It's Like Snow But Good

Mixing hip-hop and reggae is always a risky venture. I can understand why artists want to do it, because in theory it should sound pretty cool. In actually most of the time it sounds like garbage and it's just an excuse for an almost hip-hop guy to blend words together at a lightning fast rate so no one understands what the hell he's singing about (spoiler alert- it's usually about bitches and weed). For example we look back to the case of Snow vs. My Ear Lobes back in '92. As a fifth grader that song was awesome (and playing every two seconds) as an adult… my god. What is going on there? Who thought this was a good idea?

Although, there are a few times where the blending of the two styles actually works out. For me personally it's not very often but I'm willing to accept that it does occur. I just hate when people refer to the hip-hop/reggae blend as reggae music. No it's not. Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, and Toots are reggae music this is some kind of abomination. Although today's song gives us hope I suppose. I present to you Collie Buddz Sensimilla.

I was introduced to Collie Buddz (not personally but musically) by my brother in-law Timmy (shout out) a couple of summers ago. Any time I hear Blind To You I think of the big 4th of July party we had that year. That was a damn good time. Blind To You is one of those songs that encompesses time period (in this case it actually happens to be the summer), it also has me pretty excited to see Timmy when he comes back from his long ummmm vacation of sorts. Anyway, I think the thing Timmy was the most excited about was playing me the music and then showing me a picture of the guy singing it. Much like Snow it's very unexpected.

I know, didn't see that one coming either. Sensimilla is actually a pretty good track (one of my favorites off the album). It's not too aggressive and you may not be able to make out all the words but you can make out enough where you still feel a part of the song. I actually had forgotten about it until this morning and plan on adding it to a summer playlist I'm currently working on so this has been a complete win/win for me. Plus when you listen to tracks like Sensimilla and Blind To You it totally makes up for the whole Snow debacle that was '92. If you really want to be blown away check out some of Collie Buddz freestyle videos on you won't be disapointed. It's one thing to see a picture and think of the voice but it's another to see the man spit "hot fire".

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