A Double Dose Of Weekend


(Side Note: Yesterday was Shea's birthday and good times were had. With this being said I didn't have time to write a post so I put it off for today. Combined with today's song I didn't think that either one of the songs that were shuffled could fit a full post...as a matter of fact I'm not even sure they can fill this post. But here we go...)

If there's one thing in the world I love it's music. If there are two things in the world that I love it's music and free music. Today's song comes from a free album I downloaded off of http://www.spin.com/ (the magazine that I think is actually better then Rolling Stone. They actually have opinions over there, not like Rolling Stone that believes the greatest song ever made is Like A Rolling Stone... are you freakin' kidding me?! Dare to have an actual opinion or rate something based on the music not the person who puts it out. Grrrrrr)

This song isn't very good actually. To be honest I couldn't even remember it two hours after it played and writing the piece now I was having a really tough time remembering it. A victim of free music. It makes me think that it might be time to do some spring cleaning on the ole ipod.


Today's Guest Shuffler is brought to you by my friend Ken (yay a shout to someone some of you may know and others don't). I like the Guest Shuffler option it helps add a sense of adventure to the project don't you think? So Ken hit shuffle and music followed.

I am a lover of Pearl Jam but this song leads nothing to write about really. It's a minute there are no real lyrics. The only thing to really write about here is that my ipod has a sense of humor. Ken is a self proclaimed non Pearl Jam fan (yest we continue to be friends... strange). There is no doubt in my mind that my ipod chose this song as a way of saying "ha ha". I chuckled, Ken groaned, and Shea wanted to hit shuffle again (we did out of curiosity but alas nothing will come of it other then this tiny little mention).

See what I mean about having little to write about here? I don't like to combine songs into one posts but there really wasn't much to write about, and I'm still nursing a hang over from Shea's birthday party. So I will leave you with our Sunday ritual

Five Songs I Can't Live Without (At Least This Week)
1. Irish Rose- O.A.R.
2. Bar- Zac Brown Band
3. Mr. Moon (live)- O.A.R.
4. Maxwel Murder- Rancid
5. Shake Your Rump- Beastie Boys

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