up Dareh Meyod pretty well. It's those little moments that you steal with loved ones while on the road. Constant touring keeps you away for so long that when opportunities present themselves you have to take them, especially when you're being annoyed but some stupid fan who happens to love your music.
What followed the listening of Dareh Meyod was a small O.A.R. fest. I stared off by listening to the live version of Love and Memories from the Live From Madison Square Garden album. It was good but not exactly what I was looking for, so I jumped right into Poker. This was exactly what I was looking for, as well as being incredibly bittersweet. This version of Poker encompassed everything I love/miss about the band. The devil intro is epic (with shades of the live version of DMB's Watchtower), the energy levels are through the roof, the crowd participation is solid, and it's just fun to listen to. The last time that I saw O.A.R. it wasn't like that, it almost seemed like they weren't interested in playing. As I was rocking out in traffic at eight o'clock in the morning I was having a blast but I also got choked up once or twice. Weird right? It's just that I miss my band and if Heaven is any indication I don't think I'm going to be getting them back anytime soon. At least I'll always have the older stuff. When the music was pure and the band hadn't sold their soul for radio play and 90210 trailers.
The Art of Song and Beating A Joke Into the Ground
I wish I could explain some long, elaborate history with the Cold War Kids. Something that involves a sword battle, a garden gnome, and a luck dragon.

Yes a luck dragon. Sadly I do not have such story. I only have two Cold War Kids songs on my ipod and the second one is today's song, Audience. The other being Hang Me Out To Dry. Actually it was Hang Me Out To Dry which was my first introduction to the band. We were out a bar in Port Jefferson (Billies I believe... how about that for free advertisement) and the song started to play. We had taken control of the back end of the bar and were trying to figure out what the song was. Multiple attempts were made with our phone identifiers but each one was a failed attempt. Finally I believe it was Shea who was able to get the track name and band by climbing over a stool and taming a luck dragon.
Yes a luck dragon (I'm already tired of this joke). So every time I hear Hang Me Out To Dry I think of that night in Port Jefferson. It was just one of those solid good nights, and I believe there was pizza for the car ride home. What more can you ask for?
Hang Me Out To Dry isn't the song of the day though but it's easier to talk about that then Audience. It's not that I don't like Audience because I do. It reminds me in a way of One Is the Loneliest Number. Not in sound but in lyrics. It's a sweet sounding song that was nice on my lobes this morning. I especially enjoy around the 2:04 mark. I just like the way the song breaks down at this point.
The only reason why I downloaded this song was because I was making a playlist and needed a filler song and I believe that itunes was offering a free download on it. I recognized the band from the awesome night in Port Jefferson and took a chance. The rest as they say is history. Although I don't really listen to that playlist that much and at the current moment I can't remember the name of it. Such a tragic tale.
And thus concludes all my stories about the Cold War Kids and luck dragons.
God this is terrible. I can't apologize enough Shufflers.
My Ipod... the Ministry of Music Magic
Harry Potter has been a big part of my year. One of my goals this year was to re-read the seven books, I hadn't read them since they were released and never together. So it was my goal to get through the seven books before I ventured into any other reading this year. So from January to mid March I read nothing but Harry Potter and it was awesome!!! Re-reading those books was more fun than I remembered. Such a wonderfully crafted story, from book one all the way through the end. The series is just structured brilliantly. I actually can't wait to read them again, and shortly after finishing them I went through a Harry Potter depression. There were no more books to read and no other books seemed exciting. It was a sad time.
Alas, I'm not here to talk about the epic awesome that is the Harry Potter books (you should already know that by now), but I am here to talk about the song of the day which comes from the Deathly Hallows Part One soundtrack. First off I thought the seventh movie (part one of it) was really well done. It captured the darkness and the mood wonderfully. I loved it from start to finish. Part 2 can't come soon enough although it sucks that it's going to be in 3D. I am so over 3D. Yeah it was really cool in Avatar but since then it's become a cheap add on to films so they can make more money. Look at Clash of the Titans and The Last Air Bender. Those movies had terrible 3D effects and really didn't need them. But it gives the movie executives an excuse to jack up the prices. I'm glad to see that the public is starting to turn on the 3D craze. I for one wouldn't be sad it faded away entirely.
