Hey Lady...

Yet another reason why my ipod rocks...

This was the absolute perfect song for this morning. It was sunny out, I was just getting into traffic but it was happy enough to help get through the suck, it's Zeppelin, I had no problem at 7:50 this morning turning it up and rolling my windows down and letting the sound carry over me. How can one listen to this and not be happy? I dare you.

I was tired this morning but this put me in a chipper mood. It also lead me to explore some old O.A.R. songs I haven't listened to in a very long time so I had a rocking good time driving into work. That's what I find so awesome about this project. There's no reason for Over the Hills and Far Away to make me think of a version of Delicate A Delicate Few with the Virginia Coalition play percussion, but it did. This lead to O.A.R. doing Hey Jude which lead me into work. My ipod is awesome. It houses such awesome wonderful things.

(Side Note: I shall be going to Vermont for the weekend and will most likely suffer lack of interwebs. I will posts the songs upon my arrival home on Sunday. Sorry for the delay.)

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