Lil Jon...Again? Aaaaand a Special Announcment

So as I was listening to this garbage (I don't know why I have this much Lil Jon on my ipod... a part of me died inside when I heard this) I was thinking of my approach to writing about it. How does one write something about Real Nigga Roll Call with a straight face or expect to be taken seriously? I don't think that it's possible.  So that got me thinking about the different avenues I could travel here. Allow me to share with you what I came up with.

1. Philosophy- I could get into the whole idea that the "real nigga roll call" is in fact a way of searching for ones self and exploring ones "inner nigga" or as I understand it, one's inner child. By having a roll call for the "real niggas" one is lead to believe that Lil Jon is actually searching for the real him.

2. Ice Cube Should Know Better- I think this really speaks for itself here.

3. How Many Times Do the Words "Nigga" and "Mother Fucker" Appear- I tried counting twenty seconds in and just gave up. I thought about going back and trying again but that meant that I would have to listen to this abomination again so instead I'll just say a lot. (Challenge: Does anyone dare to count them and report back to me?)

4. Maybe Lil Jon Is A Genius- Wait stop laughing. Is it possible that all this "crunk" music is in fact a farce and it's Lil Jon's way of assessing us as people. He secretly judges the people who buy and listen to his music and thinks that they are small and weak people who just want to prey on the weakness of others. Lil Jon is in fact laughing all the way to the bank... shortly after this thought I punched myself in the eye to keep it real.

And now on to today's BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:

Alright Shufflers here we go. I have a friend, Linda Meigel, who happens to be a self publishing author. Her first book Monkey Shine was wonderfully written and highly entertaining. For those of you interested in it please go check it out here on Amazon.

Well as I mentioned she owns her own publishing company which is starting to hit the ground running, and I'm proud to announce that I will be joining her expanding cast of authors! That's right folks I got my first book deal. Linda and I have conspired to co-write a collection of short stories (ten each) that deal with the darkness of human behavior. We each will write ten separate stories with the longest one being 20 pages and each story after being two pages less (for those of you not quick at math that means story 10 would be two pages long). The collection will be published under Linda's publishing company, Street Monkey Publishing, when everything is done.

As of right now there is no time table to when the book will be released as I'm still working on my ten (just about finished with my first and have the other five mapped out to be written), and Linda is also working on publishing her second novel along with writing the short stories (p.s. I've read the first couple of chapters from her next book and it's very exciting). But as things get further along in the process I'll be posting teasers and blurbs and upcoming stories and updates on the project.

So there you have it Shufflers, my first book deal. Just thought I'd share the excitement. I'll catch you all tomorrow and please don't listen to this song again...ever.

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