Hotel Yorba is one of my favorite White Stripes songs. I love the country vibe and the upbeat feel. I feel that Jack Whites voice lends itself better to this style of music. Listen to his stuff for the Cold Mountain soundtrack for a better example. Don't get me wrong because I feel that Jack White's voice fits his blues/grunge style too, but for me dawg I like him in that country/blue grass vibe. Hotel Yorba makes me want to go to a barn late at night and have myself a country party. Picture all the hay on the floor and the fiddles and the overalls, that sounds like a bitchin’ good time. I just want to dance about and clap my hands with a goofy smile on my face. I don’t know what it is about this song but it makes me laugh. The White Stripes do have a peculiar sense of humor and I don’t necessarily think that Hotel Yorba is a funny song, but I can’t help but giggle when it comes on. Weird right? Now that I’m actually giving the barn party some thought does anyone actually have access to a barn I can use for said party? All my fellow Shufflers are invited. Let me know.

I did a little research on this little ditty for today (so I could have some extra material to talk about) and found out that the Hotel Yorba is actually a real hotel in Detroit. Jack White has been quoted saying that Meg and him are banned for life from said hotel. Of course this peeked my interest, why is it that Jack and Meg White are banned from the Hotel Yorba? So I Googled it like any self respecting writer would, and I found…nothing. The best I could come up with was a quote from Jack White saying he doesn’t even know why they’re banned. So if anyone has any info about this please don’t be afraid to share. I was hoping for some great story involving a piano and an ostrich (you know how weird rock stars are) so until someone tells me the facts this is the story that I’m going to stick with. I’ll keep the details to myself but know this, the monkey was pissed.
I started to wonder this morning what are some of my favorite songs involving hotels. Of course I came up with the Hotel California (duh) which is the king of kings in the hotel genre of music. After that though I kind of drew a blank. The only other one I could think of was Hotel Yorba. I couldn’t believe that the field for hotel songs was so limited. You would think there would be more considering how much rock stars love destroying them. I can think of some lyrics where hotels get mentioned (I’m not entirely sure I can back that up either) but there are no songs that I can think of/ find about Double Tree or the Holiday Inn. I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed about this. Shouldn’t there be more hotel songs? Is this really something that I should let plague me for the rest of the day? Chances are I’m going to ask people if they can think of any songs involving hotels until I get some answers. Please feel free to sound off below if you can think of any Shufflers, otherwise this is going to eat at me.
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