Ministry of Magic is a good track. For the most part this time in the movie is a bit comedic and supposed to play a little light. The story of Harry Potter has taken such a dark turn by this point in the movies that it's good that the story is able to break it up and give the audience a moment to laugh. The track takes that light heartiness and breaks up the dark undertones of the score. At the end it starts to recapture the darkness and the doom but for three minutes it's pretty light.
So this got me wondering... is my ipod the Ministry of Music Magic? Not like the Ministry of Magic when it starts to be run by Death Eaters, but the Ministry when it's filled with magical awesomeness. I think it's possible. It houses all types of musical genres (all types of different magical departments), it has a minister (Pearl Jam has the most songs so they would govern the Ministry), there's a section for zany muggle studies (Outkast actually it's more like Andre 3000), there's also the defense against the dark arts (Rage Against the Machine and Nine Inch Nails), not to mention herbology (Bob Marley), it's always making new hires for new departments (ummmm itunes), and I'm pretty sure it's magical. Hmmmm I wonder if this is a name I want to stick. I'll leave it up to you Shufflers, what do you think? Is my ipod the Ministry of Music Magic? I think Harry Potter would be down with it, much like Naughty By Nature is down with O.P.P. (yes that was lame, no I don't care).
Alas, I'm not here to talk about the epic awesome that is the Harry Potter books (you should already know that by now), but I am here to talk about the song of the day which comes from the Deathly Hallows Part One soundtrack. First off I thought the seventh movie (part one of it) was really well done. It captured the darkness and the mood wonderfully. I loved it from start to finish. Part 2 can't come soon enough although it sucks that it's going to be in 3D. I am so over 3D. Yeah it was really cool in Avatar but since then it's become a cheap add on to films so they can make more money. Look at Clash of the Titans and The Last Air Bender. Those movies had terrible 3D effects and really didn't need them. But it gives the movie executives an excuse to jack up the prices. I'm glad to see that the public is starting to turn on the 3D craze. I for one wouldn't be sad it faded away entirely.
Ministry of Magic is a good track. For the most part this time in the movie is a bit comedic and supposed to play a little light. The story of Harry Potter has taken such a dark turn by this point in the movies that it's good that the story is able to break it up and give the audience a moment to laugh. The track takes that light heartiness and breaks up the dark undertones of the score. At the end it starts to recapture the darkness and the doom but for three minutes it's pretty light.
So this got me wondering... is my ipod the Ministry of Music Magic? Not like the Ministry of Magic when it starts to be run by Death Eaters, but the Ministry when it's filled with magical awesomeness. I think it's possible. It houses all types of musical genres (all types of different magical departments), it has a minister (Pearl Jam has the most songs so they would govern the Ministry), there's a section for zany muggle studies (Outkast actually it's more like Andre 3000), there's also the defense against the dark arts (Rage Against the Machine and Nine Inch Nails), not to mention herbology (Bob Marley), it's always making new hires for new departments (ummmm itunes), and I'm pretty sure it's magical. Hmmmm I wonder if this is a name I want to stick. I'll leave it up to you Shufflers, what do you think? Is my ipod the Ministry of Music Magic? I think Harry Potter would be down with it, much like Naughty By Nature is down with O.P.P. (yes that was lame, no I don't care).
Lost vs R.E.M. vs Neil Young vs. O.A.R.
As I sit here listening to Haley Reinhart sing You've Really Got A Hold On Me (not her best song or the best version of the song I've heard. For a much better version check out She & Him it's sexy good.) I find that there's a lot I want to cover today besides the song of the day. It was a very interesting day for music. Well at least for me.
