Who Wins In A Fight Lemmy, God, or HHH?

Once upon a time I used to be a pretty huge wrestling fan. I'm not talking about high school or college wrestling (it's a little much for me), no I'm talking about the then WWF and now WWE. I wish I could sit here today and tell you by huge I meant descent but I mean huge. I would tape matches on Raw and Smackdown and make collections of my favorites of the year, I was going to house shows, I was rocking t-shirts, the whole nine. Through this love of wrestling I discovered I could actually do a pretty good Rock impression (I know be jealous, but I'm not sure if I could still do it it's been so long).

Part of my obsession with wrestling (and yes I'm okay to say that it was an obsession) was the music. Come on, who among us has not thought about how freakin' cool it would be to have their very own intro music? I think about it at least once a day. I have tons of different songs picked out too. Songs for when I walk into work, songs for when I leave the bathroom, songs when I wake up, the list goes on and on. So naturally I would be drawn to wrestling theme music. Now when I was growing up (during the high years of wrestling, when it was fun to watch) the music was evolving. Hulk Hogan's Real American was fading and new songs were emerging to take it's place (for the record I listened to Real American before I ran Warrior Dash and man did it pump me up). I was being WWF albums with songs to my favorite wrestlers and burning them to CD's for basketball games and track meets (wow I'm sound like such a loser here). I couldn't help it.

Now this... this has to be one of my all time favorite wrestling theme songs ever. Let's just break it down (break it down... that's for my fellow DX nerds. God must stop). Not only is this a wrestling theme song, but it's a wrestling theme song sung by fuckin' Motorhead (sorry for the swearing just needed to get my point across)! That's right people... fuckin' Lemmy himself is singing a wrestling theme for HHH (or as he's known as... The Game). It almost seems like it should make sense doesn't it?

This song kicks too by the way. It always gets me pumped up when I hear it. Makes me want to kick some ass or hit some one with a folding chair or jump off a ladder. Maybe when I was younger (I'd like to tell you that my friends and I never tried to wrestle in the back yard but I'd be lying. Many epic battles in pools (it's easier to lift and kill people in the pool), garages, backyards, I still think my body is trying to heal.) but I can't do that stuff now... I'm married (Note To Self- Contact Tim see if he's interested a wrestling fight reunion... Further Note To Self- Shut up).

You haven't lived people until you've watched a wrestling PPV and Motorhead shows up to play a wrestler's theme song. I can remember this happening three times, maybe four. It will blow. Your. Mind.

As I've gotten older I've strayed away from wrestling (all my favorites left or got to old), but every now and then I'll check in on it or watch something with my brother in-law Paul and my buddy Tim. It reminds me of old times when we'd get together on that one Sunday a month for the PPV. It's a very nostalgic feeling for me I suppose. While I've out grown wrestling it still holds a place in my heart, and I couldn't help but giggle when this came on today. I mean who giggles to a Motorhead song? So this is for my wrestling junkies out there. Be proud of your obsession. It's okay. There are worse things out there. Also please embrace C.M. Punk I'm pretty sure he can make it fun to watch again. And that's the bottom line because- sorry I really meant to stop myself but it's just too easy.

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