Hell Yes 90's Aerosmith, Hell Yes

Where does one begin to start with 90's Aerosmith. Wow. For me Get A Grip Aerosmith was the start of me finding my own sound outside of my parents. Livin' On the Edge was one of those songs that I fell in love with instantly, and memorized it and sung it every chance I had, and started to realise that I could like my own bands and didn't just have to listen to what my parents were pumping. While Aerosmith didn't really fit the alternative music I was going to start listening to I never pushed them aside. In fact I was proud of my love for all things Aerosmith.

Let's be honest here too people, Aerosmith helped make the music video awesome! Yeah I said. That string of videos (including Cryin' here) staring Alicia Silverstone were incredible. She was smokin' and everyone wanted to see Aerosmith's videos because she was in them (come on need I say how hot she was on the bike in Amazing and her and Live Tyler in Crazy? Do I people?). Watching these videos now they just glow with 90's excellence, but back then they were the shit. (Side Note 1 For LOST Fans: The person who steals her bag in the diner is none other than Sawyer himself) (Side Note 2- the video version of the song is actually longer then the studio cut because they liked the footage they shot so much. Thank you Pop Up Video. Wow does anyone remember that?)

I love Cryin'. Everything about it from those opening chords to the harmonica solo to the screamin' it's one of those songs that just makes me think how exciting it was to listen to Get A Grip with my head phones on. Aerosmith helped introduce me to a lot of other classic rock bands that the grunge music was missing out on (don't get me wrong with grunge I learned of the Pixies, Sonic Youth, and the Ramones but with Aerosmith I learned of the Who's Tommy or some random Zeppelin record.) Aerosmith opened a lot of doors for me musically, and it's funny you don't hear them get referenced enough like that.

What is great about Cryin' and the whole rest of the Get A Grip album was how Aerosmith was able to adapt their sound again in order to remain relevant. I've never seen a band able to keep a float for so long even when it seems like they were dead in the water. They save themselves by re-doing Walk This Way with Run DMC and then kind of slip back into the shadows and then bam Pump hits and followed up by Get A Grip and it's like they never left. Yeah they've gone a little too pop as of late but Aerosmith does what it needs to survive. How can you fault them with that? And even if you do listen to Cryin' again and see if you feel the same way.

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