Trailer Music

I know that I've spent some time complaining about the weather being too gray or too rainy, but today I will not be making that complaint. Actually quite the opposite, today I am more than thankful for the rain. The collection of pollen has been awful. I have never had allergies this bad in all my life. Usually it's a couple of sniffles and maybe having puffy eyes once or twice. This year my eyes feel like they have sawdust in them and my throat has been scratchy. There were a couple of times where I thought I might have pink eye. Like the other night when I woke up to talk to Shea and I couldn't see anything out of my left eye. It was completely glassed over. My arm was also dead because I slept on it funny so I must have looked tremendous. So it can rain for two or three days for all I care, wash this shit away. Also there are thunderstorms in today's forecast so that's kind of exciting.

Politik fit today's weather mood I think. It was especially fitting because as it came on it started to pour. It felt like my car was being pelted with tiny water rocks. So well done ipod, you made a good choice this morning. So my first thought when Coldplay started playing was "I'm glad this is an older track". While I enjoy Coldplay I'm not such a huge fan of their new stuff. I have a love/hate relationship with the Viva La Vida song and I really didn't care for that album. As a matter of fact I wasn't a huge fan of X&Y either, although I would argue that Kingdom Come is their best song outside of the Scientist.

This live album (Coldplay Live 2003 is such a original title) is pretty good. I love the version of Yellow ("if you all stand up right now I'll give you ice cream"). It did bother me that they CD and the DVD didn't have the same track listing. In this case the Scientist was saved for the DVD when I think it would have been best to put it on both the CD and DVD. For me it's their best song and I would love to have a live version at my call, so it's a bit disappointing. I had this same problem when I bought Dave Matthews Band's The Gorge album. The DVD had the song Halloween on it (one of my all time favorite DMB songs) and the CD did not (I would later get the live version on the Weekend On the Rocks album). What's the point of this? If you're going to sell a live show as a CD/DVD package then just put all the songs on both, don’t put one on the other. It's just frustrating. I could understand if you were selling them separately because that's how you get people to spend more money (it's like marketing 101), but doing it this way it just seems like you're trying to piss people off.

Politik is a pretty good song, I love the dark nature of it and how the piano and Chris Martin's voice become isolated during the versus. There's something kind of haunting about it. For me though it's less about Chris Martin's voice and more about the music. I love how this song sounds, especially around the four minute mark when the piano gets heavy. The song transforms and it starts to take on this movie trailer kind of feel. You know one of those ones where the world is ending because zombies are wiping out the human race and everything is really intense looking and moving in slow-motion? Yeah one of those trailers. As a matter of fact re-listen to the end of this song while looking at this picture and tell me it doesn't get you jazzed up for an end of the world thriller.


What better way to start a Monday off then picturing the impending zombie apocalypse? Who would have thought that Coldplay would make the soundtrack though? Maybe I should add this to my World War Z playlist. Hmmmm…

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