Let's start with the song of the day. Dharma vs. Lostaways comes from the Lost Season 5 soundtrack. The soundtrack for season 5 is much like watching the season itself. It has some really high moments that really just stick with you, and then some of it kind of slips through. Don't get me wrong I love, love, love the music of Lost. It actually happens to be one of my favorite things to listen to, it's just that season 5 is a tough season to digest. Upon re-watchings I found that I really love season 5 but at first glance it's difficult. The incorporation of time travel gets a tad confusing and throw things off course. A show that is based entirely on it's character development sort of splits and tries to focus on characters while also trying to explain what's going on with the time travel thing. It's a tough balancing act, and it takes a couple of episodes before the show re-finds it's tone. I'm in no means bashing season 5. Some of my favorite episodes come from season 5 (just watch Jughead, The Life and Death of Jeremy Benthamm, 316, Lafleur, and the Incident) all I'm saying is it takes a few episodes before it's feet hit the ground.
Any way Dharma vs. Lostaways comes from the season finale and it's a great track, mostly because it incorporates so many different musical themes from the show and weaves them in and out effortlessly. The end of the track (and I mean the very end there's like twelve seconds left) a variation of the Life and Death theme makes appearance and it's so touching. It's the perfect way to end the song because it just pulls at your heart. The Life and Death theme is the theme of all themes for Lost so to close the track with it is like putting your puncation at the end of a sentence. I remember the scene and I don't want to give spoilers here but it's a pivotal moment where a character abandons all that he believed in prior and performs an act that he thinks will change things for the better. The Life and Death theme is perfectly used here.
This also put me in the mood for more Lost music so I thought it a good idea to go into my Lost playlist (We Have To Go Back) and select my favorite piece, Landing Party. This is one of my favorite pieces of music...ever. It's beautiful. It's emotional. It's moving. It's Lost in music form. Shea and I used it for one of the songs to be played during the cocktail hour during our wedding reception (the theme for the cocktail hour was movie scores...yeah it was awesome). Within five seconds of listening to Landing Party I was choked up. I even thought about turning it off because I didn't want to show up to work looking like I had just cried myself silly. I toughed it out though and got through it. I was left with this longing to return to the Island and revisit with some friends I haven't seen in a month or two. It also made me want to see my wife. One of my all time favorite songs...ever.
Other Music Notes From the Day:
- at work today R.E.M.'s E-Bow the Letter played and I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming urge to listen to R.E.M. on the way to job number two. This is weird because I'm never in a mood to just listen to R.E.M. I don't mind if they come on during a playlist or something like that but I never go out of my way to listen to them. It's not like I don't enjoy their music either, it's a weird relationship. I can listen to them from time to time but only if they're surrounded by other music I like. I feel it enhances the sound or the song. I'm not a huge R.E.M. fan but I definitely appreciate them. Long story short though when I got in my car to head to job the second I stuck with sports radio and didn't listen to them (that is until now as I'm currently listening to E-Bow the Letter).
- when I loaded itunes today I saw that Neil Young had a new single out... with Dave Grohl!!! I didn't even need to listen to Sign of Love to know I needed to own it. You can hear in Uncle Neil's voice that he's getting old but it's a return to grunge loving Neil Young with Grohl on the drums. I like the feel of it. Plus it's Neil Young and freakin' Dave Grohl...how is this not worth $1.29?
- also while on itunes I got my first chance to listen to O.A.R.'s first single off their new album. I think the jury is still out on Heaven (not the place the song). What I did like was the return to the reggae vibes even though they were to support what is meant to be a pop song. The O.A.R. that I love would have just had the reggae vibe with no poppy undertones. The end of the song comes together pretty well, and I also enjoyed the use of the back up singers. I'm a sucker for that gospel sounding back up. Things I didn't like. The drum machine. What the hell is that? It's like auto tune for drumming. It's such an R&B thing to do. You know a guy who doesn't actually have a band to support himself so he just uses a drum machine to throw down a beat? I don't approve. Also the lyrics are "eh". They're not terrible but they're not great either. O.A.R. has always used pretty easy rhyme schemes for their songs, and it works well for them. It doesn't mean they don't write good lyrics though because they do and they have. Heaven just isn't their best work. I'm not really sure if this has left me excited for the new album. Need to hear more.
