Amber Is Our Color Of The Day... I Mean Song

Working on a Saturday is always rough, and by rough I think I mean kind of sucky. It holds your Friday hostage. You can't stay up too late because you have to wake up early in the morning, but you also don't want to be a dud because it's Friday. So what ends up happening is you set a bed time for yourself, and try your hardest to follow it. This never happens though and you end up staying up too late and drinking too much making your Saturday shift a tough endeavor. None of this happened to me last night though. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure I fell asleep around midnight watching Kingdom of Heaven (which was a lot slower then I previously recalled) only to be woken up by Hudson the Cat around three because he desired petting. I know what many of you are thinking... that is a pretty intense Friday night. I'm sure you're also worried if I continue down that path that I'm going to self destruct and run myself down. I assure you all that I'm fine.

The lameness of my Friday night aside, waking up this morning was still rather tough. There is something just evil about waking up before eight o'clock on a Saturday. I'm pretty sure in the Bible somewhere people were sentenced to death if they woke up early on a Saturday. Check it out, I believe it's after the section that predicted the end of the world last Saturday (I heard that it's now moved to October 21st... joy!). So as I trekked to work and marveled at the lack of summer traffic in the morning, I allowed my ipod to choose the song of the day. What followed was a pretty stiff audio mocking. Our song of the day was Amber by 311, which was followed by Sublime's Get Ready, and then it was Talkin' Softball from The Simpsons. My ipod basically threw it in my face that I was working and not breaking in the first weekend of summer. It's way too early in the morning to have ones ipod poke fun. Despite all that I found myself pleased with the selection of songs this morning. I thought they flowed well together, and it felt good with the window open. Although I was spending the first part of my day at work I was defiantly in a good mood.

Amber is a good song that I think can be a bit overrated. People fall all over this song, and granted it's good, it's just not mind blowing. I think my problem with it is there's no feeling behind the lyrics. I also have this problem with 311's version of Love Song. Is it just me or do they miss the point here? It's like they're just singing and there is no connection to what's being said. A song like this should carry the feelings of love that the lyrics are conveying, but for some reason 311 just can't connect to the romantic nature of their lyrics. It's too bad because it could turn this good song great. When I hear it I just hear someone who might be bored with the singing opposed to properly expressing their lyrics. That's a bit lame. Who was the producer of this track? Shouldn't you as a producer be like "listen guys it's good but it could be great. How about some passion here?" While Amber is a good song I can't help but hear a missed opportunity.

Even with those complaints it's still a very chill song that defiantly belongs on any beach themed playlist. It would flow smoothly with some Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, O.A.R., and Weezer (only Island In the Sun though). I don't have a lot of 311 memories, their songs have always just been there. As a matter of fact I only have their greatest hits album on my ipod, and I very rarely listen to the songs from it. The only real memory I have was from junior high and one of the kids I went to school listed Down as his favorite song in a presentation. That's really as far as my 311 memories go. I'm hoping that my ipod continues with it's summer vibes tomorrow as I'm off all day and I'm ready for the weekend.

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