Sublime Is What I Got... Today At Least

So today marks the third time that Shea has pushed the shuffle button on our year long quest. I'm actually thinking about having her do it once a week. Maybe I'll conduct an experiment through out the course of the year to see if the ipod responds differently to her. Hmmmm that would actually be a really interesting experiment, pooling together the song that the ipod shuffles for Shea. (Note to Self- Remember this idea a month or two from now and then post findings.).

Well shortly after Shea hit the button (this sentence makes me think of Lost and that Shea is in the hatch hitting the execute button on the doomsday computer. Then again most things make me think about Lost) Sublime comes floating to our ear lobes. I notice that I get nervous when Shea hits the shuffle button. I want the song to be good and wow her and I worry that she's going to turn to me and be like "what is this crap" and I'm going to have to explain why I think it's a good idea to have Milli by Lil Wayne on my ipod. Actually I don't think there is a good reason for me having Milli on my ipod nor how many times it has been played. I understand that I lose all creditability when I confess to listening to songs like this.

Sublime was really big when I was in high school and their self titled album was out. I remember being at a track meet on a Saturday and it was raining. We were all hanging out in the bus in order to stay dry before our events and that Sublime album was very present. It's not my first thought when I hear them but it's one of them. Actually one day at work this guy came in wearing a Sublime t-shirt and I naturally said "hey nice shirt" in order to make conversation. He thanked me and then said "I didn't know if anybody knew who they were anymore". It made me feel really old because in my world I'm still under the impression that Sublime is a pretty well known, popular band. Am I wrong here? Were they just a generational thing, and today's kids have no idea who Sublime is? I don't think I want to live in that world. Am I really that old? Ugh.

Foolish Fool comes off the box set that was released a couple of years ago, Everything Under the Sun. It's a pretty good collection of b-sides, demos and alternate versions of songs (one of my favorites is a remix that Wyclef does of Doin' Time it's pretty awesome. On the flip side though Snoop Dogg appears on another remix of Doin' Time and that one...not so much). I actually really like Foolish Fool it's the type of song that Bradley Nowell's voice just fits so well into. I think he actually has a pretty underrated voice, he had this hint of vulnerability to it. Especially on more of the acoustic numbers. The best part of Foolish Fool is where go goes for that Marvin Gaye like note around the 1:52 mark (the "supposed to be now"). It just fits so well. You just know he was feeling it in the studio as he was recording it. Picture the thought process here, "Hey guys no what would go well here? A Marvin Gaye like note." Bradley Nowell had such crazy range in his voice (saying things like this makes me feel like an American Idol judge ha).

I don't like to think of  Sublime as a seasonal band, but their music does sound so much better during the summer with the sun out and the bbq going and beers in the cooler. Or maybe even at the beach around a fire pit, still with beers in the cooler. I can listen to them through out the course of the year but I find I listen to them the most during the summer. I know that the remaining members of Sublime are still touring with Rome at the mic but it's not the same. It would be cool to go and see but something would be missing. When I was in college I was able to see Bad Fish (a very popular Sublime cover band) and it was like the next best thing. If you go and just close your eyes for a minute you would think you were actually at a Sublime show. Just for a minute...

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