One Blog To Rule Them All

"It's Friday, Friday/Gotta get down on Friday /Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend" No, No, No that's not today's song. Actually Friday isn't even on my ipod, but I would own the Stephen Colbert/Jimmy Fallon version in a heart bea if it was availablet. Jimmy Fallon does a lot of great things with music on his show (for Christ sake his house band is The Roots) and I really wish he would release a greatest hits of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. He could put all of his Neil Young impressions along with some of the guest spots (for example this week he's celebrating the life of Bob Marley with different guests). I'm getting off track here, but for those of you who haven't had the chance to see the Stephen Colbert/Jimmy Fallon version of  Friday allow me to enlighten you.

Now on to today's song, which is nothing like Friday. For starters it's a good piece of music (insert laugh track here). My ipod this week has pretty much shelled out nothing but soundtrack scores, and today is no different. I'm not really sure what my ipod is trying to tell me with all of these instrumental tracks, I think maybe it just wants to relax. Maybe it just wants to play some music that's easy on the lobes and doesn't stress it out too much. Is it possible for my ipod to need a vacation? Where would it even go? If my ipod goes on vacation and I'm not there to play it does anyone listen to it? That's some deep shit for a Friday.

Wow. Today is full of sidetracks. Allow me to refocus. Smoke and Ash comes from Howard Shore's Lord of the Rings: Return of the King soundtrack. I think that the work that Howard Shore did on the Lord of the Rings soundtracks was nothing short of brilliant. He just totally got the feel of the movies. Shore captures the full atmosphere of Middle Earth and it helps immerse the viewer deeper into the films. Try and picture watching the Lord of the Rings movies without Howard Shore's score. It's still awesome but maybe not as epic. Well done Peter Jackson, well done.

Smoke and Ash is a good piece of music. Any time a piece from a movie score comes on I immediately try and picture the scene of the movie. It's like a little game. It took me a minute or two to figure this once I did I saw John Noble standing above his son getting ready to set him ablaze.

(Side Note- I love John Noble. His work on Fringe is terrific and so award worthy. As a matter of fact Fringe is award worthy and just as awesome. Why aren't you watching it? Go to your Netflix que and put the first season of Fringe on there now... I'll wait.)

I love how Howard Shore slightly incorporates the themes of other characters in this brief piece. Is it me or does anyone else hear Gollum's Theme? It could just be me but I could have sworn I heard it this morning. Return of the King isn't my favorite of the three soundtracks but it has this nice culmination to it. It helps bring closure to the films as well as the stories the music has been telling over the previous soundtracks. Maybe tomorrow we can get something with lyrics but the way this week has gone I wouldn't be holding my breath.

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