Yub Nub, Eee Chop Yub Nub

I think the Ewoks get a bad rap. People were (and still are) so quick to jump on George Lucas for incorporating the Ewoks into the Star Wars story. Listen folks, there is plenty to get on George Lucas for (looking at you "re-mastered" versions of the original trilogy) but I don't think the Ewoks should top the list. Yes these adorable furry creatures help bring down the Galactic Empire, but I think we're overlooking the commanding powers of Chewie, Han, Leia, and C-3P0 getting them to fight as one. Also, and I'm really trying hard not to be too picky here, if you think about it the Ewoks help win a battle not the war. It's the star fleet that brings down the second Death Star that's responsible for ending the war. Now mix that in with the death of Vader and the Emperor and the Ewoks become just a small blip on the screen. Sorry I'm moving away from the bigger picture. The Ewoks are not just responsible for help winning a key battle for the Republic but they are also responsible for supplying the world with one of the happiest songs ever created.

Come on! This is one of the happiest songs ever. It's just so freakin' fun (side note it also has been my ringtone for the last couple of months) and who cares that there are no real lyrics it's still fun to sing-a-long too. Just make up some nonsense words and smile, that encompasses the Ewok Celebration/Finale from the Return of the Jedi Soundtrack. I'm only going to pay attention to the first part of the song here, while the Finale part is nice it's not as important as the Ewok Celebration. Yes it brings in themes from the three movies and celebrates victory but it's just there to me in this case. This song has and always will be about the Ewok Celebration.

I actually have put this on a summer playlist mixed in with songs like Sublime's Jailhouse and Bob Marley's Lively Up Yourself, and in case you're wondering, yes it does work. Sometimes I like to sing this song with Hudson the Cat. While he looks sort of Ewok in nature, I just feel that he really gets the lyrics and the vibe. Shea tends to hate when the Ewok Celebration is played or sung because it's hard to strike from ones head. Although I believe somewhere deep inside, where she doesn't want to admit, Shea love the Ewok Celebration. Sometimes I picture her singing in her car on her way home from work. It makes me giggle. It's catchy as hell and the best way to rid your brain of it is to sing it out loud (spoiler alert- this only makes it worse or better depending on your outlook).

The biggest sin in the "re-mastering" (again I use this term very loosely) is the omission of the Ewok Celebration. George Lucas in all of his infinite wisdom decides it would be in the best interest of the viewer to take out the happiest song that has ever been written and instead replace it with a series of highly CGI'ed scenes showing the Star Wars universe celebrating the fall of the Empire. Not only do these scenes come across as forced and out of place but the music played is awful. I can't really blame John Williams here because I feel he was pressured by the expanding "genius" of George Lucas. Maybe Lucas threatened to feed him to the Sarlacc Pit if he didn't do it. Gee, thanks George for kicking my inner child in the ribs and laughing at him while he screams in pain. What's next? Are you going to tell me that Chewie is just some tall guy in a furry custom (for the record I know this is true)?!

This is part of the reason why I shelled out an additional twenty dollars to get Return of the Jedi without the "re-mastering". Who takes away the Ewok Celebration? You're a heartless man Mr. Lucas and I hope when your time is up the great Ewok in the sky uses your head as a percussion instrument. Bastard.

All George Lucas bashing aside this song just reeks of childhood to me. I just picture myself playing with my Star Wars figures or watching the movies over and over again. It's one of those songs that just makes me happy to my core. Like I said it's one of the happiest songs ever, and I found myself laughing out loud this morning as it played. One because it always makes me giggle and two I got to write about the Ewok Celebration song. It's too bad that this didn't happen last Wednesday on National Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with you. 

(side note- for those of you who are looking for the meaning of the song please click here. You'll get lyrics and their interpatation… http://tribute4tasha.50megs.com/ewok_song.html )

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