- also I just figured out this morning (because I'm not smart) that yesterdays Atmosphere song, Rftc, stands for "Running From the Cops". I'm sorry I failed to mention this yesterday. I bow my head in shame.
- finally Shea played me stuff of the new Artic Monkey's record and I could see myself getting down with it. I could use a new band to get into. Will have to report back with my findings.
Let's start with the song of the day. Dharma vs. Lostaways comes from the Lost Season 5 soundtrack. The soundtrack for season 5 is much like watching the season itself. It has some really high moments that really just stick with you, and then some of it kind of slips through. Don't get me wrong I love, love, love the music of Lost. It actually happens to be one of my favorite things to listen to, it's just that season 5 is a tough season to digest. Upon re-watchings I found that I really love season 5 but at first glance it's difficult. The incorporation of time travel gets a tad confusing and throw things off course. A show that is based entirely on it's character development sort of splits and tries to focus on characters while also trying to explain what's going on with the time travel thing. It's a tough balancing act, and it takes a couple of episodes before the show re-finds it's tone. I'm in no means bashing season 5. Some of my favorite episodes come from season 5 (just watch Jughead, The Life and Death of Jeremy Benthamm, 316, Lafleur, and the Incident) all I'm saying is it takes a few episodes before it's feet hit the ground.
Any way Dharma vs. Lostaways comes from the season finale and it's a great track, mostly because it incorporates so many different musical themes from the show and weaves them in and out effortlessly. The end of the track (and I mean the very end there's like twelve seconds left) a variation of the Life and Death theme makes appearance and it's so touching. It's the perfect way to end the song because it just pulls at your heart. The Life and Death theme is the theme of all themes for Lost so to close the track with it is like putting your puncation at the end of a sentence. I remember the scene and I don't want to give spoilers here but it's a pivotal moment where a character abandons all that he believed in prior and performs an act that he thinks will change things for the better. The Life and Death theme is perfectly used here.
This also put me in the mood for more Lost music so I thought it a good idea to go into my Lost playlist (We Have To Go Back) and select my favorite piece, Landing Party. This is one of my favorite pieces of music...ever. It's beautiful. It's emotional. It's moving. It's Lost in music form. Shea and I used it for one of the songs to be played during the cocktail hour during our wedding reception (the theme for the cocktail hour was movie scores...yeah it was awesome). Within five seconds of listening to Landing Party I was choked up. I even thought about turning it off because I didn't want to show up to work looking like I had just cried myself silly. I toughed it out though and got through it. I was left with this longing to return to the Island and revisit with some friends I haven't seen in a month or two. It also made me want to see my wife. One of my all time favorite songs...ever.
Other Music Notes From the Day:
- at work today R.E.M.'s E-Bow the Letter played and I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming urge to listen to R.E.M. on the way to job number two. This is weird because I'm never in a mood to just listen to R.E.M. I don't mind if they come on during a playlist or something like that but I never go out of my way to listen to them. It's not like I don't enjoy their music either, it's a weird relationship. I can listen to them from time to time but only if they're surrounded by other music I like. I feel it enhances the sound or the song. I'm not a huge R.E.M. fan but I definitely appreciate them. Long story short though when I got in my car to head to job the second I stuck with sports radio and didn't listen to them (that is until now as I'm currently listening to E-Bow the Letter).
- when I loaded itunes today I saw that Neil Young had a new single out... with Dave Grohl!!! I didn't even need to listen to Sign of Love to know I needed to own it. You can hear in Uncle Neil's voice that he's getting old but it's a return to grunge loving Neil Young with Grohl on the drums. I like the feel of it. Plus it's Neil Young and freakin' Dave Grohl...how is this not worth $1.29?
