Welcome Back From the Lost Week

Alright as promised back and better then ever people. I'm not really sure what happened to me last week, or what will forever be referred to as the Lost Week. It wasn't like I wasn't shuffling either (except last Friday I didn't but I can explain. The device to play my ipod in my car broke and when I got home from work we had people over and good times were had and well...yeah). Actually I blame a great deal of last week on the fact that my ipod car playing device kicked it. Tough day especially when the radio sucks and there has been so much music that I've been in the mood to listen to all day (Foster the People, The Muppets: Green Album, and Young the Giant to name a few). So I'm scratching last week from the record books and just starting fresh. Time to get things back on track and stopping with these half assed posts.

(couldn't find a video of the song so here is a link where you can download it for free instead http://www.oarsa.org/features/viewsong.php?songID=109 )

First off I love this song. I think I have four to five different versions of it on my ipod (Allman Brothers obviously and I know there's a Dave Matthews Band version on there some where too and probably one that I'm forgetting). You see the cool thing about O.A.R. live shows is that you usually get a pretty cool cover. Having seen them nine times I've heard some really good ones. I've got to see them do Pearl Jam's Release (oh.my.god.), U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday and With or Without You, Zeppelin's Fool In the Rain, and one of my personal favorites Billy Joel's Downeaster Alexa (the first time they covered it was at Jones Beach for us Long Islanders). Back in the days when I was constantly trading for shows I would some times base what shows to trade for on the covers that were performed. This particular show drew me in because of Melissa.

I have this thing with songs named after ladies where I want to name my future daughter that name so I can sing said song to them when they're a baby (insert awwwww here or gag your choice). I had the same thing with Bob Marley's Kaya. I just loved the idea of naming my daughter Kaya and singing her that song. For those wondering Shea has totally voted down the name Kaya but I'm still allowed to sing said song to future daughter if I choose. I don't know it'll just seem weird now don't you think?

Totally besides the point I love this version of Melissa. Over the last month and my rekindling with O.A.R. I've really grown to love the voice of Marc Roberage. I've always appreciated it and I love how into the music he gets, but I don't know if I ever realised before how great his voice is. There's evidence of that in this cover of Melissa. It's just such a tender moment, and I wish I was at that show. It would have been such a great song choice to transition into something like I Feel Home. I love those quiet moments in shows that bring things in and softens out the show. Sometimes that's where you find the best concert moments.

My homework assignment for you tonight Shufflers is go on itunes or You Tube and find your favorite version of Melissa. If you don't mind so much please feel free to post whatever version you may find here in the comments. I'm always looking for new versions of great songs to listen to.

It's good to be back.

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