A Letter to My Ipod

Dear ipod-

Now I don't want this to be considered as me questioning you. We both know that you're one of my closest friends and I value you're judgement...buuuuuuuuut I don't understand you lately. If anyone knows what my music patterns are right now it's you. You know better then anyone that I'm listening to a steady dose of Foo Fighters, O.A.R., Kings of Leon, and Beastie Boys. So explain to me why you keep pushing rap on me? It was cool and nostalgic when you played Ready To Die but now I feel like you're forcing me to want to be in rap mood. It's just not happening right now. I appreciate today's attempt of Me by Atmosphere because they're like the rock band of hip hop, but I'm just not feeling it right now. There will come a time where I'm in the "rap mood" again but as of right now please stop forcing it up on me. The song was good today but could you maybe choose something tomorrow that better fits my music patterns? Thanks for listening to me and continue being awesome.

Awesomely Yours


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