Catching Up On Posts

First let me start off by apologising for my lack of posts these last four days. Friday through today I didn't have access to the interwebs (gasp) and there really is no excuse for not writing anything on Thursday. So it is my intention to catch up on all the songs that you've missed (because I haven't written about them) here in one giant post. That's right Shufflers today is the first, and hopefully only, four day post. So here we go...


Beatles For Sale would make my top three favorite Beatles albums of all time. I fell in love with the album the moment I turned it on. It's everything that makes the Beatles great. So when Every Little Thing started playing this morning I felt a bit nostalgic. I used to listen to this record a lot in high school, and it's not very often that I feel nostalgic for high school either.

I don't know if I was nostalgic for the experience I think it was just that feeling of being there. Hearing Every Little Thing kind of took me back for a minute (actually two minutes and five seconds if we're splitting hairs here). I didn't think of a specific memory I just had that feeling that wraps itself around you when you're time hopping in your head. It was nice to reflect nicely on high school for a couple of minutes and listening to a song without associating anything specific to a good song. I don't think it's possible to listen to this song and think of something bad. Maybe it is...doubtful.


So today me and my friend Michael are heading upstate to Sterling for the Renaissance Festival. Shea and a couple of our other friends are already up there so there was a six and a half hour car ride keeping us from camping awesome. This is also after working a full nine hour day. So we got in the car blasted some tunes and trekked our way upstate.

Michael has yet to be a guest shuffler so I believe around hour four, maybe five, she was given the opportunity and she did not disappoint. I've been listening to a lot of Eminem lately so I was excited when 8 Mile started up. I also learned through this car ride that Michael is actually a pretty decent Eminem fan. I had no idea.

This song always reminds me of the boxing match that my friend Jason and I had my junior year of college. We had been drinking (pretty heavily I might add) and we had glove and a video camera so what else were we going to do? What followed was one of the greatest boxing matches in the history of the sport. Actually when I showed the video to my Dad and asked him what he thought I believe the first thing he said was "you definitely call that boxing".

The tape is currently in storage otherwise I would try and find a way to upload here. I think everyone deserves to see it. I'd say it was a pretty even match (it was actually a rematch to a fight which I got my ass handed to me), and by even I mean I won. There's a part where I hit him pretty flush in the face without retaliation (motor skills were real down), one of the highlights of my boxing career. Any way the whole time we were "boxing" 8 Mile was playing in the background. So when I hear it I always think about boxing, and the pain in my left elbow that lasted about a year. I probably should have gotten that checked out...


Not a lot to report here if I'm being honest. We went to the RenaissanceFestival today and it was pretty awesome. Totally worth what turned out to be seven plus hour car ride. When we got back I slipped into the car and hit shuffle, and got this gem. It was fitting because of the Festival, but other than that I don't have a lot to report on it. The second Pirates movie was pretty good. Not as good as the first but waaaaaaaaay better than the third. This was very fitting for the trip though so I had that going for me.


I just got tired folks... To Be Continued...

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