- also while on itunes I got my first chance to listen to O.A.R.'s first single off their new album. I think the jury is still out on Heaven (not the place the song). What I did like was the return to the reggae vibes even though they were to support what is meant to be a pop song. The O.A.R. that I love would have just had the reggae vibe with no poppy undertones. The end of the song comes together pretty well, and I also enjoyed the use of the back up singers. I'm a sucker for that gospel sounding back up. Things I didn't like. The drum machine. What the hell is that? It's like auto tune for drumming. It's such an R&B thing to do. You know a guy who doesn't actually have a band to support himself so he just uses a drum machine to throw down a beat? I don't approve. Also the lyrics are "eh". They're not terrible but they're not great either. O.A.R. has always used pretty easy rhyme schemes for their songs, and it works well for them. It doesn't mean they don't write good lyrics though because they do and they have. Heaven just isn't their best work. I'm not really sure if this has left me excited for the new album. Need to hear more.
- also I just figured out this morning (because I'm not smart) that yesterdays Atmosphere song, Rftc, stands for "Running From the Cops". I'm sorry I failed to mention this yesterday. I bow my head in shame.
- finally Shea played me stuff of the new Artic Monkey's record and I could see myself getting down with it. I could use a new band to get into. Will have to report back with my findings.
The Rythm Is Going To Get You
The first thing that grabs me this morning is the beat. This beat is sick. This is just a slow grooving, seat back, windows down, arm hanging out the side, slow driving beat. If one smoked it wouldn't be a bad idea to light up a butt and drive 20 mph around and around a traffic circle while blasting this. If I didn't have to go to work this morning there is a slight chance that I would have done this (the honest answer here is no I wouldn't. I don't smoke anymore and I'm not cool enough to pull stuff like that off. But for the sake of the post lets all pretend that I would do that, and that it would help certify me as a badass. Thanks) I listened to the song three times this morning because the first time I was just focused on the beat. Sometimes when in my car (and only in my car with my windows up) I try to blank out the rap part of the song and listen to the beat. Then I drop the sickest freestyle you've ever heard. I'm telling you I could have done 8 Mile, that's how good I am. Challenge me I dares you!!! (Author's Note: I don't accept freestyle challenges...not since the incident).
What makes Atmosphere so much better then other hip hop or rap groups out there is Slug's ability to tell a story. Not all of the songs are autobiographical some of them (like today's Rftc) have stories with characters and messages. Gasp! A hip hop song with characters and messages?! Shouldn't these songs be filled with rhymes concerning bitches, ho's, drugs, and guns? Isn't it awful what the 50 Cents of the hip hop world have done to this genre of music?
Atmosphere is able to take hip hop and bring it back to it's roots. Slug tells stories that speak to people and grab your attention. Yes this morning my initial thought was to focus on the beat, but when I played it again I got caught up in the story. Slug paints these pictures that suck you in and caring about the outcome. Kind of like reading a novel. It's a lyrical movie. The kid in this story slings drugs and is out at night and hears a noise and sees a flashlight so he takes off. Ditching his tough guy exterior he hides in a garbage can. He eventually decides to confront his pursuer and finds it's a cop and not a security guard. He pictures himself getting dragged off to jail when a curve ball gets thrown. The cop is a hip hop kid so he ignores the drugs and the garbage pale kid and lets him go. An interesting ending but it keeps you involved the entire time despite the strange ending.
I also love how Slug lends his rhythm to the beat. He never tries to be more then the beat, he adjusts his flow to fit it perfectly. His ability to match up with the rhythm helps to keep the song flowing, there is nothing worse in a hip hop song where the rapper doesn't pay attention to the beat. It just becomes this four minute mess. It's like taking paint and just throwing it against the wall aimlessly. Yes it's fun but it looks like shit. So why should we listen to rappers who are just "throwing paint against the wall"? The answer is we shouldn't. Listen to more Atmosphere, it's good for you.
