Music For the End of the World

So as I'm writing this it is now 6:11 pm Eastern time and there has been no earthquake and no one around me has vanished. I can't help but wonder if this whole end of the world thing was a bunch of malarkey. Hmmmm maybe we'll have to wait until 6 pm California time to know for sure.

Shea and I and some friends are up in Pennsylvania for the weekend so I'm going to keep today's post a bit short, as I'm looking to relax but there is the integrity of the project to look after. I made a promise and damn it I'm not going to break it.

This morning with the end of the world nigh I was hoping for the something dark and brooding. Instead I got Human Touch by Bruce Springsteen. It's a good song (I especially like it around the 4:30 mark when he lets out that yell. The Boss rocks). I started to really get into Springsteen three or four years ago (I think it was the first time I really heard Born To Run). I prefer him with the E Street boys, but I'm not going to pretend that Nebraska isn't an amazing album.

Human Touch is a gentle song and is made better with the female back up singer (at this moment I'm not sure whose voice that is and the internet up here is a bit spotty and I don't feel like waiting the twenty minutes for Google to find the answer). Say what you will about The Boss but the dude writes some incredible lyrics.

Sorry for the short post today, I'll be back and more detailed tomorrow upon our arrival home. Until then fellow Shufflers, I'm going back on the deck to enjoy my view. Happy End of the World Everyone!

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