A Beatles Cover That Misses The Mark

I want to start off by thanking the incredibly awesome people over at Amazon for sending me a new car device so I can play my ipod whilst driving again.  I can't even tell you people how much it sucked having to listen to the radio for about a week and a half. I stuck to my morning routine and listened to Mike and Mike but on the way home and such I would pretty much turn the radio down and drive home in silence. I just can't take it. It's not even worth scanning because it finds the same five songs on eight different stations. Made my heart sad knowing my ipod was sitting right there next to me begging to be played loudly and I couldn't comply. So the first thing I did this morning was hooked it up, turned it up, and hit play. Driving is fun again.


Our second cover song this week and one done by the Beatle no less. Now far be it for me to criticize the Beatles or anything they have ever done, buuuuuuuuuuuuut I think the original is better than this version. I know, I know calm down I have my reasons. While it's cool to have the Beatles doing a cover of Please Mr. Postman the sexiness of the song is kind of lost. That's right kids I said sexy.

Hear me out here folks. I don't know if anyone else finds it this way (it could just be a weird me thing) but I think the whole "Deliver the letter/The sooner the better" part is really sexy. I can't explain why. Maybe it's because of the way the words sound together, I don't know to be honest.  It's just one of those things that just is. Unfortunately I don't think that sexiness carries over in the Beatles version. It's still catchy and fun to sing, but I don't find Lennon's delivery of "Deliver the letter…" sexy at all. Maybe a little whiney? I don't know. 

Actually I think my main problem with this cover is it comes across a bit whiney, and less wanting. The original has longing and lust in it, again this doesn't translate here. It is exactly what you think it is, the Beatles singing a version of Please Mr. Postman. That's it. There's no added spin or twist here. It's just four dudes who wanted to sign a bitchin' song and recorded it because they could. Granted these four dudes are the Beatles but it doesn't make the song spectacular. Just makes it a cool listen.

Side Note: Stay tuned tomorrow Shufflers for an awesomely exciting announcement here at A Year of Shuffling.

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