Sound the Bell Schools In
My cousin Helena was out over the weekend for my sisters bachelorette party. I was responsible for picking her up from the ferry and dropping her off, and a great idea dawned upon me this afternoon as I was driving her back. Guest shuffler! I handed her the ipod and waited to see what would happen. I had the same feeling I have when Shea is the guest shuffler of the week, you want a good song to sort of impress. It's like "yeah this is on my ipod, I know I'm pretty awesome". What followed was nothing short of magic.
Can't Touch This is the first rap song I ever loved. That and anything Kriss Kross did. What song better epitomizes the 90's rap scene better then Can't Touch This. It's so freakin' good! It's one of those songs that gets better with age. I think you just learn to appreciate it more. As a kid I would play the Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em tape over and over again. Let us take a second to discuss the name of this album. Is it me or is M.C. Hammer the least likely person to hurt anyone? It doesn't make sense. Maybe the title should have been something like Please Hammer Don't Fly Away with Those Parachute Pants. Not as catchy though.
My freshman year of college a friend and I were at a Burger King drive up and the guy in front of us was blasting some crappy rap song. I can't even think of what song it was, it's not important. We decided to compete with him for a music off. What did we start to blast? You guessed it, Can't Touch This. It was epic. We followed it up with Ice Ice Baby. Battle won.
While listening to the song today I couldn't help but think it's a bit long right? Just when you think the song is over he throws in another verse and another instrumental break. The longer the song the longer one can dance to it I suppose. As a kid I used to dance to this song all the time. Dance well? No. But I thought I was a freakin' super star. Getting older now I can't Hammer slide as well as I used to, but it doesn't stop me from trying. Although a little side note here, I can now do the running man better as an adult as I could as a pre-teen weasel. True story. I wonder if I had perfected the running man if it would have lead to more dates with girls? Let's ask Shea.
"Shea, if I knew how to do the running man when Can't Touch This was out do you think it would to lead to more girlfriend for me?"
"I'll give you the short answer...no. Maybe if you could do the worm."
The brutal honesty of my wonderful wife. No what I love about Can't Touch This (probably not that's why I'm going to tell you)? When you hear Super Freak your first thought is, "is this Can't Touch This?" I'm sure that this didn't really bother Rick James either (not that I can speak for Rick James...bitch). He must have been like "damn this song is dope" (I'm also not sure if this is how Rick James spoke). I think that I might make a playlist that consists of the greatness of 90's rap. Some House of Pain, Kriss Kross, Vanilla Ice, Boyz To Men, and of course Hammer. Yeah I think I'll make this happen because I'm to legit to quit!
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Tonight You Belong To Me- Eddie Vedder w/ Cat Power
2. Crazy- Aerosmith
3. Better Man (live at the Gorge)- Pearl Jam
4. PJ & The Rooster- Outkast
5. Going to California- Led Zeppelin
Can't Touch This is the first rap song I ever loved. That and anything Kriss Kross did. What song better epitomizes the 90's rap scene better then Can't Touch This. It's so freakin' good! It's one of those songs that gets better with age. I think you just learn to appreciate it more. As a kid I would play the Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em tape over and over again. Let us take a second to discuss the name of this album. Is it me or is M.C. Hammer the least likely person to hurt anyone? It doesn't make sense. Maybe the title should have been something like Please Hammer Don't Fly Away with Those Parachute Pants. Not as catchy though.
My freshman year of college a friend and I were at a Burger King drive up and the guy in front of us was blasting some crappy rap song. I can't even think of what song it was, it's not important. We decided to compete with him for a music off. What did we start to blast? You guessed it, Can't Touch This. It was epic. We followed it up with Ice Ice Baby. Battle won.
