Not the Time For LOST

So I thought to myself today "how cool would it be to hit shuffle while 30,000 feet in the air?", so that's what I did. I had just finished up listening to my newest Pearl Jam playlist (making my trilogy of Pearl Jam playlists now into a saga) and was thoroughly impressed with myself. So when I hit shuffle I expected good things.

By now you all know I'm a huge LOST geek and usually I would be excited about a LOST piece coming on the ole ipod, but today there was something disconcerting about it. I'm all about ending up on the island but being on a plane when a track from the soundtrack came on kind of gave me pause. We were flying over the Colorado Rockies at the time so if the plane was to "go down" there was no way I was ending up on the island. In fact there was no water below us what so ever.  So while I listened to the track in the back of my head I kept thinking "this isn't a good idea, listen to the rest when we land" and so that's what I did. I didn't want to test fate and all that.

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