When Soundtracks Go Wrong

 I bought the Pineapple Express soundtrack thinking it would be pretty good. There was a good collection of songs within the movie (come on Electric Avenue!!!) and it was funny so these things seemed like they would translate well to a soundtrack. Unfortunately I was incorrect (surprised right? that hardly ever happens). The stand out tracks…well they stood out but everything else was kind of "eh". Funny within the movie not so much on the soundtrack. What can I say? We live and learn. Not every soundtrack can belong to Pulp Fiction, Donnie Darko, or Kill Bill Vol. 1 (yeah that's right two Tarantino soundtracks). Then again what was I expecting from the Pineapple Express soundtrack? You're not really going to strike gold here. It's not Empire Records or Mallrats. There's no cultural movement within the movie so I shouldn't be surprised that there isn't one on the soundtrack. I guess good soundtracks encompass a time period.  A sound that instantly takes you back to movie and your life. It's like one of those cheesy collection albums without the infomercial or the cheese. 

But instead today we got Pineapple Express. D'oh!

 For me this song never takes off.  It's that kid who you meet at the playground who seems like he'd be fun to play with then spends the next five minutes running in a circle blabbering, and you find he's more annoying then fun.  That's this song for me. I don't really know what else to say about it really. It exists in a world where no one really cares I suppose. It fit inside the movie well. That's something positive right?

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