While listening to the song today I couldn't help but think it's a bit long right? Just when you think the song is over he throws in another verse and another instrumental break. The longer the song the longer one can dance to it I suppose. As a kid I used to dance to this song all the time. Dance well? No. But I thought I was a freakin' super star. Getting older now I can't Hammer slide as well as I used to, but it doesn't stop me from trying. Although a little side note here, I can now do the running man better as an adult as I could as a pre-teen weasel. True story. I wonder if I had perfected the running man if it would have lead to more dates with girls? Let's ask Shea.
"Shea, if I knew how to do the running man when Can't Touch This was out do you think it would to lead to more girlfriend for me?"
"I'll give you the short answer...no. Maybe if you could do the worm."
The brutal honesty of my wonderful wife. No what I love about Can't Touch This (probably not that's why I'm going to tell you)? When you hear Super Freak your first thought is, "is this Can't Touch This?" I'm sure that this didn't really bother Rick James either (not that I can speak for Rick James...bitch). He must have been like "damn this song is dope" (I'm also not sure if this is how Rick James spoke). I think that I might make a playlist that consists of the greatness of 90's rap. Some House of Pain, Kriss Kross, Vanilla Ice, Boyz To Men, and of course Hammer. Yeah I think I'll make this happen because I'm to legit to quit!
Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Tonight You Belong To Me- Eddie Vedder w/ Cat Power
2. Crazy- Aerosmith
3. Better Man (live at the Gorge)- Pearl Jam
4. PJ & The Rooster- Outkast
5. Going to California- Led Zeppelin
Distracted By I'm Still Here
I'm currently watching I'm Still Here, the documentary about Joaquin Phoniex when he "lost" mind and became a rapper. Now I know that the entire thing is a hoax and it's supposed to be a statement piece, and I appreciate that aspect of it. I will tell you that it's a rough watch though (at this point in the film he just said he wanted to "smell a girls butthole"). It's not a pleasant watch. It's making me uncomfortable and I'm wondering if I'm going to make it to the end of it. He's waiting to meet with Diddy to discuss his rap career, and he recently spoke with Mos Def and Mos Def just looked like he felt bad for him. Weird and uncomfortable. I was hoping for bits of funny not pathetic and train wreck (and less male nudity). It has none of that Borat feel, it's all pain. It makes me sincerely happy that this was all planned and calculated because I don't think I could handle this knowing that this was real life.
Straying away from this weird debacle that is inhabiting my TV lets talk about Kings of Leon and Woo Hoo. I got into Kings of Leon a couple of years ago, and I got into them pretty big. For a period of five months or so they were almost all I listened to. I just went from album to album. It had this gritty, southern sound that sounded good with the windows down and the sun out. Actually it's good to listen to all the time.
Woo Hoo isn't featured on an album and I happened to find it after fishing around on itunes (which is a great way to stumble upon awesome music). It's a catchy song (it's the "woo hoo") it just gets stuck in your head. It's not my favorite song of theirs but I don't change it when it comes on. Like I said it plays well with the windows open. Try it.
I'm going to try and finish this movie. I'm not really sure if I can, it keeps getting weirder and weirder. Why did he treat Ben Stiller like an asshole? How many people are in on this gag? I guess I'll just have to go to IMDB to figure it out. I think it's giving me a headache.
Straying away from this weird debacle that is inhabiting my TV lets talk about Kings of Leon and Woo Hoo. I got into Kings of Leon a couple of years ago, and I got into them pretty big. For a period of five months or so they were almost all I listened to. I just went from album to album. It had this gritty, southern sound that sounded good with the windows down and the sun out. Actually it's good to listen to all the time.
Woo Hoo isn't featured on an album and I happened to find it after fishing around on itunes (which is a great way to stumble upon awesome music). It's a catchy song (it's the "woo hoo") it just gets stuck in your head. It's not my favorite song of theirs but I don't change it when it comes on. Like I said it plays well with the windows open. Try it.
I'm going to try and finish this movie. I'm not really sure if I can, it keeps getting weirder and weirder. Why did he treat Ben Stiller like an asshole? How many people are in on this gag? I guess I'll just have to go to IMDB to figure it out. I think it's giving me a headache.
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