
Dear God it finally happened. Now I know I stated that the Lil Jon and Limp Bizkit songs were pretty embarrassing collectively, but they were kind of funny embarrassing. Today's song is just embarrassing embarrassing. Due to the fact that I'll be doing some traveling tomorrow I'm not able to write a post when I get home from work. So me being genius that I am decided that at midnight I would listen to the song of the day, write it up before bed, and then post it later today. Around 12:08 I grabbed my headphones and my ipod sat in my chair and hit shuffle. What happened next was far worse then watching the movie Tremors  (which is what I was streaming through my Netflix...yes seriously). I'm really trying to prevent addressing today's song but I guess my little side story is over and now I have to share.

I can explain this, sort of. When Glee first came out it seemed like it had a pretty cool premise and I find Jane Lynch to be hysterical so it seemed like a good fit. Shea and I set it up to record on the DVR and for eight weeks the episodes just sat there. Actually Shea was the first one to break down and watch some of them. It was she who told me it was pretty funny and it was with her that I watched the first season. I can't even pretend to lie, I enjoyed it. As expected Jane Lynch was the best part of the show (she has some of the best one liners ever) and I thought the Single Ladies football dance was hysterical. (Side Note: Totally unrelated to all this but Shea just came into the bedroom to conduct a test to see if I was gay. It had something to do with my pointer and ring fingers and the way my hair swirls. Spoiler alert I'm not but I find this test to be fascinating.Plus Shea has no idea that my song of the day is Toxic from Glee. Life is funny.)

The love affair with Glee was to be short lived. Yes I watched all the rest of the first season, and yes there were a couple of times where I got choked up (what can I say I'm a sap people). When the second season started up I found myself losing interest in the show. The characters weren't being developed as well and I felt that they were straying to far from what they started out as. Also Jane Lynch while still very, very funny reminded me of Ace Ventura 2. All that movie is is a re-hash of everything that was funny about the first film. It just seemed like Jane Lynch was destined to spout funny one liners and be bitter for the duration of the show. Needless to say I stopped watching the show (as did Shea for what I assume are similar reasons) and the episodes just cluttered up our DVR. Actually I think the episode that featured Toxic was the last episode I watched, but I could be wrong about that.

Now I wish I could tell you that this the only song I downloaded from Glee, but that would be lying. I believe there are a handful of songs sitting on my ipod waiting to play at a future date to bring forth these embarrassing feelings again. I have no excuse other then the songs were catchy and I'm a sucker for a good mash-up. I don't know. Why did I download Toxic? Whether you choose to believe me or not let it be known that I have no Britney Spears on my ipod. I do have a Christina Aguilera track or two (one is a cover of John Lennon's Mother and the other is Dirty hahaha) but that's besides the point. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this version of Toxic is better then Britney's. For starters the people singing it can actually sing, I know a novel concept for a pop star. Also I find it to be a bit sexier. Yes I know the song comes from Glee but it just has this sexy feel to it that I think the Britney version was missing. Maybe it got lost with all those "diamonds" covering up her naked in the video or perhaps it got lost with her sanity and the hair she shaved off. 

I think part of my problem with Glee is Ryan Murphy. I've read interviews with him and I find him to be a bit ridiculous. The way he responds when groups or artists don't want to do his show is childish. Who is this guy the great judge of music icons? It's like he's trying to bully bands to do his show? Who are you Ryan Murphy? Look at all the stuff that went down between him and Kings of Leon. It was completely unnecessary. I totally agree with Dave Grohl on this one when he says just because a band doesn't want to give their songs up to the show doesn't mean they're washed up or homophobic it could just be they want to keep the integrity of their music and might find the show to be crappy. That's okay, that's the right of the band or the artist. I know that Ryan Murphy has since apologized to Kings of Leon but I found the behavior to be lame. You've got a good thing going why are you going to try and ruin it by being an asshole? Just shut up. If a band doesn't want to do your show say thanks and move on. In the end you have nothing to be angry about as your show is crazy popular. Hey that's just me. Let the bands be cause I know for a fact that I don't want to hear a Pearl Jam song on there (dear God a Glee version of Alive is enough to make me want to lay down in the middle of the highway). So good for you Dave Grohl saying it how it is.

I know yesterday I thought maybe we were in store for some songs discussing the end of the world, but Toxic doesn't fit the criteria. Or does it for different reasons? Stay on alert until 6 pm Saturday Shufflers.

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